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Lustly Desires And Beastly Woes

Bedazzled, I sat in a darkened room,
Brooding and pondering my present gloom,
Within mine confines such solitaire, thus,
Appeared the sylph from dark thin air.

She wavered and fluttered a ghostly white,
And sung unto me that chilly night,
Sonorously piercing my lonely heart
With arrows of ice so painfully sharp.

Nay, would I move nor open my eyes,
Paralyzed stiff – this initial sight.
Oh, beautiful was she though heavenly not,
Imprisoned by her each day to be mocked.

So still I sit on these torturous days,
Silently praying she goes away.
Yet when she’s gone, Oh! It pains my soul,
These lusty desires and beastly woes.

To see the sylph that put me here
Though makes me shudder when she is near.
You fancy me mad that I crave in this way
A worker of Satan who put me away?

I tell you the truth, shan’t not be.
These hateful urges, I can’t deny.
At night, she comes with death-white skin,
Crimson lips, sharp fangs within.

A voice that sings such saddening songs
Which yanks my soul from where it belongs
And fills my mind with horror and dread,
That leaves me in trauma, shaking in bed.

Is this all part of my miserable demise?
That I must suffer and die thus twice?
Or will I find relief by walking away
To see the door of whence I came?

Or will I succumb as those insane,
Slowly withering, feeling no pain?
I must! I must! I must endure!
Through thoughts of her which I procured.

I dare not rot as those who do,
So I make myself strong thinking of you –
Thy wondrous sylph who works for the beast,
Devouring souls in a daily feast.

Running lives so others may work,
Others like her, upon our hurt.
Loath I be for such a care,
Though trembling I be while she flirts and waves, This sexy sylph with eyes that daze –
Oh! When she’s gone – Oh! It pains my soul,
These lusty desires and beastly woes.

By Blaze187 -- 1994

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Dezigned By: LiL CaPoNe