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No Limitation
By: K. Blood

In the beginning was the word. So goes the poetic and profound statement in the Bible. In half down words, it sums up the whole of creation. Look around you. Nothing from the wheel to the jet plane was ever crafted by human beings that did not first find existence in a word; a thought; a concept; an intangible seed of energy spirit.

This is the simple truth. Preachers have preached it, philosophers have proclaimed it and science has proved it. Plato called these words "ideas" -- the spiritual realities that are the original and perfect patterns for material things. Science tells us that the beginning was the Big Bang -- A sound, a vibration. Pure energy cresting and falling in waves that eventually became stars and planets, oceans and trees. And what is a word but a sound? The very matter we are made of is a wonderful treatise, elaborated from that word that was in the beginning.

God imbued us with the power that created us so that we, too, could create a world. It is a power so near, so simple, that is overlooked. Out thoughts and words lay the foundation for successes and failures in out lives through the same creative operation that was present in the power of that first word. Out thought are the seeds that grow our conditions. Whatever you’ve achieved was a thought before it became reality.

Whatever you envision for your self -- prefect health, a beautiful home, more education, a fulfilling relationship -- you can begin to make manifest right now by simply thinking and speaking the words that supposed it. With that creative act, you take the magical first step.

We create things we don’t want in out life in the very same way -- by holding negative images, ideas and thoughts in the mind, and then affirming them verbally. When we doubt ourselves, we speak words that support negative misperceptions. And the universe will agree with whatever we feel and speak and plain in earnest. If you feel unable to reach lofty goals, you won’t have the desire of the energy even to set them. If you don’t feel you deserve to be prosperous, you have no place for that blessing is your life. If you are distrustful of people, you attract those who aren’t worthy of your trust. The conditions of out lives speak clearly about the thoughts we hold and what we believe. By harboring anger and pain, we attract the circumstances and people to keep anger and pain alive. But if we have faith in the love and security that a universe of abundant riches provides, we attract the people and experiences that support our love and feelings of security. What you think, say, and plan for is what you will achieve. Like gravity, it’s an immutable law. The universe is quite cooperative.

We have to declare ownership of our lives. With conviction and with force equal to the law of gravity behind it, say "I am in charge of me, of my thoughts and actions, and I have the power to change any negative into positive." We are limited only by our limited beliefs about our capabilities. Don’t curse what you feel is missing in your life. Rather bless what you have, the many riches you take for granted -- the ability to see and hear and speak and create. You can have it all -- all that you desire -- if you lay the proper foundation.

We are created in the image of likeness of God. We have God-power as much as the stars, the trees, and the rivers. We are both the word and the voice of God. The mind, the word, the powers that give birth to our universe, are ours. All we have to do is claim them and use them to create the world we want.

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Dezigned By: LiL CaPoNe