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JALS Sisterhood Cayleigh Home My Love Extra, Extra E-Mail Me!

I am blessed with many wonderful friends and this part of my webpage is dedicated to home and school friends. Don't worry if you aren't on here. It just means I didn't have any available pictures of you to put on. I love you all, you make my world a happier place! More pictures to come! 

This is Aimee, my very last college roommate. She and I became fast friends the moment we met and soon after that we became best friends. She's such an awesome person with an incredible personality and such a loving heart. Aimee, I am glad you entered my life and I am so very glad to call you my "soul mate friend" as you put it.

aimee3.jpg (33630 bytes)    aimee5.jpg (39062 bytes) 


These are other friends of mine from various occasions. Click on them to view the bigger picture.

NYCgroup.jpg(15688 bytes)    prettyamy.jpg(15688 bytes)    joeandme.jpg(15688 bytes)