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Bobbie keeps chattering on & on... Jessie wonders what's wrong with her
Jessie mentions that Barry Johnson made some strange remarks about Bobbie
Jessie says that no nurse has to take any kind of personal advance or rudeness from a patient
Luke asks if Laura can work the early shift... Laura says but Scotty & the gang are there with her to have pizza
Laura says but since it's an emergency she will work... Scotty is not happy about it
Luke [in his office] takes out Laura's hankerchief she had at her Wedding to Scotty & suddenly he starts to remember
.......[Dream like Flashback] the Wedding... only instead of Scotty, Laura is marrying him... Luke says his vows Laura... They kiss... Then Scotty appears again in Luke's place
Luke comes out of his daydream holding the hankerchief to his mouth & says "Not him.. me"... Just as...
Laura bursts into the office saying "Luke there's a terrific run on pizza tonight [Laura notices the hankerchief] & I... Hey
.......that's the hankerchief that I carried at my wedding isn't it?"... Lk - "Yeah it is. You dropped it & I picked it up. I
.......always meant to give it back to you when you came back from your honeymoon"... Lra - "Oh, I'm so glad! I
.......borrowed it from Monica. You know it was the something borrowed"... Lk - "Oh something borrowed, something Yeah right, right. Well, I forgot all about it. I just found it in my desk"... Lra - "Oh,I can't thank you enough
.......cause I just hated the thought of losing it. You're so thoughtful"... [Luke gives her the hankerchief] Lk - "Well, got it back"... Lra - "Oh thank you"
Lesley returns from being out of town
Lesley tells Laura how badly she feels about Jason... Asks how Laura feels about it... Laura says Rick is my father now
Laura says what's gonna happen with Amy... Lesley says they're gonna ask if she wants to stay with them
Laura asks if she's gonna stay in her old room... Lesley says probably... Laura says she feels a little jeaolous about that
Bryan says that Scotty married a "child"... She doesn't know the meaning of money
Laura overhears Scotty saying "sure she's immature about alot of things...about money, but she's gonna get over that"
Laura is NOT happy that he thinks she's immature & that he's talking about her behind her back
Laura says money is all they ever seem to talk about anymore.. & she's sick of it
Roy & Bobbie just got engaged... Bobbie shows Laura & Scotty her ring
Laura tells Scotty that they always seem to be taking turns apologizing
Luke sees Scotty & Laura arguing
Laura cries infront of Luke's office... Luke follows her there
Luke says "Laura. Laura, you're crying. What's the matter? What's wrong?"... [Laura begins crying again & walks
.......into Luke's arms] Lra - "It's me, it's just me"... Lk - "What are you talking about, huh?"... Lra - "Everything I do is
.......wrong!"... [Luke gets strern with her] Lk - "Oh, we're feeling awfully sorry for ourselves, aren't we?"... [Laura
.......stops crying] Lra - "Is that what it sounded? Self pity?"... Lk - "Yes, you were wallowing in it. I want you to
.......stop"... Lra - "Sorry. I'm really sorry you had to see me like that"... Lk - "Well, that's ok. What's a little self pity
.......between friends, huh? Look, I have a very good ear if you wanna talk"... Lra - "No, there's nothing to talk about"...
.......Lk - "Then why are you crying?"... Lra - "I don't know. I was feeling selfish & mean"... Lk - "Oh come on, that's
.......crazy"... Lra - "No. No it's true"... Lk - "Well, then what are you feeling selfish & mean about?"... Lra - "I started
.......into you office & I saw my Mother there. She was holding Amy & comforting Amy & I resented it. All of a sudden
.......I felt all alone in the world. Like I didn't have one person that was wholly committed to me"... Lk - "Oh, I
.......understand. I have that feeling myself, sometimes"... Lra - "You do?"... Lk - "Sure. I think most people feel that
.......way one time or another. You know you feel lost because you think that maybe you'll never have that one person that think is gonna make your life perfect"... Lra - "You really do understand"... Lk - "Yeah! But what I don't
.......understand is how you can feel that way. You have Scotty"... Lra - "Yeah, Scotty is very special"... Lk - "So?"...
