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Charleston Air Force Station

Charleston, Maine

APRIL 2000


JULY 14, 15 & 16th


    Early comers and locals get together in our private dining room at the famous Pilot's Grill on outer Hammond Street.
6:00 PM - Social Hour with free snacks and a pay-as-you-go bar.
7:00 PM - Dinner.  If you wish, order your favorite appetizer or dinner from the menu.  Dutch treat.
    We may stay as long as we want.  Those who are unable to be there for dinner or for the whole eveningar welcome to drop in any time you can.  The last time, we were able to catch up with some of the folks who couldn't attend the feastivities on Saturday but were available  Friday evening.


To find the Guard Club, proceed on Griffin Road heading toward the airport, look for a static display fighter asircraft on your right.  Security gate is right there and they will be expecting you.  Ask guard for directions to the Club.
11:00 AM - Time to socialize, catch up, show photos of grandkids, reminisce.
1:00 PM - Buffet is served
2:00 PM - Emcee Pete Caristi will navigate us through the memories and "war" stories from the Hill, plus give away door prizes and gifts.  Updated mailing list for all.
5:00 PM - Farewell... maybe.


Generally we have left you on your own for Sunday, however if the "Sea Dog" boat is plying the Penobscot River we have information on hand for you for those trips. 


Some motels on or close to Bangor International Airport are: Ramada, Days Inn, Howard Johnson, Fairfield Inn, Motel 6, Budget Inn, Holiday Inn, Travelodge.


A PINK RESERVATION SLIP is enclosed.  Complete name, address, phone, e-mail address, and years stationed at CAFS so we may update our mailing list.  Indicate # of meals for the July 15th buffet only; we are having T-shirts made for Reunion 2000 so specify the number, color, and size shirts you want.  Send completed reservation  form, along  with check payable to "Charleston AFS Reunion" to Woody Breedlove, 211 Maple Street, Bangor, ME 04401, who is compiling the numbers.



The following folks' e-mail addresses either need correction or e-mail carriers have failed somehow.  All were returned "undeliverable":  Chuck Donahue, George Crooks, Robert Bolton, Robert Tibbetts, Ed Cox.


    "It is with great sadness I am writing to inform you of the death of my husband, Donald W. Lobbins (CAFS 1955-56).  He always enjoyed your newsletters and had a great regard for Charleston Air Force Station.
     We met in 1970 when Don was serving in the USAF at RAF Upper Heyford, near Oxford, England. He went back  to America to retire from the Air Force in Feb 1973 then returned in Dec. 1973.  We married in 1975 in Oxford, England, and in 1980 he became a Civil Service worker working as meatcutter at the Commissary RAF Upper Heyford and he retired from this in 1972.   We live in a small village 7 miles from Oxford.  Don had many English friends and also his American friends that he worked with.  He belonged to the Western American Retirees Association, the Air Force Sergeants Association, and the VFW. 
      He was cremated in Oxford, he had a military funeral and I will be taking him to his home to bury his ashes -- that is Norway Lake, Minnesota, where he has a brother and sisters."
          Yours sincerely,
          Elizabeth A. Lobbins

      The reunion committee shares in the sadness of losing a friend and former co-worker.  We were pleased to know that the Newsletters had brought back happy memories of Charleston AFS to Donald.   Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife Elizabeth at this time  of great loss.   Cards or letters may be sent to her at:
PSC 50 Box 364(R), APO AE 09494


     Our Treasurer Ted Robinson has had his share  of problems this past year.  Just before Christmas 1999 he had his right lung removed.  As of mid-February he had lost 20 pounds and was still on oxygen and did not get out much for fear of catchinga cold or virus in the remaining lung.    Becky was also having problems with her right arm and shoulder.   Ted's sister passed away February 10th after having been in the hospital since December.   Hopefully Ted and Becky will be feeling much better and in July we look forward to seeing them at the reunion with the rest of us.


     Errors will happen -- and they did!  In March we received a note from Nancy and Bob Phillips saying basically, "We've been lost off the CAFS mailing list and what happened??" Our apologies to them.  They made a donation, the check was deposited,  they never received another newsletter since May 1999.  That is all being rectified (not wreck-tified) and replacement newsletters for August and December '99 have been sent out.
     And, by the way, THANK YOU Bob and Nancy for donating.  Thanks also for keeping us in line!  We need it!


Samuel and Sun-Cha Moore (1955 -58)
7198 - 39th St. N.
Oakdale, MN 55128-3351


     "Here's a check for the Charleston newsletter.  Was saddened to hear of the passing of Otis Brock.
Robert E. Johnson, Medic     68-70; 74-79
Panama City, Florida.

