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The Stupid People

There is nothing more true than Emma Goldman's statement "The most violent element in society is ignorance." This is why it's important for us Revolutionaries to remember that whoever fights monsters, must be very careful that in the process, he does not become a monster. There's no limit to how stupid people can get. One such example is when people willingly do negative things, criminal things, things that hurt other people, "knowing" it's wrong, and when they get caught the snivel, "He told me to do it." with hopes that s/he could escape the sword of justice. Didn't your ma ever scold you: "Well, if he told you to jump off the roof, would you jump?" I used to wonder how stupid a person could get until one such person responded, "Well, gee Blaze, how stupid do you want me to get?" He was very serious too! No doubt we have all done stupid things in our lives. No one is perfect. But these stupid people are on a level all their own. They are born followers. You see, we all know what is "right" and what is "wrong." So naturally, it is never our responsibility or "duty" to follow the crowd and do harmful and negative things toward others. Even at the threat of getting fired, punished, or the loss of a check. In fact, immunity from injury and death is not worth purchasing at the expense of lowering one's self to the standards of the ruling power. There should be "no way" you allow yourself to be involved in things that are damaging to the world or to individuals. Nor should you allow yourself to be used as an instrument of someone else's desires, wills, and objectives. Fighting in imperialist wars for oil, exploitation and control is no "just cause" regardless of how convincing the argument is. If your work is not helping to further the human good and the good of the world, then it is wrong. Revolutionaries seek no value of evil, nor do we surrender our values to greed, deceit, and exploitation. So you can see how ignorant I think these stupid people are who are abusing prisoners in Iraqi prisons. Approximately 2000 pictures and videos of torture, sexual abuse, degradation, and murder have surfaced which shock the conscience. Yet these stupid people sniveled "I was ordered to do it," like that makes it all right...? Well, okay now, I order you to jump off a cliff! That is a pathetic excuse that I've been hearing for years and it never fails to amaze me! That's why this world is so fucked up. People just don't know how to say "NO!" Some people are so simple of mind and so controlled by their immediate needs that deceitful men and governments will always find plenty of dummies that are ready to be mislead and deceived. It was obedient dummies that worked for the National Guard when they were dispatched to Kent State University and were ordered to shoot at peaceful protesting students. They were protesting the war. Four students were killed. In 1971, Governor Rockefeller sent in state troopers to stop the Attica prison riot (protesting the cruel and unusual prison treatment.). The dummies murdered 29 prisoners and 10 hostages. In addition, 85 prisoners had gun shot wounds. On Mother's Day, 1985, hundreds of police armed with automatic weapons surrounded the MOVE Organization home and attacked! For hours the dummies pounded the MOVE House with bullets. Then a police helicopter dropped a bomb on the MOVE house.61 homes were destroyed, 200 people were made homeless. 6 adults and 5 children were murdered. All of these government followers were simply obeying orders as if that made it okay to murder people. I think about the 27 men, women, and children that were burned to death in Waco, Texas and shake my head sadly... of the old people who are kicked out of their homes into the cold street by people following orders, of the poor and mentally-ill thrown into prisons and then I understand what John Africa meant when he said: "The government is only as lasting as your understanding of administration. The army is nothing without people, the airforce is grounded without your endorsement, the ships of the navy could never have sailed if your leaders didn't have you sail 'em, and the brutal depravity of police would be non-existent if you didn't wear the uniform..." You just can't justify your acts by saying you were just following orders, or by doing your job, as I often hear. What's wrong is wrong and no one should make you do wrong. Nor can it justify your wrong actions. Yet many of you do just that, hiding behind laws that are not really laws at all because it is an unjust law even when it seems just on the surface. Slavery was "law" at one time. But it is a man-made law, which unlike universal laws of nature, can often be found to be unjust in application. And just because you follow orders doesn't make your action right. In fact, you are just as guilty as the stupid prisoner who I personally know who was ordered by his peers to run up in a person's home and kill everything in it... man, woman, and children... now he's rotting in the cell next to mine, of unknown ailments. Clumps of hair are falling out, all kinds of strange things are happening to his body from stress and with all that, one would think he wizened up? No! Stupid people never seem to learn, again he was ordered by his peers to cut another prisoner... and he did!!! Stupidity has no limit!!! That has always bothered me: How people allow themselves to be used to do harm to others. Or how people are pushed by peer pressure to cause harm. I've been in prison for over a decade, and I've come to see that there are incarcerated "criminals" and "free criminals." The free ones are worse, because often they have the law encouraging them to create crimes and get away with it! I've seen guards ordered to run up in cells (or sometimes peer pressured) and beat down prisoners. In one such incident, the prisoner died. He choked to death in the cell across from mine. When I asked one of the guards why he did that, he simply stated he was doing his job and that the kid deserved it. That's the so-called honorable reply I get... they're allegedly doing their duty, helping society, cleaning the streets and world from scum. To them, it was okay to shoot Amadau Diallo 41 times and say it was okay or to shove a broomstick up Abner Luimas' ass tearing up his insides or to murder my sweet sista Tyesha Miller who was having a diabetic-coma attack and was repeatedly shot by kops, or the 18 year young unarmed Dontae Dawson who is shot because they "thought" he had a gun. They're just doing their job. There are thousands of such cases. Like Anthony Baez whose football mistakenly hit a kop car, so they got out and killed him... all in the name of duty. No matter how these actions, orders, or peer-pressures are justified, they are wrong. In order for us to help society, we must learn that our business on Earth is to do it right... not to follow orders or idiots. If you want to help change the world, you must change your attitude towards it... and take up your responsibility for all living things! You can't bring peace into the world by killing, exploiting, bombing, and imprisoning. Only stupid people think they can make the world better through destruction. No matter how many credentials they have up on their walls, it doesn't make them decent people. No! They just show me that they are intelligent stupid people! The smart and morally brave people are those who do what is right regardless of the consequences. Even if and when they must go against popular opinion. They choose their occupations wisely! It is certainly not superior work to be contributing to the prison industrial complex, or the perfection of bomb construction, or lying in the media for the government. On the contrary, your service should be for humanity, meaningful and productive work which contributes to social progress. So, as I listen to those soldiers cry in the Iraqi prisons saying that there were just following orders, what I see instead is their smiling faces on camera sadistically torturing humiliated prisoners... Some are battered, some are raped, others are dead... No doubt, whoever fights monsters must be very careful that in the process s/he does not become a monster. For more on this, read my essay "Working for an oppressive government." (and I do not see the Iraqi's as monsters!) I dedicate this essay to Ms. Elvira Orloski who once worked for an agency that evicted people. She quit because in her heart, she knew it was wrong to kick people into the streets. As human beings we have 5 inalienable human rights: free education, housing, food, healthcare, and to be free of abuse and exploitation. There will be a day when we the people will change this system. Capitalist society inevitably creates a large sector of underprivileged misery which the people must mitigate or perish! See also, my essay "We the People." --Blaze

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