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SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 1979 (Part Three)

Laura asks Luke if she can work double shifts while Scotty works late with the Krekorian case
Luke says sure... He knows she needs the money to pay off the law books
Laura says "You know, Luke, I'm not sorry that I got them for him, because Scotty needed them. But I've gotta find a way pay off that credit card before he finds out that I charged them"... Lk - "Hey, wait a minute, I thought we had this all
.......settled? I thought I was gonna loan you the money?"... Lra - "I know. But you see, well, I thought it over & I'm not sure... I'm having second thoughts"... Lk - "Well, you're hard to keep up with. Well, look, if you change your
.......mind again, my offer still holds. I'll loan you the money, you can pay off the bookstore, & then those monthly
.......statements won't come in"... Lra - "I know, but I thought it over & I can't do it to you Luke. It's too much money"...
.......Lk - "Laura, the way I see it, that's your only way out"
Later (As L&L study at school; Laura seems distracted) Luke says "What are you thinking about? Those law books?"...
.......Lra - "Can't stop thinking about it"... Lk - "Why don't you let me take you off the hook?"... Lra - "Because I can't do
.......that. It's too much money"... Lk - "Laura, the money is no problem. I have the money. What good is the money to if I can't help a friend?"... Lra - "Yeah, but, it just isn't right for me to take your money"... Lk - "You wouldn't be
.......taking my money, I'd be loaning you some money. It's a simple business transaction. I loan you the money, you pay the bookstore, & then I deduct it from your salary. Now what is so hard about that? Laura, you wouldn't owe me
.......anything. There would be no special obligation on your part, if that's what you're worried about. It's the only sure way I know of keeping Scotty from knowing you used that credit card"... Lra - "Yeah. Well, since you put it that
.......way"... Lk - "Is it a deal?"... Lra - "Yeah"... [They shake on it] Lk - "Alright"
L&L go back to studying Shakespeare's Sonnets... Luke recites one from memory as Laura just plain stares into his eyes...
......."Being your slave, what should I do? Pretend apon the hours & times of your desire. I have no precious time to spend.
.......No services to do till you require" [Laura is mesmerized!!]
Luke admits to being a Shakespeare "Freak", but says not to spread that around!
Luke tells Laura he'll give her a check for the books by morning... Luke offers to go with her to the bookstore with the check
Amy tries to convine Laura that she's not jealous of her... Laura tells Amy she can be pushy at times
Amy says she worries about Laura... Laura says she should be the one worrying about Amy since she's her little sister
Amy says "Well how do you think I feel when I see you with someone like Luke?"... Lra - "Just what does Luke have to do
.......with anything?".... A - "Don't be angry with me Laura, but you're the one that warned me about him"... Lra - "Because're too young for him!"... A - "And you're not?"... Lra - "Amy, what are you trying to say?"... A - "You are
.......spending an awful lot of time with Luke lately. It seems everytime I see you, you guys are together. And I'm thinking
.......of you, Laura. You have an awful lot to lose by getting mixed up with a guy like that"... Lra - "Ok, Amy, let's just drop
.......the subject right here, because you're being absolutely ridiculous! Now it's true, Luke happens to be a very very good
.......friend of mine, but that's all he is. That's all he ever will be. Period"
L&L go to the Bookstore & Laura pays the Law Books off in full with the check from Luke
Laura says "How can I ever thank you for all that you've done for me?"... Lk - "Just the look in your eyes is enough"
.......[Laura seems really affected by that comment... kind of flustered]
Claudia can tell something is bothering Laura & asks what's wrong
Laura says "Did you ever look into somebody's eyes & know exactly what they're thinking?"... Cl - "Sure, all the time!
.......Especially that sister of yours!"
Claudia continues to put Amy down [Which makes Laura mad] & says how jealous she is of Laura
Claudia says "She'd probably take your man if she could get her hands on him!"
Laura [CLEARLY referring to Luke] says "My man?... [But Laura suddenly realizes who Claudia is talking about as...]
Claudia says "Except for Scotty wouldn't even look at another girl"... Lra - "Scotty?" [Puzzled look on her face = Like oh
.......yeah, Scotty, my husband]
Laura & Claudia argue about Amy... Claudia storms off... Luke walks in
Laura asks Luke what he thinks of Amy... Luke says she is keeps throwing herself at everyman & needs to be careful
Laura says "She has a big crush on you, you know?"... Lk - "Yeah, I know. Doesn't turn me on"... Lra - "It doesn't?"...