.......Lra - "So... I don't know! Sometimes I don't feel up to him, you know. I don't think I'm a very good wife. I think
.......I'm very immature" [Laura starts to cry] Lk - "Ok, now you've gone from self pity to self deprecation. You're being
.......too hard on yourself. Laura, Scotty is the luckiest guy in the world. I'm sure you're a wonderful wife. I know're a terrific waitress. Now I've got a bunch of ugly animals out there that are hungry, let's go back to work,
.......what you say? Come on"
Laura [in the park] picks a flower & does "He loves me, he loves me not" (ie Scotty) as Luke watches from the staircase
Laura picks the last petal... "He loves me not"
Luke says "Wrong!"... Lra - "Luke!!"... Lk - "Wrong. He loves you. Very much"
Laura says "So you think my little flower lied to me, huh?"... Lk - "Oh yeah, little flowers speak with forked tongue
.......[They both laugh] Laura your husband is so crazy about you. You know the lights at the Disco?"... Lra - "Yeah"...
.......Lk - "You know I could turn those lights out when he comes in & see you, he lights the place up himself. I could myself a fortune in electric bills"... Lra - "Really?"... Lk - "You don't believe that?"... Lra - "I don't know.
.......You know, I don't think most people really know what love is"... Lk - "That's possible"... Lra - "Because it's
.......certainly not just going to be together. I think that's what most people think"... Lk - "Yeah"... Lra - "Takes an awful
.......lot more than that if you're gonna spend a liftetime together"... Lk - "Yeah, it does, but like what? What do you
.......mean?"... Lra - "Oh. Just being close in every way"... Lk - "You mean enjoying the same things"... Lra - "Yeah,
.......that would help"... Lk - "Hurting when another person hurts"... Lra - "Yeah"... Lk - "Yeah, it's also possible for two
.......people to feel that way about each other when they aren't actually in love"... Lra - "You know something? There's
.......this terrific thing that I really want to do for Scotty. I even dreamt about it last night, you know, after I counted out tips"... Lk - "Oh yeah? Who much'd you make?"... Lra - "22 Bucks!"... Lk - "Ho ho!!! Not bad, huh!!!! So
.......what was the dream?"... Lra - "To buy Scotty a complete set of Law Books"... Lk - "Expensive?"... Lra - "Very!
.......Even the used one cost a bundle"... Lk - "Ok, then you'll save up your tips & then buy it"... Lra - "Yeah, but when?
.......That could take me months!"... Lk - "Yeah. I guess it could"... Lra - "But you see, if he had the books in the
.......apartment then he could stay home more. We could be together. And I got this idea"... Lk - "You got some money
.......stashed under the matress?"... [Laura laughs] Lra - "Yeah, in a way. You see, we got this credit card right after we back from our Honeymoon. Scotty almost threw it away too"... Lk - "Ah, but you saved it right?"... Lra - "Ah
.......huh. It's safely tucked away in a sealed envelope inbetween a couple books on our bookshelf"... Lk - "Oh I see. The
.......plot thickens, uh huh. You wanna spring it out, right?"... Lra - "Yeah. But for a good cause. I mean this way he
.......could have his books now. I could pay it off a month at a time"... Lk - "Wrong, Laura, it's a very bad idea. I'm
.......sorry, forget the credit card. Uh uh"... Lra "But why? I'd only use it one time"... Lk - "Look, take it from me, I
.......grew up on Elm Street, you know. Where debt is a way of life & believe me it's bummer city"... Lra - "Just one
.......time?"... Lk - "Laura, I saw alot of mean things, when I was a kid, you know. Like, uh, my parents were scared.
.......They were in debt most of the time. And most of the mean things I saw were because they were scared & in debt.
.......You don't need that kind of aggrivation"... Lra - "What's the matter?"... Lk - "Oh, nothing. I was just thinking how
.......wrong it is to want things that you can't have"... Lra - "Who says it's wrong to want things?"... Lk - "Yeah, I've had
.......the way of telling you. I'm a prime example. I want alot of things that I will never, never be able to have"...