     "Ran across your Charleston AFS Newslletter. I was thre late 1955 -58. Worked in the Radar Maint. shop AN/FPS-3 and AN/FPS-4 Height. Later AN/FPS-20 and FPS-6's. They started blasting for the new tower about the time I went to Germany.
Sam Moore      55-58
Oakdale, Minnesota

     "Enclosed find a check to help with the newsletter. Iwas stationed at Charleston AFS 1957 - 1958, worked in Radar Maintenance. Retired from the USAF in 1967 and from the FAA in 1976."
George Crooks      57-58
San Antonio, Texas

       "Just a small donation to keep this newsletter coming Good to hear all the notes from former Charleston troops. Keep up the good work."
Eunice & Vince DeCesere

     "Thanks so much for the newsletter, updates on intrnet addresses, etc -- we enjoy all so much. Lookin' fwd to 2000 in Bangor, Maine. You all have been great. (Still miss ole "Tom".) Thanks."
Bill & Kathy Yarber      71-76
Ocean Springs, Mississippi

     "Moved back home to Manheim, Penna. Near all kids and grand kids now and love it! Hope to see you in July. E-mail address now: and phone 717-665-4551"
Jean & Jim Silviuus 54-58
Manheim, Pennsylvania

  "Just a brief note to update my mailing and E-mail address. Mailing address is: 2946 SW 30th St, Cape Coral FL 33914. New phone number 941-540-4532. E-Mail CLS42@Prodigy.Net."
Carl Smith      64-67
Cape Coral, Florida

   Back in October we received a check from Basil and Ann Watson (alias Lee and Penny) and we wish to acknowledge that donation.

             "Received my latest newsletter and, as usual, very nicely done. Was especially glad to see the inclusion of Shein's column. As "pioneers" staffing the Hill when the 765th AC&W was just being formed and without the benefit of base housing, those of us on "rats & quarts" had to depend upon the townspeople for much of the necessities of life for our dependents. During this period there was a definite interaction and closeness between the Town and those of us living "off base". I believe that is a well brought out by Shein in this latest contribution. Mary Jane and I were mentioned in this one. 
     Yes, there were sergeants and corporals back then. We were still transitioning to the new ranks from the Army Air Corps. No, I don't know where Arn is today. I believe, like me, he was from upstate New York, signing in from Stewart AFB which was our Hq at that time.
     As a rated commercial pilot I used to shoot the approach for Griffis AFB over the "Beck's Grove" outer marker. This was named for the manwho was the FBO at this little strip located 4 miles from the end of the runway. (I was also a member of the base Aero Club and had the same privileges as the "Buffs", except during the SAC alerts! ) Being able to use all the same approach and departure systems as the "heavies" was great! Our equipment was comprised of several Piper models .... now you've got me rambling.
     Thanks for hanging in there all these years and coordinating all that you do for the "memories", which is all some of us have left... 
          Thanks for the memories."
Bill Larrabee      51-53
Dover-Foxcroft, Maine

     "Sincere best wishes for a great "Y2K". Hope all goes well for you and yours. I'm enclosing a check to cover the newsletter, etc. Hope to be able to get up this summer. Cheers."
LTC Richard and Muriel Whelan      56-59
Oakton, VA

          "Just a line to let you know I made a mistake on our tour of duty at Charleston.  It was 1959-62.  I guss it's a sign of old age when you get dates mixed up.  Will write next month and send a donation.  We just loved those radar sites.  Please note heading."  (Note paper heading was 648th AC&W Sqdn, 1998 Reunion, Pittston, PA, United States Air Force.)
Jean & Joe Mitchell         59-62
Martville, NY

         "Received the latest newslettah, Thanks!  Looks like  we're comin t-Maine this summah - from 15 to 22 July.  We'll be stayin down t'Surry.   Hopin we kin connect up with some of the reunion doins that weekend.  Maybe we'll see some of the really bad boys from the 1969-1971 BUIC III time period.  Here's somethin for the postage.  Mites well include it with this lettah.  Hopin to see you all soon!
Bob Pare     60-71
Camp Hill, PA
P.S.  Does anyone know the whereabouts of (1971) TSGT Tom Mitchell  BUIC III Operations?  He was a Mainer and a really funny guy.   He used to say, "She was as ugly as a bawks o' rawcks," and other priceless sayings ......

       " I am inclosing a small amount towards the CAFS Newsletter.  I was Stationed there from 1950-1954.  I have had a hard time to locate anyone from  that time period.   Anyway hope this small token will help."
Dutch & Irene VanZandt    50-54
Wallace, ID

         Roland "Happy-Meal" Holt was seen at the Corinth Historical Society's Cabin Fever Flea Market the last of February and opened his wallet and gave Pauline a donation toward the CAFS Newsletter.  Thank  you again for the $$$.   He says that one of these flea markets Helen and he will come and sell the nearly 300 Happy Meal toys he's collected!

