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===========Some of the beginning of this MAY still be August============

Laura & Scotty come home from visiting Amy at the Quartermaines
Amy is staying there.... Her Father (Jason Vining) just died
Laura says she ruined Amy's childhood by choosing to go with Lesley & leave the Vinings
Amy stopped calling Barbara "Mother" the day that Laura left
Laura apologizes to Scotty for "quarreling" so much lately (Scotty apologizes too)
Laura was 12 years old when she learned that Lesley was her Mother
Scotty says that they belong to each other for the rest of their lives
Luke is in his office... Upset... He throws a book
Roy comes to Luke's office
Luke & Roy discuss there being no way out
Luke talks of how he has been thinking about Bobbie... He wants Roy to level with her & tell her who he is &
.......what he's capable
Roy says "What is this now? Big brother coming to his little sister's rescue?"... Lk - "You level with her! You
.......tell her who you are & what you're capable of & YES I'm coming to her rescue. Roy, I promised myself,
.......when we were kids... Our Mother died infront of our face! And the old man finished his bottle before he
.......walked out. We never saw him again. I promised I'd take care of Bobbie & I'll be damned if I'm gonna
.......stop now. So who's gonna tell her partner? You or me?"... R - "Well, I guess, since I love the woman,
.......Luke, I will tell her, ok"
Roy tells Luke about a REAL important meeting tonight... They both got invitations
This is the first time they have been invited to attend such a meeting... It makes Luke very nervous
Luke asks if Roy has talked to Bobbie yet... Roy says he will
Laura comes to see Luke... She asks Luke & Roy to come to Amy's Father's memorial... They agree to come
[Roy leaves]
Luke asks Laura "Are you ok?"... Lra - "Yeah, I'm fine"... Lk - "You know, everybody keeps talking about
.......Amy's father dying, they forget he was your Father too for 12 years, wasn't he?"
.......[Laura breaks down crying & Luke hugs her]
Luke reminds Laura how they have talked about her childhood
Laura says "You know you're always so patient & so understanding about my problems"... Lk - "That's what
.......friends are for"... Lra - "Well, you've been a very very good friend. I just hope that I can be there for you
.......someday when you need somebody special"... Lk - "Thankyou. All I do is listen. That isn't so much"...
.......Lra - "It is to me"
Laura tells Luke how Jeff finally got to see Cal Jamison... but when he got there, Jamison died before he could
.......find anything out about Steven Lars from him
Roy & Bobbie have lunch
Roy tells Bobbie "life right now for the 3 of us is gonna get really tough because of Teddy's death. And if you
.......wanna end this relationship, I'll understand"... Bob - "Are you trying to get rid of me?"... R - "No, honey,
.......I love you, you know that, I'm gonna marry you"... B - "Yeah?"... R - "It's just that I wanna be truthful
.......with you, Bobbie. I mean I want you to know what kind of life it's really gonna to be. It's gonna be alot of
.......trouble & at times there's gonna be real danger. Now if you can deal with that, that's fine. But if you can't
.......or you don't want to deal with that, tell me know. We can split & we'll just stay friends"... B - "That's
.......really laying it on the line"... R - "I don't know how else to put it. Look honey, I don't expect your decision
.......right here. I want you to think about it & I want you to think about it really well. It's probably the most
.......important decision in my life"
Alan invites everyone to come to the Mansion after the Memorial Service
Everyone goes to the Quartermaine's after the Service & takes a tour of the house... Except for L&L...
Luke says "Laura?"... Lra - "I kind of hate to leave the fire"... Lk - "Let's don't"... Lra - "Ok. I think Fall is
.......kind of sneaking up on us early, I feel kind of chilly, don't you?.. Lk - "Uh huh. You know when I was a
.......kid I used to love to go back to school in the fall. It always felt like a new beginning, a fresh start of life"...
