My name is Tara and I am grateful for this opportunity to share my life with you.
I am inspired by your courage - I recognize the difficulty in your decision to choose adoption, and I respect your strength and selflessness. Adoption is an incredible act of love.
In May of 1997, I was blessed with the adoption of the most beautiful baby girl, Madison Kendall. Her birthfamily is an integral part of our lives; it is truly a magical relationship. Madison’s birthmother Nikki is like a daughter to me, and we remain in close contact. I was in the delivery room for Madison’s birth - what an amazing experience for Nikki and I to share! Open Adoption has been the most rewarding experience of my life!
In December of 1999, I was blessed with the adoption of my son Hunter Mitchell. I haven't had the opportunity yet to meet his birthfamily - but I hope one day they will accept my invitation to join our family and establish whatever relationship they feel comfortable with. I continue to send letters and pictures to Hunter’s birthmother via the placing attorney, and I continue to pray for a response.
Madison and Hunter are being raised to embrace adoption as part of their identity. They both know how much their birthparents love them. They know that God brought them to me through adoption, and that they share adoption as a bond as brother and sister. They understand how they grew in their mother’s tummies, and how they also grew within my heart. In our family, adoption is something miraculous and something to be celebrated.
I graduated from college with a double major in psychology and sociology. Before adopting Madison, I was the Director of Training for a large computer company. When I began my journey to share in Madison's birth, I resigned my position to become a stay-at-home-Mom. I thank God every day for this wonderful opportunity. How would I describe myself? I am outgoing, honest, compassionate and trustworthy - with a real zest for life.
I believe that love, patience, understanding, support, guidance and encouragement are the cornerstones of a child's development. I know that example carries so much more impact than words - and I strive to continue my life honestly and morally.
I believe that children need a structured environment to grow to their fullest potential - but I also know that too much structure can be stifling. I endeavor to find the perfect balance.
I firmly believe that children cannot get too much love, time or attention from their parents. I treasure each moment we spend together as a family, and hope to add one more child to my list of blessings. I think it is crucial for a child to have siblings to love, and to share all the experiences life has to offer.
I believe in the importance of religion and I am raising my children in the Catholic Church. I also believe strongly in the importance of education. I will provide every opportunity for my children's education and future, and will offer endless support and encouragement to make their dreams come true (no matter what their dreams may be).
I would also like to tell you a bit about our home in the country. It’s a 5-bedroom house in a neighborhood nestled between two horse farms. Most of my neighbors have young children, so there is never a dull (or quiet) moment! What a wonderful environment for my children to grow – so much fresh air, sunshine and room to RUN! This is my dream home – I designed it to be large and open – with lots of room for family, friends and entertaining. I have a finished basement, complete with a large playroom for the kids. I want their childhood to be filled with fun, and a time they always remember and cherish. I want to provide them with every opportunity under the sun.
I hope that we have given you some insight into my family, my life, and my beliefs in adoption. I have so much room in my heart - and in our home, and I want share it all with one more child. I know that this final adoption will be the most precious - this child will be cherished - this child will be the baby of our family.
I wish you strength and courage in facing this difficult decision, and above all else I pray that you find peace in your heart. May God bless you always.