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La enseñanza oficial en las escuelas, liceos y universidades nos presentan al templo de la ciencia lleno de hombres y mujeres amantes de la verdad, alejados de las pasiones, placeres y vanidades que corroen al resto de los mortales. Sin embargo, revisemos a unos pocos

Científicos Satanistas

Sin embargo, aún es más importante el hecho de que hablen de que Boyle era miembro de una sociedad hermética, a la cual también pertenecían el duque de Saboya y Du Moullin... Pocas semanas antes de morir, Newton, ayudado por unos cuantos amigos íntimos, quemó sistemáticamente las numerosas cajas de manuscritos y papeles personales .... Johannes Kepler ... Su madre era una auténtica bruja, echadora de cartas y pitonisa que tuvo serios problemas con la Inquisición y permaneció largo tiempo encerrada. Kepler tuvo que vivir largo tiempo de practicar la interpretación de los astros y de preparar horóscopos ... Einstein, lector asidio y fascinado de la obra de Blavatsky, según lo informó el periodista especializado en física nuclear Jack Brown, declaró en cierta ocasión a este reportero: "Es un libro muy extraño y le he dicho al profesor Heisenberg, mi compañero en los estudios de Física, que adquiera una copia y la tenga en su escritorio".


Pitágoras, Platón, Giordano, Descartes ... y el Satanismo. (simbolismo)

"La larga lista de iniciados, desde los textos que los testimonian en los jeroglíficos egipcios y en los escritos griegos, incluyendo a Orfeo, Pitágoras y Platón, son los maestros de esta Tradición ligada directamente con la divinidad Thot-Hermes y su proyección filosófica en Alejandría en el s. III y hermético-alquímica en la Edad Media y el Renacimiento, continuando hasta nuestros días.

Kepler y Pitágoras Matemática astrolólica

Isaac Newton pertenecía a la Sociedad Spalding (Masonería)

Bien, este monasterio, con sus documentos, muestra que la ciudad de Spalding mantuvo una existencia constante por lo menos de 730 o más hasta Henry VIII, mientras que en nuestros días todavía prospera; no ha crecido muy enormemente; números cerca de 6.000 personas; .... ; tiene una celebre sociedad antigua, bien conocida como la sociedad de Spalding, a quien el Señor Isaac Newton no se avergonzaba de pertenecer..

La nueva cosmología, Newton era un alquimista (brujo)

Fotocopiaron el año pasado para mí todos los manuscritos de alchemia usados por Newton, que alcanzan a cientos de páginas...
Isaac Newton y el conocimiento hermético, Isaac Newton estaba convencido que del antimonio se producía oro

Newton un alquimista, Isaac Newton y su conección con la Píramide de Egipto

' En el decimoséptimo siglo, el matemático británico Señor Isaac Newton llegó a estar profundamente interesado en la gran pirámide y escribió una disertación en sus calidades matemáticas y geodetic basadas en los datos que habían sido recopilados en Giza por el Dr. Juan Greaves ,

La teoría de la relatividad es de la bruja rusa Provena de Blavastky

En su escritorio, Albert Einstein tenía una copia de la del libro la Doctrina Secreta de la Señor Blavastky .

La Doctrina Secreta describe el poder de la desintegración atómica

CÓMO ALBERT EINSTEIN INTUYÓ LA RELACIÓN E=M^2?, por Leon Maurer, eso es fácil. Él lo obtuvo del libro LA DOCTRINA SECRETA. En el vigésimo aniversario de la muerte de Einstein (1975), el físico Richard Feynman fue citado por la revista TIME diciendo: No puedo entender cómo la intuición de Einstein le condujo a E=MC^2, en vista del nivel del conocimiento científico en ese entonces [ 1905 ]. Esta ecuación indica que... la masa o la sustancia es equivalente a la energía y que el tiempo y el espacio son partes integrales de la serie continua de la sustancia-energía -- A. March y I.M Freeman, en EL MUNDO NUEVO DE LAS FÍSICAS, 1963. Una sobrina de Einstein reportó que una copia DE LA DOCTRINA SECRETA estaba siempre en su escritorio. Iverson Harris, El Diario De la Historia De San Diego, Sociedad Histórica De San Diego (California), Summer, 1974, 16. Chequeando esta información se supo que una sobrina de Einstein, en la India durante los años 60, hacia una visita a las jefaturas de la Sociedad Teosofíca en Adyar. Ella explicó que ella no sabía nada de teosofía o de la sociedad, pero tuvo que ver el lugar porque su tío tenía siempre una copia de la DOCTRINA SECRETA de Madame Blavatsky en su escritorio. El individuo a quien la sobrina habló era Eunice Layton, conferenciante theosófico renombrado del mundo que estaba en el escritorio de la recepción cuando ella llegó. Mientras que en Ojai, California, en 1982, Sylvia Cranston satisfizo a señora Eunice Layton, que confirmó la historia .