.......Lra - "I used to have the same feeling. There were new clothes & new books & new everything. Even new"... Lk - "You're incredible! You're putting on quite a front, you know. I know how you must
.......feel. The Memorial service. Losing a man that you thought was your Father for 12 years"... Lra - "Well,
.......I'm glad it's over. And Amy seems to be in fairly good spirits. She doesn't fool me though. It's just a
.......cover up. I'm sure she feels absolutely terrible, but you know, you heard what she said about having
.......friends around"... Lk - "Yeah, friends are a big help. They keep you busy. That's something I've learned
.......about trouble, you know. The bigger the trouble, the busier you have to keep"... Lra - "Uh huh. And Alan
.......has been very nice & she's very impressed with this house"... Lk - "Would you like to live in a place like
.......this someday?"... Lra - "Are you kidding? Of course I would!"... Lk - "Well, you should. You belong in a like this"... Lra - "Me?"... Lk - "Sure! And I don't mean just because you deserve the best of
.......everything. I mean you belong here!"... Lra - "Why is that?"... Lk - "Well, for one thing, you're a lady"...
.......Lra - "Well, that's kind of old fashioned thinking"... Lk - "I guess so, but I'm kind of old fashioned in alot
.......of ways. So kill me with your feminist sword"... [Laura laughs] Lra - "I won't"... Lk - "No, go ahead,
.......kill me. It's a noble cause to die for. Um, are you gonna come to work tonight?"... Lra - "Ah, sure! I guess"... Lk - "I thought maybe you'd like some more time with your sister"... Lra - "Amy'll have plenty of, I'm sure. You've been so nice about giving me time off, it's ok I can come"... Lk - "It's no
.......problem for me. Well, that's not quite true, it is a small problem. You see your customers, when you're not
.......there, miss you"... Lra - "Really?"... Lk - "Oh yeah! Well, you know how it is. If you see a nice face, a
.......face you like to see, & the face isn't there, you miss them. Do you ever feel that way?"... Lra - "Yeah! Well,
.......sure, I guess so, I mean, well... The more you get to know somebody & the more you like them, the more don't like them" [laughs]... Lk - "Yeah, it works both ways. Well, I have a meeting later, but I will be the Disco tonight"
Scotty & the rest come back
Laura tells Amy that she always will have her, "her sister", to count on
Monica is in the Hospital... Alan says she's "coming along", but the Doctors can't say for sure if the Baby is ok
Luke tells Bobbie that Cal Jamison is dead (Bobbie already knew... Jeff told her)
Luke says now Roy won't find out about her past, but...
Bobbie says there's an ex John of her's on 7 as a patient & he asked Ruby "What happened to that cute trick
.......Bobbie Spencer?"
Luke says he won't recognize her anyway
Luke tells Bobbie "I need to be somebody important & I'm taking the fastest road I know to get there"
Bobbie says "If all you're interested in is having things, then what's with the College education?"... Lk - "Because
.......I want everything. Because I'm tired of being uncomfortable around educated people, around special people"...
.......B - "Who are all these special people?"... Lk - "Laura, for instance. I could never have anybody like that.
.......She's got too much class for me. She can be broke, she can be cooking hot dogs or hamburgers for her old, she can even work in a crummy place like the Disco &... [Luke seems to suddenly realize how he is
.......gushing over Laura]... Ah, you're waisting my time, little sister, I gotta go. I'll see you later, Goodbye"
Scotty is surprised that Laura plans on going to work (He took the night off)
Scotty wants Laura to call in & say she's not going in to work, but Laura refuses
Laura says Luke has been so nice in giving her so much time off, she can't impose on him again
Laura tells Scotty to never order her around... Says he can see how it is to be home alone, like she usually is
Luke & Roy discuss last nights Meeting... Luke says they are "killers"... He doesn't want them around the Disco
Roy says forget about that... Thinking like that will get him in trouble
Luke could tell that the men think he had something to do with Ted DiLucca's arrest at the Disco
Roy says there is nothing they can do but follow orders
Roy says maybe they will want to test their loyalty & ask them to waiste Mitch Williams
Luke says "I'm gonna tell it to you straight, partner, I can't do that!"... Roy - "No, I'm gonna give it to you straight,
.......partner. If they tell us to waiste Mr Williams, and we don't do it, there's gonna be somebody to waiste us, like
.......that! It's that simple, Luke"
Amy graduated from High School "before she was 16"
Amy thinks of going to College in Port Charles... Thinks of doing Pre-Med
Luke asks Laura to come by his office before she leaves
Roy wonders why Bobbie has been avoiding him
Bobbie says she's worked hard to climb out of the gutter... She doesn't wanna go back
Bobbie says that she knows that if she sticks with Roy she's gonna have lots of problems
Luke remembers Roy telling him that they have to follow orders or he also remembers Laura crying on his
.......shoulder over Jason Vinning [Quick Flashback]
Laura comes to Luke's office
Luke says "Look, I don't know how to tell you this"... Lra - "Is it something to do with my work?"... Lk - "No.
