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For My Friends

I have some friends
On the dark side of this rock
That no matter how much I've been beaten,
How severe my head's been knocked,
They've been there for me.

They say blood is thicker than water.
In a relative way that may be true.
But how many of you can honestly say
That a friend has not been there for you?
They've been there for me.

Been there for me when no one else was,
Held my hand as I lay in my blood,
Wiped my tears when the hurt and the fears
Took everything from me, 'cept love of my peers.
They've been there for me.

Though I've been bloodied, I'm yet unbowed,
Thanks to the strength that my friends have endowed,
And since I am king wherever I be,
I fight for just and to be free and for my friends,
Because I love you ...
They've been there for me.

.Main. .Pictures. .Stories And Poems. .Essays. .K-Blood Memorial. .My Artwork. .My Bro Abraham's Memorial.

Dezigned By: LiL CaPoNe