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The Wild Lupe Plains
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Who's the best couple? Well they are listed here!

Do you think your pet and its mate deserve to be in this spot? Well send the following:
A story how they met from both pets
If they have pups
Likes and Dislikes from both pets
Favorite thing to do everyday on neopets
Send all this to nellygurl1

And the winners are:

Their Story:

Zyhanif met arizona_gold_shine, the
female spotted Pteri on none other than
The Wild Lupe Plains dating service.
They went on their first date at Krawk
Island. Zyhanif brought roses to arizona
and from that moment on it was clear that
the two would be in love forever more.
They are still currently dating.
Zyhanif nervously moved forward to the
beautiful Spotted Pteri, not knowing in his mind if
she'd find him suitable for her love or not. Arizona
looked at him and smiled. She was sitting on a bench
near the harbor at Mystery Island. Zyhanif was
planning on taking her out to a nice dinner at Krawk
Island for their first date. Zyhanif gave her the
flower and commented on her beautiful appearance. Later, that night after eating their dinners, they
kissed each other - and from that moment on, they have loved each other forever more.