.......No, your work is fine"... Lra - "Well, then whatever you have to say, it can't be too unpleasant"... Lk - "I'm
.......afraid it is. Ah, Laura, I don't think that this arrangement is gonna work out"... Lra - "What? You mean my
.......working here?"... Lk - "Uh, yeah, I don't think that you're the right kind of girl to work here"... Lra - "Has
.......Scotty been talking to you?"... Lk - "No. Why?"... Lra - "Well, because he was opposed to me working here the first place"... Lk - "Well, he was right. I should have never hired you"... Lra - "Luke. I don't
.......understand, you said there's nothing wrong with my work"... Lk - "Look, Laura, I run this place, I don't have give explanations! I made a mistake in hiring you, I wanna correct it!"... Lra - "Boy, you know, I can't make out. You were just so kind & so comforting when my sister's father died"... Lk - "Yeah, well, that's just
.......a little friendly shoulder, that's all"... Lra - "You call this being a friend?"... Lk - "Yes I do. As a matter of fact,
.......Laura, this is the friendliest thing I can do for you right now"... Lra - "Right, by telling me that I'm fired"...
.......Lk - "Laura, this is not the place for you to work"... Lra - "It is a perfectly respectable place. I mean, all my
.......friends come in here. Some of the nicest people in town"... Lk - "Yeah & some real creeps"... Lra - "Not very
.......many, Luke"... Lk - "Look, let's just put it this way. I don't want you exposed to those few creeps who come, that's it"... Lra - "Why? What could possibly be so special about me? I mean somebody's gonna have to fill job"... Lk - "Yeah"... Lra - "And whoever it is, they're gonna be exposed to exactly the same people"...
.......Lk - "Look, will you just listen to me"... Lra - "Luke, no! I need this job. I need the money. And besides that
.......I like being here. I like the music, I like the excitement & up until now, I really liked the idea of getting to know a little better. Now I'm not so sure"... Lk - "Laura, please try to understand"... Lra - "There's nothing to
.......understand, Luke. You wanna fire me? Go ahead & say it 'Laura, you're fired', I'll walk out of here right!!"... Lk - "Laura, that isn't what I wanna do"... [Laura is almost yelling] Lra - "Then why are you doing"... Lk - "Because I care about you! Because you're special to me! Because I can't look at another woman,
.......because I think about you all the time. I worry about you. Laura I don't want anybody to hurt you. And
.......especially not me! [Laura looks shocked] [Luke storms out]
Later, Laura comes back to Luke's office
Laura says "I've been waiting for you to come back"... Lk - "You have?"... Lra - "Yes, I have. I can't let the
.......conversation end there. I'm confused by alot of the things you said"... Lk - "Well, I said too much. I'm sorry,
.......lets forget it, ok?"... Lra - "No. Luke, if I made you think that I'm interested in you, I'm sorry"... Lk - "Laura, haven't done that. I was only trying to say that you're, uh, special to me"... Lra - "Well, It makes me a
.......little bit uncomfortable"... Lk - "I'm trying to protect you. I sound like a third rate Romeo. Look, it's just, I'm
.......having a little trouble in my personal life right now, you know. So it's really nothing to be concerned about"...
