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My Fallen Angel

. . . God, it pains my soul. I want to be there and help you. Talk to you. Run my fingers through your hair when you're feeling low. Hang out with you. I want to get close to you. I want to get close to everyone who is close to you. Whatever is important to you, I want it to be important to me. I want your friends to be my friends. Even those who hate you will have to hate me!

The Holy Scriptures come to mind where it says: ". . . and man and woman will unite and become one soul, . . . one flesh . . . bones of my bones and flesh of my flesh." I guess, wanting to share your joys, pains, troubles, tribulations, achievements, and your body . . . the connecting of our warm flesh and mind is in fact becoming "one" with you.

My fallen angel, I want to be a part of your life. I want to endure the pains you endure. I want you just as you are.

But damned be these walls!

I promise to always listen to you, to talk less and help more. I know there will be things I dislike about you. However, I'll take all your bad along with your good. Don't we have to live with the bad and good that we find in ourselves?
Sure, we do!

I have nothing material to offer . . . but love unconditionally. You are beautiful. Perfect in my sight. I'm turned on by your maturity - which increases with each day. Had you been a year younger, I would have walked on . . . Your maturity touched me. Your experiences . . . you will only become more beautiful.

I twist and turn at nights with thoughts and visions of you. You haunt me in my sleep, visit me in sylph form, touch me with your soul-force. We make love in tidal waves of darkness. If there is anything I can do, my sweet angel, to make you trust me with your heart in my hand, just say it and I will do it. Just do know I hurt being away from you.

In my heart and mind, I feel a cruel trick was played on us both. You were an angel who refused to be in heaven because you wanted to be with me . . .

. . . your soul mate . . .

and whatever Gods that exist sent you down to Earth to be with me. You lost your immortality to be with me, but once you got here, you found yourself even further away from me . . . because the Beast has imprisoned me and Damned be these walls that keep our souls, our hearts, our touch apart.

There's so much I want to say, my angel. So little time, for life is short . . . and these walls pain my soul.

Let us endure.
Let us endure.

.Main. .Pictures. .Stories And Poems. .Essays. .K-Blood Memorial. .My Artwork. .My Bro Abraham's Memorial.

Dezigned By: LiL CaPoNe