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Evolution and Genocide... Where will your race be several thousand years from now?

Hundreds of thousands of years ago a species of bi-pedal creautres from the tree climbing primates. These new creatures that branched out and were known as Hominids and these Hominids as well branched out giving birth to diverse types of Hominid species which co-inhabited the Earth.

To name a few of these Hominid species, there was the Pekingman, Neanderthals, Cro-Magnon, Homohabilis and yes, the latest branch, our branch, the Homosapien. Over the long time span of thousands of years, many of these Hominid species died out. Some could not adapt to oppressive environmental changes, others died of diseases and many more were simply killed off by the more evolved and intelligent species. Like the Homosapiens who were capable of making weapons, tools, strategies and killing off less capable species.

The Scientist, Darwin, called this trait "Survival of the fittest." a trait that came from natural selection and so forth and so on. Darwin's Science of Evolution was grasped by intellectuals, Revolutionaries, and many "free thinkers" all over the world; because it was proven as correct and offered a concrete analysis of how all creatures on Earth came to be, and it helped to finally free us from myth and ignorance... allowing us to move freely for once into our own future.

Over the years since Darwin, proof after proof after proof has emerged proving to the world that biological eveolution of plants and animals developed through natural selection of variations that increase the biological organisms ability to survive and reproduce. We were no longer held captive to the whims of unseen and supernatural powers imagined by the Homosapien.

This science of evolution and survival of the fittest was also grasped by many self-serving authority figures and Supremacist types who believed that their racial strain was the supreme and highest stage of the Homosapien line: that they were the fully evolved of the Homosapiens!

These Supremacist had no problem in agreeing that the african-negroid came "first" as the direct branch-off and descendant of the more ape-like bi-pedal primates. Thus, that is why, they reasoned, that the African and all others of “color” were more primitive, less civilized, barbaric, savage, and even 3/5th human. No doubt, all this is incorrect and unproven.

However, this insanity of a lesser Homosapien and a greater Homosapien was accepted by many crazed leaders, like Hitler, and intellectuals, psychologists, and doctors of all kinds who even propogated genetic and hereditory inferiority and or Eugenics.. Here are a few of these more “known” clowns and their actual quotes.

John Burgess, scholar: A black skim means membership in a race of men which has never created a civilization of any kind. There is something natural in the subordination of an inferior race even to the point of enslavement of the Inferior race...

Richard Burton, Explorer and writer: The study of the negro is the study of man’s rudimentary mind. He would appear a rather degeneracy from the civilzed man than a savage rising to the first step, were it not for his total incapacity for improvement...

Benjamin Franklin: Scientist: Why increase the sons of Africa, by planting them in America, where we have so fair an oppurtunity, by excluding all blacks and tawnys or increasing the lovely white and red?

Thomas Jefferson, President: I advanced it, therefore, as a suspicion only, that the blacks, whether orignally a distinct race or made distinct by time or circumstance, are inferior to the whites in the endowments of both and body and mind.

Henry Berry, Virginia House of Representatives: We have, as far as possible, closed every avenue by which the light may enter the slave’s mind. If we could extinguish the capacity to see the light, our work will be complete. They then would be on the level of the beast of the fields and then we should be safe.

A single individual has been identified as a primary source for the invention of the doctrine of racial inferiority. The creation of this myth was fabricated in 1795 by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, a professor at Gottingen University, Germany. He was the first to publicize the term “caucasian” which he used for the first time in his book DeGeneris Humani Varietate Nativa in 1795 where he claimed the “Caucasian to be the superior race.”

This line of thought helped fuel and justify slavery, colonization, genocide, and the unabashed rape and exploitation of all third world countires which continues to this very day. This doctrine of inferiority laid the basis for both World Wars which were basically fought over “who or which Caucasians” would be the more powerful and privileged and smart enought o colonize, control, and exploit those underdeveloped peoples and land? They did this with a clean conscience because they used their twisted logic to justify Darwin’s theory of evolution and survival of the fittest. They “created” their right to conquest and kill brothers of other colors.

Mind you, it took the diverse ancient Hominid species thousands and thousands of years to commit genocide against eahc other, until only one Homosapien branch of the Hominid species remained standing on two feet. Now, in an ironically repititious twist of Homosapien ignorance, in the short span of “only” 500 years, the Homosapien species have ravaged each other. Many untold civilizations have been forcedully and barbarically eradicated, disappeared, and genocided by those who boast to be “superior”. This false sense of national chauvanism, pride, and superiority, is not only incorrect, but it is stupid, and harmful to the whole Earth and “all” it’s inhabitants!

This National Chauvinism is a shameful by-product of the capitalist/imperialist system which pushes forward such idiocracy. True Revolutionaries and Anarchists are against such backward amd harmful thinking. We believe in true equality for all people of all races as one human family.

Homosapiens are only one species. One people of the Earth who’s only difference is skin deep to the degree of melanin carried in our bodies, not of epinephrine or intelligence.

Although there are those who would love to disagree, and even call forth racist scientists and so-called professionals and intellectuals to prove that they are superior. If anything, they only prove such dignity is what’s causing the destruction to the earth and our species as a whole they are holding us back from genuine social progress.

Many loath the truth of where we are all headed as “one human species” that our sons and daughteres “Will continue to mix...” To slow it down, people of color are imprisoned, purposely plagued with diseases, we are denied technology... all in a slow attempted genocide. But it will not work. The children of the sun will continue to intermingle until the only ones left will be one global family... We shall abolish all authoritarian figures and create a new egalitarian society based on mutual aid and cooperation.

Until then, I encourage you honest “sols” (sunz and daughters of light,) to look at all that’s happening around the world with a critical eye. Dare to notice what’s going on. Be bold enough to question the alarming and worsening conditions forced upon the children of Africa, South America, Australia, the Islands, and all its Indeginous children of color and upon us all... It is no mistake, nor is it “by choice” that the richest lands in the world, like Africa and South America are dying of disease, underdevelopment, and hunger, and all the countries that are doing the best are majority Caucasian.. it’s no mystery to me why we fill the prisons and why as Allen Ginsberg wrote, “I saw the best minds of my generation starving, hysterical, dragging themselves through negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix...” You need to start waking up. ARISE!

If it took several thousand years for the Hominid species to kill each other off, then where will we be several thousand years from now, if in only 500 measly years, people of color have been placed in such an arrested state of underdevelopment?

Where will we all be several thousand years from now if we allot egotistical madmen to take control of our future? The Earth belongs to us all... we must ARISE and take hold of our destiny... Active Resistance In Social Enslavement!


By Sol-Blz


It is no longer necessary to believe in supernatural forces of good and evil to explain why we exist, how we got here, and where we are going. Man is capable of every wickedness, and to rise from such a lowely ignorance, to scientifically investigate and to conquer the wickedness we allow to give rise in our hearts and to do what is right.

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Dezigned By: LiL CaPoNe