La teoría de la gran explosión tiene sus raíces en el ocultismo

La teoría de la gran explosión se basa en los modelos de Friedmann -- las soluciones relativamente simples de la teoría general de Einstein de la relatividad que intentan describir el comportamiento dinámico del universo en su totalidad. Se basan en el principio cosmológico, que indica que el universo es ampliamente igual en cada lugar y en cada dirección. Sin embargo, este principio ha sido desafiado seriamente por el descubrimiento de estructuras siempre-más grandes, que sugieren que el universo no es uniforme y homogèneo en todos, pero tiene una estructura jerárquica interminable -- galaxias, racimos de la galaxia, superclusters, complejos del supercluster, etc. etc .

Einstein practicaba la alta brujería

PHYSICS 221 TOPICS: QUANTUM TELEPORTATION Created by Peter Callaghan Teleportation is deconstructing an object or person in one place and generating a perfect replica somewhere else. The idea of teleportation was originally thought of in the 1930's when Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky...

Einstein confiesa que era un amante de los misterios

The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science. He who knows it not and can no longer wonder, no longer feel amazement, is as good as dead, a snuffed-out candle. It was the experience of mystery--even if mixed with fear-that engendered religion. A knowledge of the existence of something we cannot penetrate, of the manifestations of the profoundest reason and the most radiant beauty, which are only accessible to our reason in their most elementary forms-it is this knowledge and this emotion that constitute the truly religious attitude; in this sense, and in this alone, I am a deeply religious man. I cannot conceive of a God who rewards and punishes his creatures, or has a will of the type of which we are conscious in ourselves. An individual who should survive his physical death is also beyond my comprehension, nor do I wish it otherwise; such notions are for the fears or absurd egoism of feeble souls. Enough for me the mystery of the eternity of life, and the inkling of the marvellous structure of reality, together with the single-hearted endeavour to comprehend a portion, be it never so tiny, of the reason that manifests itself in nature.

Los registros de la escuela y universidad dicen que no era científicamente incapaz

ALBERT EINSTEIN Albert Einstein is a good example of another deception and hoax involved with the atomic bomb program. When many people think of the atomic bomb they think of Einstein. He was presented as the world's greatest scientist, and a hero of the atomic bomb program. Upon closer inspection, you will find that his major contributions were his use of his influence to obtain President Roosevelt's support for the bomb and he was the one personally responsible for bringing the major Communist atomic spy Klaus Fuchs into the Program. The Russians know nothing about the atomic bomb until Fuchs brought it to their attention in 1942. (*Heisenberg's War,* p. 524). Thanks to Fuchs, (and to a massive amount of Secret material illegally shipped through Lend-Lease) they were able to explode their own bomb in 1949. Einstein was a communist cell member with Fuchs. Fuchs was the top scientist on the Manhattan Project and he gave the atomic secrets to the Soviets. (Jordan, George Recey, *From Major Jordan's Diaries,* Harcourt, Brace and Co., New York, 1952.) We are taught that Einstein is the author of the Theory of Relativity, yet evidence has come for the proving that the real author was Mileva Maric, Einstein's first wife. Einstein had a reputation at the Swiss Polytechnic Institute in Zurich of being a man with poor work habits and was often reprimanded for laziness during all his school years, including the University. He developed a romance with classmate Mileva who helped him with his math. His autobiography says "In my work participated a Serbian student Mileva Maric who I married later." She had an illegitimate daughter in 1902, which they gave up for adoption. They got married in 1903, separated in 1912 and divorced in 1919. This is when Einstein married his cousin Elsa. The original manuscript of the *The Theory of Relativity* submitted for publication had Maric's name on it as co-author. For more proof, see the article "Theory of Relativity - Who is its Real Author?" by Dr. Rastko Maglic and J. W. McGinnis, President, International Tesla Society, in the Jul/Aug 1994 issue of *Extraordinary Science* magazine, which contains references for further documentation. Einstein was a hoax and fraud saddled on the scientific community to prevent them from learning too much and to promote Jews as being superior, sort of Nazism in reverse. Einstein's famous equation "E=MC squared" is WRONG, or at best only partially correct. His definition of energy is WRONG, his definition of mass is WRONG, C is defined as the top speed possible for anything, then it is squared, which would be even faster and thus contradicts the definition. Light is described as a constant, which is WRONG as defined. In a higher understanding, light does not move, our perception of the speed of light is WRONG. Those who REALLY understand, and who can prove it by creating matter out of "nothing" for instance, say that the original WHITE LIGHT is invisible and still. Read books by Walter Russell for more information. Einstein was a Zionist with membership in at least 16 Communist front organizations such as Friends of the Soviet. Einstein was head of the Jewish Black Book Committee, which was listed as a Communist front in the 1947 House Un-American Activities Committee Report. The correct science being discovered and revealed by such as Nikola Tesla, Walter Russell, Tom Bearden, Andrija Puharich, etc., was suppressed to prevent humanity from achieving energy independence (and thus political and military independence) from the Rockefeller/Rothschild oil/nuclear energy barons. This same technology leads to understanding of good health, and thus independence from the drug/medical crowd, who happen to be the same oil crowd crooks.