.......Lra - "It's not because of me, is it?"... Lk - "No. Oh no, no, no. I've got some hard decisions to make, that's
.......all"... Lra - "I don't understand at all, Luke"... Lk - "I can't explain it, ok. All I can tell you is that any dream
.......that I ever had about becoming something in this world may turn out to be just that, a dream"... Lra - "Why?
.......Your sister, Bobbie, look what she's done. You can do the same thing"... Lk - Yeah. Bobbie & I are both
.......skating on thin ice"... Lra - "What do you mean by that?"... Lk - "I cant... Look let's just forget it. You know,
.......I mean I'm up tight & I pushed the panic button & I promise you I will never mention that again"... Lra - "Well,
.......uh, I'm mixed up now. I don't know if I can work here now"... Lk - "If you want the job, it's yours. You got At least until you & Scotty get a little farther ahead"... Lra - "No, I'm not sure. I'm really not sure"...
.......Lk - "Laura, look at me. Please. I don't want you to think that because I'm the boss, that I would ever ask you
.......for any favors. You're too special to me for that. And it's because you're so special I thought I could tell how I felt"... Lra - "Well, if I do decide to stay on"... Lk - "Yes?"... Lra - "I want you to know that I love
.......Scotty very much"... Lk - "I realize that. I'll never mention it again. I just got carried away"... Lra - "Ok. It's
.......alright, I guess"... Lk - "Can we still be friends?"... Lra - "Of course we can be friends. Just as long as you
.......know that I take those marriage vows very seriously"... Lk - "I know you do. That's what makes you so special"
Claudia & Amy ask Laura what Luke wanted to see her about... Laura said he was concerned about creeps at the Disco
Claudia & Amy say what a nice guy Luke is... Laura agrees
Claudia says "It's pretty obvious how much he likes you too"... Lra - "What do you mean obvious?"... C - "Well, know, the way he watches out for you. Even at School, I noticed it"... Lra - "I guess I never did"...
.......C - "Oh sure, he's always checking with you to make sure things were are alright with you. Like way back
.......before you married Scotty & things weren't settled about your wedding"... Lra - "Yes, I remember now"...
.......C - "Yeah, he'd run clear across campus to catch up with you. I mean, he was always so interested in you"...
.......Lra - "Well, he was concerned about my welfare"... C - "Of course, what else?"... Amy - "I think he's kind of
.......neat"... C - "Yeah, well you & half the girls in Port Charles. I mean why do you think so many single girls hang
.......out at the Disco?... Amy - "You know, it's funny. He's not exactly handsome, but I find him very attractive.
.......Don't you Laura?"... Lra - "I never actually thought about it before"... Amy - "Really? I noticed it the first time I
.......met him. It's more than looks. There's something about the inner man"... C - "Mmm, that is heavy Amy"...
.......Amy - "You know what I mean"... C - "Yeah, I know"... Lra - "Hey, why all this talk about him. I mean he
.......asked me to his office & all of a sudden it's Luke, Luke, Luke, Luke, Luke"... C - "Well, we were just
.......expressing opinions, Laura"... Amy - "I thought you'd be glad that I like him so much"... Lra - "Uh, he's too
.......old for you Amy"... C - "Oh come on now, stop being the older sister"... Amy - "Well, I'm not gonna marry
.......him. But I don't see anything wrong with getting to know him a little better either"... Lra - "Amy, that is not such
.......a good idea!"... C - "Come on, she's not only a little sister"... Lra - "Claudia, stop it! I mean, it's just that , uh,
.......he comes from a different background"... C - "Why Laura Baldwin, don't tell me you're a snob"...
.......Lra - "Claudia, please, Luke said that himself"... Amy - "What? That he's from a different background?"...
