"At the beginning of the historic era the Cherokee were living in about eighty towns distributed among four large groups: the Lower settlements, along the Tugaloo and Keowee rivers in South Carolina: the Middle settlements, the real heart of the nation, along the headwaters of the Tuskaseegee and Little Tennessee rivers in North Carolina; the Valley towns, also in North Carolina along the Valley, Notteley, and upper Hiwassee rivers; and the Upper or Overhill towns, across the mountains from the English settlements in South Carolina, and lying mainly along the Little Tennessee River but including some towns on the Tellico and the Hiawssee. Early English traders arbitrarily divided the Cherokee towns into three groups instead of four, lumping the Middle and Valley towns together as one group and calling them the Middle Cherokee."

This was a general outline of the Cherokee Nation at the time. The Chickamaugans were primarily located from North Gerogia to Burnside Kentucky and to Nashville Tennessee until pressure from the settlers forced them to abandon Chota and the rich Kentucky lands and relocate in the Five Lower Towns: Running Water, Lookout Mountain, Nick-A-Jack, Crow, and Long Island. Eventually, they were even forced from these towns into Arkansas and Texas, while some say a few disapppeared into South Dakota. Their towns, and sites, along the Tennessee River have been mostly archaeologically removed by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and most others looted. A TVA Ranger recently is quoted as stating "all sites along the Tennessee River are either currently being or have already been looted". TVA has thousands of sets of remains but will not disclose how many nor where they are. Many of these sets of remains could be of the Great Leaders of the Chickamaugans. Citico mound, on the Tennessee river west of Mocassin Bend, was pillaged in the 1930's and the remains of about 10,000 people were bulldozed into the river for the construction of a sewage plant.

History of Tennessee; Formsbee, Corlew, Mitchell

Tennessee, the Volunteer State Moore and Foster, The S. J. Clarke Publishing Co. 1923

Town Map - large file
Lower Town Map
Timberlake's Map of Cherokee Country, 1768



The Snake Doctor

Last Update 1/07