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The SPTDE Pledge:

I hereby pledge to preserve the twinkle in Danny's eye in all ways I can, including these:

- I will never take pictures of Danny while using a flash
- I will never bring Danny around any bright lights
- I will never punch Danny in the eye or injure him in any way
- I will never break Danny's glasses
- In the case that Danny loses his twinkle, I solmenly swear to help found a twinkle eye bank where eyes containing twinkles of the "Danny" type will be stored
- I will carry a pair of sunglasses in case I find that Danny has lost his

I also pledge to be loyal to Danny's twinkle and carry my twinkle preserving kit at all times.

How to Join:

Send an email to with your name, webpage address (if you have one), email (if desired), and why you want to preserve Danny's twinkle. You will recieve your twinkle preserver # and your information will be put up on the member's page.

Do you have any things I can put on my page to show I am a SPTDE member?

Yes, you may use this image to display your SPTDE pride! Please link it to If you create an image to show your membership, please send it to me at so others can use it! I will give you credit.


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