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Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.

Alpha Chi Chapter

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority was founded on the campus of Howard University on January 13, 1913.

The 22 founders of Delta Sigma Theta, are:

Winona Cargile Alexander Osceola Macarthy Adams Zephyr Chisom Carter
Madree Penn White Pauline Oberdorfer Minor Myra Davis Hemmings
Wertie Blackwell Weaver Edna Brown Coleman Mamie Reddy Rose
Vashti Turley Murphy Edith Mott Young Bertha Pitts Campbell
Ethel Cuff Black Marguerite Young Alexander Florence Letcher Toms
Fredericka Chase Dodd Naomi Sewell Richardson Olive Jones
Eliza P. Shippen Jessie McGuire Dent
Jimmie Bugg Middleton
Ethel Carr Watson

Tennessee Chapters of Delta Sigma Theta

Alpha Beta - Fisk University
Alpha Upsilon - LeMoyne Owen College
Alpha Chi - Tennessee State University
Beta Chi - Lane Univeristy
Gamma Mu - Knoxville College
Epsilon Kappa - University of Memphis
Eta Xi - University of Tennessee at Martin
Theta Rho - University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Iota Tau - Middle Tennessee State University
Iota Upsilon - Austin Peay State University
Mu Rho - Vanderbilt University
Mu Zeta - University of Tennessee at Knoxville
Rho Tau - Rhodes/Christian Brothers University
Rho Upsilon - East Tennessee State University

Graduate Chapters

NAC - Nashville Alumnae
NMAC - Nashville Metropolitan Alumnae Chapter

National Website