.......Lra - "Yes, that's true!"... Amy - "What do you mean?"... Lra - "I mean the way he was brought up. His
.......background. He comes from a totally different world"
Tracy asks if Laura sees any "colorful people" hanging around the Disco... Like Ted DiLucca
Luke hears Laura defending Roy, the Disco, & him [Tracy leaves]
Luke says he appreciates Laura defending the Disco to Tracy
Luke says "I'm glad everyone's gone. I was waiting for a chance to see you alone"... Lra - "Uh, why did you wanna
.......see me?"... Lk - "Laura, it's about what I said the other day. I hope that I didn't make you too uncomfortable"...
.......Lra - "You mean, when you said that you were worried about my working here?"... Lk - "Right. See, I got
.......carried away. I said things that I shouldn't have said and if I offended you in any way, I'm very sorry"...
.......Lra - "No. No, of course not. You said what you felt. You have every right to do that"... [Lra starts to walk off]
.......Lk - "Laura. I need to tell you this one thing. I respect your marriage. And I think Scotty's one hell of a guy. I
.......would never want to say anything that would ruin a friendship that is very important to me"... [Amy walks in &
.......overhears] Lra - "Well, your friendship is very important to me too Luke. Probably more than you realize"
Amy says hello & L&L & then as Laura picks up her bag & stuff talks to Luke
Amy says "Hi Luke. How come you don't watch us exercising anymore?"... Lk - "Well, Amy, I don't think Richard
.......likes me hanging around"... Amy - "Well, I don't know about him, but I like it. [Laura is staring daggers at Amy]
.......Sort of inspires me to do my best work"... Lk - "Really? I'll remember that. I'll watch next time I get a chance"...
.......Amy - "Well, at least watch me, I don't really care about the rest of them"... Lk - "Right. I'll see you later, I have to do" [Luke leaves]
Laura says "Why do you act like that infront of him?"... Amy - "Act like what?"... Lra - "You were flirting with him"...
.......Amy - "Me, fliriting?"... Lra - "Yes, Amy. Look, Luke is not a high school boy. He's a grown man & a girl your
.......age shouldn't go around playing games with grown men"... Amy - "Oh Laura!"... Lra - "Amy! I am serious. You
.......just save that for the boys that you date. I mean, they'll know that you're only joking Luke could misunderstand.
.......He could take you seriously"... Amy "And what if he did?"... Lra - "Then you just might find yourself in a
.......situation that you can't handle. Luke can have any girl he wants. And if he goes after one, he expects to get her"...
.......Amy - "I wouldn't mind in the least!"... Lra - "Amy, I am not joking! Now look, I am responsible for you now.
.......At least until my Mother gets back. And I expect you to pay attention to what I say"... Amy - "Yes, Laura. Yes"...
.......Lra - "Don't be sarcastic. It's not funny"
Bobbie gets assigned to the 7th floor (where the John is)... She says "I can't work up there"
Bobbie asks Jessie if she could work on another floor instead... Jessie can't understand why Bobbie is acting so weird
Bobbie tells Luke about her being assigned to the 7th floor... She knows the John will recognize her
Luke says Bobbie should just tell Jessie about her past... Bobbie says she can't do that
Bobbie talks about the choices she has to make concerning Roy ... Says "I don't know what's gonna happen"
Luke says "There's alot of that going around. I don't know what's gonna happen to me either"... B - "Why? What do mean?"... Lk - "Nevermind. It's just that I have some very hard decisions to make myself. And I can tell you
.......something, they're gonna be alot easier for you than it is for me. There are certain things laying ahead of me that I
.......don't think I'm gonna... be able to avoid"... B - "What things?"... Lk - "Nevermind! The less you know now, the
.......better off you'll be later"... B - "You know that's the only kind of answer I ever get from you these days!"...
.......Lk - "Yeah, well, that's the only kind of answer you're gonna get from me! And I tell you something. You think it over VERY carefully before you tie up with Roy".. B - "Why?"... Lk - "Because we've both got our backs to the
.......wall, baby. I can't even let a woman get close to me right now. Now even you. And it's the same thing with Roy.
.......And I'll tell you something else. Under the circumstances I think it's pretty damn unfair of him to demand anything
.......from you. What gives him the right?"... B - "I told him I love him. Maybe he figures that gives him the right"...