.......Lra - "Sounds so fatalistic"... Lk - "Oh, don't I though!"... Lra - "Yeah!"... Lk - "What a drag! Oh! Come on, I'll
.......walk you over to your cheerleader practise"
Laura gets kind of upset when Scotty tells her he has to go to Lee's office to use his law book
Scotty leaves & Laura gets the credit card out of the envelope... but she says "No, I can't do it" & puts it back
Laura can't stop looking at the books where the credit card is hidden
Luke looks at his pictures of Laura in his office & fantasizes a meeting with Laura where Laura says "I've gotta tell you
.......the truth, Luke. I didn't want you to know, but I can't hide it any longer. My marriage to Scotty just isn't working
.......out. He just isn't the man that I need... or want"... Lk - "He isn't?"... Lra - "No. Not at all. There has to be
.......someone more like you. Someone sensitive, caring. You do care about me don't you?"... Lk - "Oh, Laura, you
.......know I do. I want you more than anything in the world. I didn't think you could feel that way about me"...
.......Lra - "Well, you're wrong! Because I do. [Laura puts Luke's hands on her face] You're so kind. You're so
.......understanding & so attractive" ... They kiss [Luke snaps out of it... due to a knock at the door]
Luke says "Come in"... Lra - "Luke, hi"... Lk - "Laura what are you doing here? This is your night off"... Lra - "Yeah
.......I know, I wanted to talk to you." .......... Luke says "Is something up?"... Lra - "Uh, yeah. A little trouble at home.
.......But not the way you think. I mean, it's not between Scotty & me, but, well uh, I wanted your advice. You're always kind & understanding. Would you mind talking to me for a little while?"... Lk - "Of course not. I'd love to. Sit
.......down"... Lra - "Great, thanks"... Lk - "Ok, what's happening?"... Lra - "Well, I know how you feel about using
.......credits cards, ok. And I thought an awful lot about the conversation we had in the park this afternoon, but this is a
.......real emergency"... Lk - "Are you still thinking of buying the law books?"... Lra - "He has to have them, Luke"...
.......Lk - "Now look, Laura, it's not doing Scotty any kind of a favor to put him in debt"... Lra - "Yeah, but, think of important this is to me. I mean, Scotty brought home some of his work tonight & well he had to research
.......something so he had to go back to the office. We're just never together anymore"... Lk - "Yeah, I know, you told he's working alot lately"... Lra - "All the time. And since we've been married, well, he's spent more time at the than he has at home with me. And if I want him to be home with me the only way I can manage it is to get him
.......those law books"... Lk - "Well, have you talked to him about it?"... Lra - "Yeah. He feels the same way you do
.......about it, but he doesn't stop to think how I feel. Here, look, he brought home one of those law magazines & I went
.......through it & I found this advertisement for a second hand legal bookstore. See"... Lk - "Ok, so?"... Lra - "So I
.......called the man & he said that they have several sets of the kind of books that Scotty needs, you know. But even
.......though they're second hand, they're still very very expensive"... Lk - "I'll bet they are"... Lra - "Yeah. And I
.......I promised Scotty that I wouldn't use that credit card unless it was a real emergency. But that's what this is. I mean,
.......Scotty is my whole life. I won't risk losing that. Don't you see how important it is to me? I really need you to back up in this thing"... Lk - "I think I know how you feel"... Lra - "Do you think he'd forgive me for using it just this time?"... Lk - "I think if he could see your face right now, all that love, I think he'd forgive you anything. Ok,
.......ok, you got it. Seems like an emergency. Let's go lady"... Lra - "Great!"
L&L go to the Bookstore (Laura buys the books with the credit card)
Scotty comes home early (He felt guilty)... He wonders where Laura is
Laura comes home... Scotty wants to know where she was... Laura says she went shopping
Laura says it's hard being a wife that never sees her husband... Scotty apologizes... Scotty goes to get her a hankerchief
Laura puts the credit card back in it's hiding place while Scotty is in the other room
Laura, Scotty & the gang go to the Disco for a night out
Luke asks Laura "So you didn't tell him anything about buying the law books today?"... Lra - "No, not a thing, and you've
.......gotta promise me that you won't breath a word to anyone that I charged them. It's gonna be our secret, ok?"...
.......Lk - "Sure! That's fine with me. But how you gonna keep him from finding out?"... Lra - "I'm gonna watch the mail
.......& get the bill as soon as it comes in"... Lk - "Can you do that?"... Lra - "Oh sure! Sure that'll be easy. I mean,
.......Scotty's at work during the day when the mail comes, so I'll just get the bill. And I'll save as much money as I can
.......from what I make here to make the monthly payments"... Lk - "Well, good luck"... Lra - "Thank you. You know I
.......really hate deceiving him this way, but it's gonna be worth it. I mean, when the book store delivers his legal library to
.......him. I can't wait to see his face"... Lk - "Yeah! But surely when that happens he'll find out that you charged them,
.......won't he?"... Lra - "No! No, I'll just tell him that I got a bargain & I paid cash from tips & a salary advance"...
