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[name] it starts with a “K“ and rhymes with HEY!

[aka's] kay, kkk, kikay, shey, shy, chinchilla, chilacca, yan yan, cheyenne, kai kai, sha-nay-nay

[age] 14, yes, i know im young

[sex]im a girl...

[location] san diego, cali 619

[nationality] MOSTLY filipina

[b-day] o9.13.87

[stats] single & happy =)

[school] a private school called FABBA

[grade] 9th.freshman.c//o 2o05

[religion] christian

[height] 5'5 - 5'6

[weight] 110 - 120

[colors] black, lime, maroon

[best friend of] Jason!! =P

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