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Home Cayleigh My Friends My Love Extra, Extra E-Mail Me!

I have three best friends from high school, and they are three of the most wonderful friends I ahve ever had. I couldn't have picked any better women to be in my life. may be wondering what JALS stands for. Well... I'll tell you. In summer of 2002 Jen, Lindsey and I decided that we should have a sisterhood like the Ya-Ya's and our own special holiday. We called Ange and she agreed. JALS is the four of our initials put together to form our sisterhood.


This is Jen, the "J" in JALS. She's fun loving and a little wacky at times. Jen is a great listener, is always there for a friend when needed. She gives awesome advice and is not one to judge anyone or anything.

This is Ange, the "A" in JALS. She's the "Momma" of the group in more ways then one. Since she has a child she has a way of giving motherly advice to her friends. She, like all of the JALS, is a protector of all she holds dear. She's there when her friends need her, and does what she can to help.

This is Lindsey, the "L" of the JALS. She's a great listener, and the rebel of the group. She always finds a way to turn a bad situation around and can always make you laugh. She has a great sense of humor and can be weird sometimes,but that is all part of the Lindsey charm. Come August she is going to be a momma too!

This is me, Stephanie. I am the "S" in JALS. I am always there for a friend, and the worrier of the group. I love to listen to my friends and help them with their problems whenever I can. I am loyal to the end, and I wont ever betray the ones I love.

These are pictures from August in Jen's kitchen and then of Jen Ange and I at the parking lot before a John Mayer concert.

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These are pictures from Ange and Marc's wedding shower in June.

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These are the wedding pictures!

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