.......Lk - "Well, it doesn't. Loving someone is a responsibility. And it only gives you a couple of privilages"...
.......B - "How do you know so much about it?... Lk - "I read a book, once."
Barry Johnson (a "John") runs into Bobbie at the Nurses Station & remembers ALL about her
Bobbie tells Barry that she's not the same girl anymore... Barry wants to see her again "for old times sake"
Peter Taylor is in the Hospital near death
Laura & Scotty both apologize to each other for quarreling
Laura says she's trying really hard to grow up as fast as she can
Bobbie tells Luke that Barry Johnson recognized her... Luke says she's gotta tell Jessie... Bobbie says no
Luke says Bobbie's either gotta tell Roy about her past or cut him loose
Laura runs into Luke in the Hospital Cafeteria
Laura says "We missed you at cheerleader practise today"... Lk - "What?"... Lra - "Yeah!"... Lk - "I didn't think
.......anybody noticed me watching"... Lra - "Oh of course we do. You give lots of moral support to the cheerleaders.
.......But we had a good practise anyway. But you know something, that on top of the Disco class this morning, oh, that
.......really wore me... [Luke drifts off & fantasizes about watching Laura cheerlead & then he walks up to Laura - Who VERY happy to see him- and kisses her]... Luke what's the matter? You look a million miles away"... Lk - "Oh,
.......sorry I guess I was. Impossible, million miles away"
Laura says "What were you thinking about just now?"... Lk - "I don't remember"... Lra - "I think you do"... Lk - "Oh!!
.......Well, It was nothing important"... Lra - "Mm, May I ask you something?"... Lk - "Sure"... Lra - "Did it have
.......anything to do with the things you said to me in your office the other day?"... Lk - "Look, Laura, I've tried to
.......apologize to you for that, I'm..."... Lra - "Oh no, I... No, I didn't mean that. No, I mean't the other things you
.......said to me, you know, about you having worries & problems"... Lk - "Oh. Oh yeah. I should have never laid that
.......on you, I'm sorry"... Lra - "Luke if you're in some kind of trouble maybe it would help..."... Lk - "Hey, Laura,
.......that is all over. The trouble is all taken care of, it's all settled. Ok?"... Lra - "Are you sure?"... Lk - "Dead sure"...
.......Lra - "Oh! Ok, terrific. I feel alot better now"... Lk - "Boy, you are really something, you know"... Lra - "What you mean?"... Lk - "The way you accept what people say to you. You judge people from your own honesty"...
.......Lra - "Why, you weren't lying to me were you?"... Lk - "I never want to lie to you"... Lra - "I'm glad. Because is just too short for game playing"... Lk - "Nah, I don't play games, believe me"... Lra - "No. You're not that
.......type"... Lk - "No. Life is short, you're right. Short & precious"... Lra - "Yes. I've been so conscious of that all today"... Lk - "Everything ok between you & Scotty?"... Lra - "Oh yeah. Sure it's fine. I was thinking about
.......a couple friends of mine who are in the hospital"... Lk - "A little advice, if you don't mind. Don't waste a precious
.......moment of your married life, ok"... Lra - "Well, there seem to be alot of moments that Scotty & I can' spend
.......together"... Lk - "What, because of your job at the Disco?"... Lra - "And his job. Even if I wasn't working for you
.......there'd be alot of evenings that I couldn't spend with Scotty because, well, he seems determined to work late so that
.......he can get ahead & buy me things"... Lk - "Aha, the great American dream"... Lra - "Is the great American dream
.......worth it if it keeps two people apart?"... Lk - "Well, I'm sure that he's just trying to provide a good living for you.
.......I mean, I would understand that. I think any man, married to you, would want to give you the world. So as they
.......say in Texas 'Don't be to hard on our good ol' boy'"... [Laura laughs] Lra - "You know something. I always feel
.......better after I talk with you"... Lk - "Well, thank you ma'am. I'm glad"

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