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Gunung Korbu (2183m)

Gunung korbu is situated in the state of Perak and is the second highest peak in Peninsular Malaysia. There are three ways to climb up the peak, first , from Tanjung Rambutan, Perak , second , from Ulu Kinta, Perak,and third , from Gunung Yong Belar, Pahang.

From Tanjung Rambutan , Perak.

    This route is supposed to be the easiest way up, and can be done in four days, which is two days up and two days down. The trek starts from an old abandoned logging road , which is only accessible by 4wd drive vehicles.

First day.

    The first day will usually begin with the 4wd ride from the Tanjung Rambutan town to the logging trek ,then trekking to a small waterfall, which is usually the first campsite.

Second day

    On the second day, the trek continues through the logging road until the last water point and up to the peak. At the last water point, there is another campsite by a small stream ,and can be reached on the first day if the group is fast. However, this campsite is rather small, and is on a slope. From this campsite, the peak can be reached in about 5-6 hours.

Third and fourth day

     The trek down is by the same route, probably stopping overnight at the same campsites.

From Ulu Kinta, Perak

     This route is much more difficult compared to the Tanjung Rambutan route because even though shorter, the climb is more vertical, and there are parts where fixed ropes needs to be used ,as well as scrambling on all fours. The trek starts from the Ulu Kinta intake , which is also a recreation park. Along the road to the Ulu Kinta intake, there is the commando 69 camp, a convenient place to leave your name and expected date out, just incase something goes wrong. However it is best that a formal letter is sent to the Tanjung Rambutan police station as well as the commando 69 camp at least 3 months before the expedition date.

First day

     From the intake it is a 1 - 1.5 hrs walk to the orang asli village. The Sungai Kinta river bank is a suitable place to have lunch. From here, It should take about 4-5 hours to reach  Seroja camp, the first camp, where most people camp on the first night. Along the way, there are some river crossings. There is another campsite about 2 hours further up. Both campsites have a river flowing beside them.

Second day.

    The next day will be toughest, as the route will be very steep. The last water point is about 3 hours from  Seroja camp, and from the last water point, about 7 hrs to the peak.



Third and fourth day

     The way down is usually the way up in reverse, spending the night at the same campsites.

From Gunung Yong Belar , Pahang

    This trek is one of the toughest treks in Peninsular Malaysia, takes about 6 days one way, and is also commonly known as the Trans Titiwangsa trek. The climb begins from The TNB dam in Kampung Raja, Cameron Highlands and up to Gunung Yong Belar. This trek will take about 2 days. I will not elaborate this route, because I have only passed it on the way down. From Gunung Yong Belar, you'll proceed to Lembah H2O, which is a campsite where most people spend a night . The trek will take the whole day. From Lembah H2O, you'll climb to Gunung Gayong , which is about 2 hrs away from Gunung Korbu. You'll either spend the night there, or on Gunung Korbu. From Gunung Korbu, you'll be taking either one of the two routes mentioned above. It is possible to trek from Gunung Gayung to Seroja camp in one day, and from Seroja camp out in another day.

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