.......Lk - "I hope it works"
Luke keeps watching Lra & Scotty dancing & kissing... Luke starts to fantasize that it's him dancing with & kissing Laura
Two of the waitresses didn't show up for work
Luke asks Laura if she could possibly work for a few hours... since he knows she needs extra money... Scotty isn't too happy
Scotty tells Bryan & Claudia he is kind of proud of Laura... For being mature & helping out a friend
Laura is kind of bothered when Amy comes in with Greg Townage (Laura's exboyfriend)
Scotty tells Laura that the Krekorian law suit is going to go to court (He turned down the Hospital's offer)
Luke tells Laura he needs to talk to her about the law books... Wonders if it's not too late to cancel them
Bobbie gets assigned to the 7th floor again... Which does NOT make her happy
L&L talk at school
Laura says "Luke, I don't understand. I mean yesterday you were helping me pick out those law books for Scotty & today want me to return them?"... Lk - "Yeah, well, I think maybe we rushed into it"... Lra - "But, Luke we both agreed
.......that Scotty needs those books so that he can work at home at night"... Lk - "Yeah, I know. See, Laura, what I'm
.......concerned about is that Scotty will find out that you charged the books when you promised you wouldn't use that
.......charge card"... Lra - "I know. I wish there was some way for me to pay for them in cash"... Lk - "Now look, see
.......that's a great idea, cash. And I can support you in that, you know. What I mean is, I can advance you, on your
.......salary, as much money as you need"... Lra - "Would you do that? Could you really do that?"... Lk - "Sure! And then wouldn't have to lie to him. See that's what's getting to me"... Lra -"Oh Luke!! Then I really wouldn't be lying him, would I? I'd be paying all cash! And the only thing he wouldn't know is the price. And it's a present, you
.......never tell how much a present costs. And it would be just like Christmas. Christmas has always been real special for
.......Scotty & me"... Lk - "Yeah, well, I guess every day is kind of special for you two"... Lra - "In a way. How can I
.......ever thank you for being such a good friend?"... Lk - "Hey, I don't need your thanks, Laura. Just your friendship"...
.......Lra - "Well, that you've got. For the rest of my life"... Lk - "Promise?"... Lra - "Well, I don't like promises. I mean,
.......I promised Scotty that I wouldn't use that credit card & I broke it. Let's just put it this way, I won't change, if you
.......won't change. And I'll always been there for you because you've certainly been there for me when I needed you"...
.......Lk - "I like the way you said that. I want you to understand, see, I think getting the law books was a fine idea, but I
.......don't want to be in the middle between you & your husband, you know. I don't want him to think that I'm a bad
.......influence on you"... Lra - "Don't be silly. You've helped me make my marriage perfect, that's the way I look at it. I
.......mean, now Scotty will be able to stay home nights instead of going out to his father's office"... Lk - "A guy can't
.......knock that"... Lra - "No. Oh & there's something else, you know. I didn't really understand this until the salesman
.......explained it to me, but I would have been paying interest on the unpaid balance of those law books for, I think, about
.......the next year & a half. So think of all the interest you saved me"... Lk - "Wow! How much would that have been?"...
.......Lra - "I don't know! I don't know anything about money"... Lk - "Well, I tell you what, we can work it out & you
.......can work as many double shifts as you want, you know. That would be overtime rates"... Lra - "Oh that's right, I
.......forgot about that"... Lk - "And I'll also give you an accounting of how you're doing in paying it back every month.
.......I'll let you look at the books, how's that?"... Lra - "Oh thank you, Luke. Listen I wanna keep everything between us
.......on a strictly business basis. Because, well, I'd really hate it if my owing you this money affected out friendship"...
.......Lk - "Yeah, I'd hate that too"... Lra - "Because you've really gotten to be one of the best friends I've ever had"...