        "Bob was wondering why we have not received any newsletters. ...  since May 1999.   We are planning on coming for the reunion and if you could send what we need it would be appreciated.   I'm sure we need reservations, etc.,  and you will need an approximate number for each event.   We are very much looking forward to the reunion.   It's always heart warming to see old friends."
Nancy and Bob Phillips    73-77
Prince George, VA


       Through the internet we have found a couple more from "The Hill":

       Ed Redd, RR1, Box 78, Moline, Kansas 67353,  says,  "I worked with Archie Fairbrother, John Clements.   Also worked in MCC with Jack Lamphere.   I located Leon Snyder who was there the same time I was and sent him the web Page.  Sure will be good to hear from some of the old troops.  If things work out we are going to try for the reunion.  Phone 316-647-3530."

         Bill Johnson called Woody.  He lives in Swanville, Maine.    Mailing address: RR3 Box 1082, Belfast, Maine 04915.  He was at CAFS Nov 60 - Jun 62.   He has no e-mail but phone number is 207-338-0491.

        It's always exciting to find more CAFSers and anticipate they will be able to make contact with morew of their old friends through the Newsletter and roster of names.

by Cpl Arn Shein
(This was Arn's fIrst column for the Observer and was published February 14, 1952, Valentines Day.) 

     (This weekly column is written with the sincere hope that it will make for better understanding and a warm relationship between the friendly peoples of Dover-Foxcroft and the Airmen of Charleston Hill)
         With better then 5% of Charleston Hill's enlisted personnel and airmen residing at Dover-Foxcroft,  and the balance spending a good deal of their spare time in this community,  it seems appropriate that  the residents of the town become acquainted with these men by name as well as by sight.
       Ranging from Major Sydney L. Neal, the 765th Squadron's Commanding Officer, to a trio of corporals, 11 men in all, along with their families, now call Dover-Foxcroft their home. In additionto the Neals are Captain & Mrs. John W. Anderson, Captain & Mrs. Donal R. Judge, and 2nd Lt and Mrs. William O. Baker.
           TSgt and Mrs. Irving Cohen head the list of Dover-Foxcroft airmen with SSGT and Mrs. Gerald McKay and SSgt and Mrs. Henry Gunter rounding out the list of first 3 graders. Other familiar faces seen around town belong to Sgt and Mrs. Bill Larrabee, Cpl and Mrs. Merle Abbott, Cpl and Mrs. Charles Kalbfield, and yours truly and his lovely wife.
            The community has grown close to the hearts of each and every Hillman, however, as indicated by their extracurricula activities here.
            WIthin the last few months, several plays have been performed by the men in our outfit here, and at this very moment, a minstrel show is being planned. 
            A big item in the squadropn is bowling, as officers and airmen meet each Monday and Thursday evenings at Central Bowling Alleys. 
            Other activities, along with news from Atop the Hill will be noted in future columns. As for now, our only hope is that you folks things half as highly of us as we do of you!

            " A bit late in sending this donation to help with the newsletter. So here it is. Keep up the good work with newsletter. Suggested boat ride on the Penobscot River on the "Sea Dog" if it's still in service. Or trip to Moosehead Lake and maybe a boat ride on the "Katahdin". Just some things to think about. Had some good luck in this area for reunions at VFW and American Legion. At present time it looks good for Irma and me to attend reunion in mid-July 00. So hope to see you all then."
Robbie & Irma Robertson       66-68
Winchester, Virgina

            "Enclosed is a check to be used toward the cost of producing and distributing the newsletter. Thank you for all of the work you do to make the newsletter happen! Also, the post office changed our zip code to 80634."
Louise & Robert Murcek      51-52
Greely Colorado

Current and former service members and DOD civillians are eligible for certificates honoring them for their parts in winning the Cold War. Apply via Internet,e-mail at fax 703-275-6749 or mail requests to Cold War Recognition, 4035 Ridge Top Rd, Suite 400, Fairfax VA 22030. You must present a photocopy (no originals) opf proof of service between 9/2/45 and 12/26/91.

        REMEMBER ....

                    FOR JULY 15 BUFFET 
                              IS JULY 3, 2000

                    MEET NEW FRIENDS... 
                              AND ENJOY MAINE !



Archives: Charleston AF Station Newsletters online:
May 2002 | Jan 2002 | Sep 2001 | April 2001  | Oct 2000 |April 2000 | Oct 1999 | May 1999 | Dec1998 | Oct 1998


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