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Well, I think that to a certain extent the past experiences of the person influence the way a person acts and thinks. We call it "Mental Programing". This programing is also effected by the intensity, intelligence and the long term aim of the person (if he/she has one). This is true for me as well. I am highly intense (a typical scorpian) person and you know my aim .... to a certain extent. It was not possible to tell you about all my good and bad experiences. This is because of two reasons. First, we (you and me) dont have enough time. Secondly, there are many things better not said. Not because they are good or bad but due to the very fact that they are not meant to be interpreted but to be experienced and appriciated by the individual itself. So even if you strongly disagree with me, I have got no complaints whatsoever. Afterall we are two different individuals. Lets get along, make this world a better place to live. If you still disagree, its cool BUT IF you have started to hate me, please scroll down


Your Problem Buddy!


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