.......Lk - "Do you really mean it?"... Lra - "Of course I do"... Lk - "Am I a little important to you?"... Lra - "Very
.......important"... Lk - "Made my day" [They go off to class]
Barry Johnson bugs Bobbie at the Nurses Desk again... Sees her engagement ring
Barry keeps insisting that Bobbie must still be turning tricks
Barry threatens to tell Roy about Bobbie's past if she doesn't spend an evening with him
Claudia wants to know what's bothering Laura
Claudia wonders if there is trouble with Luke... Laura seems offended & asks what Claudia is talking about
Claudia says "I'm talking about Bad New Luke, cause that dude is strictly bad news. Now we've both heard talk about
.......him at the Disco. He's a trophy man. Trophy.. as in girls"... Lra - "I'm not gonna listen to anymore of this, Claudia.
.......Luke happens to be a very good friend of mine"... C - "Are you blind? He's hung up on you!"... Lra - "Shall we
.......drop the subject?"... C - "Ok, sure, if you don't wanna discuss it anymore..."... Lra - "No I don't! And if you wanna
.......remain friends with me, don't bring it up again. Ever!"
Barry Johnson continues to bother Bobbie... Bobbie insults him calling him a typical "John"
Jessie walks up... Tells Barry to go back to his room
Barry tells Bobbie she's gonna pay for this
Scotty's Law Books are delivered... Laura is SHOCKED at how many there are!... There's no room for them
Comic scene as Laura watches them bring in 75 volumes
Scotty comes home & sees all the books lying everywhere
Scotty can't believe it's a whole set of Law Books... He wants to know where she got the money to pay for them
Laura says they were marked down & Luke gave her an advance on her salary
Scotty says she should have asked him first... Laura says he's spoiling everything
Laura says she won't tell him how much they cost, or how she got the money, since it's a present
Peter Taylor's life is hanging in the balance
Bobbie tells Jessie that she does know Barry Johnson & she tells her that she was a hooker
......."Bobbie Spencer the full fledged nurse, was Bobbie Spencer the full fledged Hooker!"
Jessie is shocked!
Bobbie tells Jessie how Ruby ran the house she worked in
Luke & Roy talk about a meeting from last night... All the big wigs were there... except for Frank Smith
.......They asked lots of questions about Ted DiLucca
Roy & Luke discuss that the men want Mitch Williams stopped... They both wonder if they could do the job
Both Luke & Roy say they have never killed before
Roy says he doesn't think Luke could kill someone.. Luke says "What is that supposed to mean?"
Roy says "Look, You're the big college man now, alright. That means you still have your poetry, you got your & god knows whatever else you're doing there. And you're also hung up on certain cheerleaders..."...
.......Lk - "Alright, how hold on! You knock it off!"... R - "What's the matter, Luke?"... Lk - "Laura is my friend, she here, that's it!"... R - "Yeah, she's also a married woman, you know!"... Lk - "Oh, right! What has that got to with anything? It's none of your business!"... R - "Hey, hey, hey, if she's only a friend, what you getting so
.......uptight about?"... Lk - "Listen, Roy, nothing is going on between Laura & me! She loves her old man, he loves
.......her"... R - "And she's also making you a little crazy. Now in our business we can afford that, Luke. It's dangerous
.......enough"... Lk - "Why don't you take your own advice. When it comes to Bobbie"... R - "Look, I love your sister.
.......I'm gonna marry your sister & I DO listen to my own advice when it comes to her. I don't tell her anything about I don't even want her hanging around here, because you can get dirty around here without doing anything"...
.......Lk - "We can keep this place clean"... R - "What do you mean keep it... Who keeps it clean? Laura keeps it clean?"...
.......Lk - "Alright. If we draw the hit, I'll do it"... R - "You sure?"... Lk - "Yeah, I'm sure. Don't you hear yourself? I'm
.......the boss, right? What have I got to lose?"
