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Pensom Memorial Fly Last Day

       Because of the winds last week the flies were postponed till today Nov. 25, 2000. I arrived at my cousin's house about 6:45am. When we made it to randy Gibson's house the crowed was milling around the yard a weighting the release of the birds.  
    Randy's birds put on a good show and made 593 for top score of the day. Next we went to John Van Broek's house where we saw a score of 130 and some very nice birds. After John was Tim Decker with a score of 292,  I was trying to take a picture of  each person by his cage but for some reason I missed Tim and just got the cages. Sorry Tim. Then came Marshall Duncan who scored 109. From there we went to Robert Parker's and saw a hawk chase away Robert's points. Now Joe Bowers on the other hand did all right with a score of 399 he came in second for the day. Last to fly was J J Ransom with a score of 90.

     After looking up all day at pigeons flying it was time to eat so we went to lunch, laughed and talked about pigeons while we ate. Hope to see you all on the next fly.     Terry
