**Update: New Layout for the site! It doesn't have a background image, so hopefully it will work for all browsers and i won't get messages telling me about the no-repeat background tag. So this new layout will work for everyone, it's pretty simple. I also DID add the no-repeat tag to the layouts that have background images, but they still won't look right for those of you they had been repeating for in the past. It's because my browser is a different size then yours, and i create them how i see them, and they all look(ed) right in my browser. *shrug* I'm going to try not to use background images as much though, since they work differently in all browsers.** 4-21-03 Added a neat Christina Aguilera Fighter layout that has shots of her eyes from the video. 4-07-03 2 Finch layouts, a Christina Aguilera layout (white & teal) and deleted a Christina layout (rainbowed) 4-06-03 2 Finch layouts 2-24-03 3 Jimmy Eat World layouts 2-23-03 Added 2 Sugarcult layouts & a Joel (from gc) layout 2-18-03 Black & blue Benji (of good charlotte) layout & a Paul (also of GC) layout 2-16-03 2 Distillers layouts, 2 All American Rejects layouts, and 2 Something Corporate layouts 1-29-03 I'd Do Anything (simple plan) layout added..and I had to change my Worst Day Ever layout. If you were already using the old version of it, it will still work. But there's also a new, slightly different version of it on the site now. 1-11-03 3 Josh Hartnett layouts 1-01-03 HAPPY NEW YEARS! Added a Good Charlotte layout and 3 Gwen Stefani layouts 12-30-02 Added 2 new Good Charlotte layouts 12-28-02 Added another Christina Aguilera layout and 2 New Found Glory layouts 12-27-02 Added 2 Simple Plan layouts and 5 Christina Aguilera layouts 12-26-02 Added 3 Good Charlotte layouts and 2 New Found Glory layouts 12-11-02 Changed the layout for the entire site, added 2 Happy Bunny layouts, a new Pink layout, 2 new Aaliyah layouts, and I also changed an old Aaliyah layout a bit. 10-07-02 Added two Greenday layouts. 9-02-02 Changed the layout a little for this whole site, added the Blink182 layouts. |