Bobbie calls & tells Luke that she told Jessie about her past
Jessie sits with Bobbie in the Cafeteria... Bobbie asks if she's going to be fired... Jessie says what for
Bobbie tells Jessie how, at 15, she went to stay with Ruby for the summer... One day one of the clients asked her... She
.......said ok (She got $10)... Ruby was furious when she found out... Wanted to send her home... But she said no
Jessie is VERY supportive... Bobbie tells Jessie how Barry Johnson is trying to blackmail her
Jessie says "The past is the past" & "as your friend I want the best for you" & that she'll take care of Barry Johnson
Roy comes looking for Bobbie... Barry is standing right there
Barry tells Roy that Bobbie was an old friend of his... They "go back to the old days"
Before Barry can say more about "cute little Bobbie"... Jessie comes out of the elevator & distracts Roy
Bobbie (At Ruby's) tells Luke how wonderful Jessie was
Luke is upset that Bobbie told Jessie about Ruby... Then he apologizes
Luke says Bobbie better think about telling Roy the truth
Roy comes to Rubys
Roy tells Bobbie that he ran into Barry Johnson
Bryan & Claudia ask Laura how she got the money for the law books
Luke comes to see Laura to ask if she can work tonight... Laura says she doesn't know.. Scotty & her have plans
Zelda Bernstein comes to discuss the Krekorian case with Scotty (She's the opposition's lawyer)
Laura says she'll make it up to Luke some other time
Luke asks how Scotty liked the law books... Laura tells how Scotty wanted to know how much they cost
Laura feels bad for lying about using the credit card
Luke gives Laura tips on how to make her special evening with Scotty make him forget about the cost of the books
Laura says "Oh, Luke, you always manage to make me feel so much better"... Lk - "I'm glad. You should be happy. When smile the whole world lights up"
Krekorian Depositions (Monica & Rick) start tomorrow
After dinner, Scotty uses HIS law books
Lesley calls & tells Laura that it's possible that Peter may not live through the night
Amy is staying at the Quartermaine's for a few days to take care of Monica
Laura tells Lesley that she bought Scotty the law books... Lesley asks where she got the money
Laura is so sure that Rick & Monica don't have anything to lie about in their depositions (Scotty, however, knows the truth)
Scotty says that "this is the nicest thing that anybody's ever done" for him (ie the law books)
Scotty says he's not gonna ask her again where she got the cash to pay for them
Scotty says that Laura has grown up alot & he's proud of her
Lesley stops by to see Laura on the way home from the hospital... Peter has had another stroke & it looks bad
Lesley is surprised when Laura says she paid cash for the law books
Rick calls & tells Lesley that Peter is "failing very fast" & asks if she can come back & be with Diana
Scotty & Laura discuss wanting to have kids one day
[Barbara Vining is still alive]
Amy calls Laura feeling depressed & just wants to talk to Laura for a while
Amy thinks she's brought bad luck to everyone in Port Charles... Laura says no she hasn't
Later, Laura seems to think maybe Amy was right... Strange things have happened since Amy came to PC
Jessie thinks Bobbie should tell Roy about her past... Bobbie says she can't... Bobbie keeps having to avoid Roy's questions
Roy asks Luke why Bobbie won't talk about Barry Johnson & asks "what exactly are the good ol days?"
Luke tells Roy to ask Bobbie if he's got questions... Leave him out of it
Roy tells Bobbie how this Barry business has got him bugged & wants to know how well she knew him
Bobbie says he doesn't have a right to ask her about her past... She offers his ring back if he can't accept that
Roy apologizes & puts the ring back on Bobbie's finger
Laura & Scotty come & tell Mrs Grant that Peter Taylor died
Alice is mortified... Alice says "It's all my fault, all of it!"... Scotty & Laura don't understand
Alice says that she knows she upset Peter by going to his office & that caused his death (ie She told him that PJ is Steven Lars)
Scotty tries to calm Alice down
Roy wants to "be with" Bobbie, but Bobbie is not in the mood (Says it's due to Peter's death)
Roy asks if Bobbie is seeing someone else... Bobbie tells Roy she has had it with his temper
Laura & Scotty come home & Laura says "Tell me that we're gonna be together for the rest of our lives & that nothing is
.......ever gonna change our love for each other"... Scty - "Listen, we will, & we won't"... Lra - "Can you say it for me,
.......please?"... Scty - "We're gonna be together for the rest of our lives and nothing is EVER gonna change our love for
.......each other. I promise you that!"
Laura & the gang at Richard Simmons' Excerise class
Claudia is mean to Amy when she brings up her bringing bad luck to PC with her... Laura gets mad at Claudia
Laura tells Amy & Claudia to go on ahead to school without her... She's gonna talk to Luke about her double shifts
Amy says to Claudia "You've noticed it too, haven't you? Laura's spending so much time with Luke"... C - "They're
.......friends, that's all"
Claudia goes on to say that Amy is jealous of Laura

SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 1979 (Part Three)
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