Many people have heard of Albert Einstein and his Theory of Relativity (E=MC2). Most would consider him a genius although it is known that he was a Grade School dropout. Around the same time lived a man named Nikola Tesla. He came to America in the early 1900's as a scientist and inventor. He was responsible for many great discoveries, but it is not mentioned in history very much. He was responsible for Radio, Television, Fluorescent and Neon lighting, Helicopters, Lasers, Particle Beams and Alternating Current. If you haven't heard of him you should at least wonder why. William Lyne is himself an inventor and scientist. Mr. Lyne claims that when Tesla came to America, he had under his arm blueprints for possibly the world's first FLYING SAUCER and it flew without the need for external energy. He intended to present it to the Geneva Convention as a proposed solution for world peace and energy liberation. He had theories of Magnetism and Anti-gravity as well as other forms of "Free Energy". The story goes that Einstein was working as a clerk at the Swiss Patent office at the time that Tesla was applying for his patents. Alternating Current was in the position of putting DC out of business, which meant that Edison and Westinghouse would suffer. J.P. Morgan, a Skull and Bones Banking Frontman, was financing Westinghouse and attempted to make arrangements to secure Tesla's patents through con deals and contracts.
He used Einstein's position at the patent office to rip off several of Tesla's patents and then told him outright that since it would be difficult to collect money on this "Free Energy", that it would not be used or promoted in society. Instead, Einstein's Theory of Relativity would prevail and Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity would be suppressed. Today, it is impossible to locate some of Tesla's earlier patents

Sectas Judías y otras crearon el mito Alberto Einstein

To name Einstein as "The Person of the Century" is one of the most ludicrous and absurd lies of all time, yet it has been successfully pulled off by Isaacson, Golden, Stein, Rudenstine, and Rosenblatt and the Jewish owners of Time magazine. If the Jews at Time wanted to give the title to an inventor or scientist, then the most obvious choice would have been men like Hilbert, Planck, or Heisenberg. If they wanted to give it to the scientist who most fundamentally changed the landscape of 20th century science, then the obvious choice would be William Shockley. This Nobel prize winning scientist invented the transistor, which is the basis of all modern electronic devices and computers, everything from modern cars and telephones, VCRs and watches, to the amazing computers which have allowed incomprehensible advances in all fields of science. Without the transistor, all forms of science today would be basically in the same place that they were in the late 1940s. 

El verdadero Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was never the calm, imperturbable Buddha-like character of popular myth. At fifteen, he was both high-strung and emotional, and felt abandoned. The doctor recognized this and gave him a to-whom-it-may-concern letter, warning that unless Albert was allowed to recuperate with his family he might suffer a complete breakdown. 

La farsa de la ciencia

A 1986 Harris poll found that about 70 percent of the responding adult Americans described themselves as interested in science and technology, and they said their understanding of the subject was very good or adequate.[153] The word scientist entered the English language in 1840, and few individuals earned a living doing research, with most of the investigations carried out by gentlemen of wealth and leisure. At that time, a handful of American scientist were taking steps to transform their status and image and separate themselves as professionals from those they considered amateurs.[154] The major tactic used to create this artificial separation has been the elaborate use of technical jargon and complex mathematics. This erection of higher and higher barriers to the comprehension of scientific affairs is a threat to an essential characteristic of science, its openness to outside examination and appraisal.[155] Because of this, modern theoretical physics has become to a large degree, little more than an elaborate farce.

1. La Bomba Atómica: prueba de lo correcto de la física moderna? 2. ‘el Superfluido Helio’: ¿un Fraude Lucrativo? [2.1 Outline | 2.2 Open University Dissected] 3. ¿Es la velocidad de la luz un límite? 4. ¿Es la teoría cuática creíble? 5. Heisenberg's absurd probability error 6. ¿Cuánta confianza se puede poner en las técnicas de detectar partículas? [6.1 | 6.2 | 6.3 | 6.4 | 6.5] 7. ¿Los aceleradores de partículas dan resultados útiles? 8. ¿Qué es lo malo con la teoría de la relatividad?


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