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Meredy, Animal-Lover Extraordinaire!
Hamster Gallery
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Here are bios of our main hammy friends.

Bear This is Bear, the guy who started it all. We (My sister and I) found him in April 99 at a petco. He had been brought back after being injured in a fight. We adopted him, even though he was missing most of one ear and a lot of toes. He was a GREAT hamster, especially because he didn't bite. He sired a litter of 9 pups with Mindy in Sept. 99, and they all lived to be adopted. Unfortunately, Bear left us about a year after we got him. We miss him, he was a good hammy.
Mindy We got Mindy at Hollywood PetStar by careful persuasion of our mother in the summer of 99. She was an excellent mother to 9 pups and she never bit anyone. We had her for about two years and then she died. I was very sad because she was so beautiful and produced such wonderful babies. I miss her very much.
Eddy Eddy is a result of Mindy and Bear and he is a very good hammy. Born on Sept. 18th, 1999, Eddy has never bitten anyone and loves to climb in his cage. Unfortunately, Eddy was attacked by a dog that I was taking care of for a friend. He is ok, but one of his back legs is twisted grotesquely. However, he is still an avid climber and in good health. We love him greatly, but fear his death because of a loss of hair. I am investigating other hair loss causes at the moment to see if the problem can be treated.
Hera Hera is wonderful. She is so quiet and complacent and is fat and happy. She is Eddy's sister and still lives with us. Hera's quirk is that she has made her food bowl a throne. Instantly after I have filled her food bowl, she will dump all the contents and sit in it. She makes me giggle every time I see her like that. Hera is in good health and I wish that I had bred her when she was younger because she would have made good, quality pups.
Shirley Shirley was another good hamster. We kept her for about a year, and she lived with her sister Angel. She is also a result of Mindy and Bear. We gave her to our cousins last year, and she died around Christmas time. She was like her brothers and sisters in that she never bit anyone and was very docile, but she was also the only girl to not have a white band.
Angel Angel was my sister's favorite hamster. It was very traumatizing when she died. She was very curious like her mother, Mindy, and very mischevious like her father, Bear. Angel died suddenly and we do not know why. She was very healthy looking and her cage was in good condition. She now rests in our hamster cemetary in the back yard.
Sugar I LOVE SUGAR! Sugar is my favorite hamster. I got her from a local pet store in December of 99. She is a teddy bear hammy and was very skiddish at first. However, she warmed up to us nicely after much cuddling and feeding. I guess she figured out that we were nice people. Anyway. Sugar has been a mother of 12, 8 of which survived past 3 months old. She didn't mother very well so we didn't breed her again. She makes a better pet.
Zeus We adopted Zeus from a friend who could not take care of him anymore. Unfortunately, he was old and died two months after we got him. I was very upset because he was so soft and nice and cuddly. He would sit in my lap forever and just look at me. I tried to breed him with Hera but she never got pregnant.
Eleanore We got creative when naming Eleanore. Think Beatles. Eleanore Rigby.... Ha Ha I know my sister and I are corny. Anyway. She is the greatest hamster we have had yet. She has a shiny coat, big ears, never bites, is docile, and will be content to sit in your lap forever. Her father is Hera's brother George (who looked much like Shirley and lived in Minnesota) and her mother is Sugar. I believe that she and her brother, John Paul (who lives with a friend) are unfortunately the last survivors of Sugar's litter.
Mo Jo- Jo Jo Again, we were creative. Mo Jo- Jo Jo from the PowerPuff Girls on Cartoon Network. LOL. Anyway, we also got him from Hollywood PetStar last fall. I loved him. He was sooo sweet. He had red eyes and a very very light patch of cream on his head. I couldn't for the life of me determine what his genetics were. Sadly, I was at workcamp last week (July 22-27) and came home to my mother saying that Jo Jo died. He had been sick, and I couldn't figure out why. I am still very sad.

Last Updated: April 2nd, 2002