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Thursday, March 27, 2025

• 8 acres with no water;
• Situated on Mill Dam Road on Otter Creek in northern Vigo County.
• Historical site where only the dam and remnants of the 1816 Markle grist-sawmill foundation remain.

Markle House and Mill site, National Register of historic places, added 1979
located at 4900 Mill Dam Road

(left)Markle Mill Site – Abraham Markle (1770-1826) had gristmill and dam built here 1817. Mill had an early horizontal water wheel in a splatter box located within the stone foundation of the structure. Wooden part of mill destroyed by fire in 1938. Markle was one of the founders of Terre Haute Land Company. Also ran nearby general store, sawmill and distillery.
(right)Old Mill Dam Restored 1983. WORKERS; Nick Peters, Cecil Brown, Jess Williams, Bill Fawley, Stan Shoaf, John Somers, Steve Flack, Mac Stableton, Dave Lawrence, Ernie Furnas, Bob Johnson, Woody Grindel, Jim Diehl, Eldora Brown, Ruby Stableton, Beverly Williams, Beulah Somers, Candice Shoaf and Mildred Furnas. SUPPORTERS; T.H. First Nat. Bank, Shelton Hanning Const., Sheridan Park I G A, Forsyth Bros Concrete Prod., Coca Cola Bottling, Dennis Trucking, West Well Drilling, Roberts Tavern, Byron Rutledge D.D.S., Michael Lawyer D.D.S., Ft. Harrison Auto Parts, Indiana State Bank, Lawrenco Steel Cons., Brown Plumbing, Monninger Concrete, Northside Tire Service, Homer Easton, Brandom Signs, Indian Acres, Big Puck, Ralph Baxter, Merchants Bank, Keys Mfg. Inc., George Hoffman, Ovabee Hoffman, J. I. Case, John Haley, Goodman Wolfe, Mattox Woods, Durr Sunoco, Bowsher Ins. and Sussman Iron.

Looks a little better with the water a little lower

Click Here for an excellent history of Markle Mill.

Eerie story about Markle Mill

Old Mil Dam - Use to be part of the Under Ground railroad. It is very haunted at night. Certain nights stuff happens, a report of a small girl stands near the creek. They used to have the Underground Tunnels open but they are closed now. If you are in Terre Haute and go to Old Mil be careful. You might get a surprise.


Chinook Fish and Wildlife Area
Churches around town
City of Terre Haute
Collett Park
Deming Park
Dobbs Park
Fairbanks Park
Flags around town
Fowler Park
Hawthorn Park
J.I. Case Wildlife Area
Markle Mill; Newspaper articles on
Prairie Creek Park
Shakamak State Park
Taylorville and West Terre Haute area
Vigo County
Voorhees Park
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© Rob Robbins 2000-present. Use only with permission.