.......Lk - "Nah! I got another woman on my mind most of the time. Not some kid. A woman"
Amy stops by the Nurses Station & & talks to Bobbie... The subject of Luke comes up
Amy says "From what I can see, he's quite a guy. And you know, he's really protective of you, Bobbie. And I think he's a
.......real Hunk!!"... B - "My brother, huh? Wow! I guess I never thought of him that way, since he is my Brother. I guess
.......most of us don't see our families the way other people see them"... A - "Well, I think he's a doll"... B - "Really?"...
.......A - "And I'm not the only one"... B - "My brother, huh?"... A - "Uh huh. Girls follow him all over campus, but I never
.......see him with any of them, except for Laura. [This seems to disturb Bobbie] You can tell me Bobbie, is there anyone
.......special?... B - "Actually, Amy, I never thought about it before. Why doesn't he have anybody special?"
Laura tells Bryan that she understands why Scotty has to work & study so much... Bryan says she's really grown up
Roy & Scotty are going over the Disco's books
Roy comes across the Salary advance Luke gave her... Luke doesn't appreciate him joking around... Roy says this the first
.......time he's given anyone a salary advance... Roy says it sounds funny... what with Laura being the cheerleader type
Luke says "Well, she is NOT the one man & I don't appreciate your trying to muck up her name! She's the only decent
.......person I know!"... R - "Hold it, who's trying to much up her name? I didn't know you were that hung up on her?...
.......Lk - "I'm not hung up on her, ok?!"... R - "Good. Let me tell you something, Luke, the girl is way out of your league.
.......You're asking for trouble. She also happens to be married, you understand?"... Lk - "Sure"... R - "Maybe you'd be
.......better off finding a nice clean girl like Bobbie & think about settling down, alright?"... Lk - "That's what I'll do, I'll find
.......a nice clean girl, like Bobbie"
Luke gets a call from "Jerry" about a meeting for "tonight at 10 pm"... Roy says when do "we" meet him... Luke says "We
.......aren't supposed to meet him. Just me"... R - "What do you mean, We're not?"... Lk - "Just what I said. They invited!"... R - "Oh, I thought it was about Mitch Williams"... Lk - "It is about Mitch Williams. This is the call we've been
.......waiting for. They're gonna decide tonight what to do about him. I'm the only one they want there"
Luke tells Bobbie there's a meeting tonight... Bobbie wonders if it's about Mitch Williams... Luke won't tell
Laura comes in & asks if Luke is ready to go to lunch at Pop Snyders (They were gonna go out to celebrate end of book trouble)
Luke says "Look, Laura, something's come up. I can't do that"... Lra - "You're angry with me. Maybe it was a mistake, I
.......shouldn't have taken that much money from you"... Lk - "What are you talking about?"... Lra - "Well, maybe I should
.......go to scotty, maybe I should tell him everything. I can borrow the money from my parents & I can pay you back"...
.......Lk - "Laura, no way! We had it all worked out. Just stick with the plan. Don't risk losing what you got with Scotty"...
.......Lra - "Luke, please"... Lk - "You just be cool, Laura. You pay me back gradually. Your husband doesn't have to know
.......anything about it"... Lra - "Are you sure?"... Lk - "Yeah, I'm sure. Sometimes you have to keep secrets from people
.......that you love"
Laura says "Luke, what I did was wrong. I mean, using that charge card when Scotty & I promised each other that we
.......wouldn't, but you see, I'm only gonna make things worse if I lie to him now"... Lk - "Laura, tell him the truth, see
.......what you get"... Lra - "It would get it off my conscious"... Lk - "Yes, but it'll lay it on your husband. Now, look, I
.......thought we had it all worked out, you know, so you wouldn't worry anymore"... Lra - "Luke, you were wonderful to
.......give me a big enough salary advance, so that I could pay it all off in cash, & I'm grateful to you, but..."... Lk - "But
.......what?"... Lra - "It's just that all of a sudden it hit me, how much money it really is. I mean $1,250! That's a huge obligation to take on"... Lk - "I'm not gonna push you. I don't need that money back. It's a loan, you pay it
.......back gradually, I'm in no hurry"... Lra - "Thanks. It's just that I've been such a fool, you know. So many people told that I was too immature to handle adult problems, or marriage. Maybe they were right"... Lk - "Laura, you made one
.......little mistake, what's the big deal? Now you did it out of love. I wish I had somebody who cared enough about me to
.......make a mistake like that"... Lra - "You'll find somebody, Luke"... Lk - "Yeah, maybe. Right now, there isn't anybody.
.......I'm facing the toughest night of my life & I have to do it, knowing that if anything happens to me there really isn't
.......anybody that'll care"... Lra - "I don't believe that! There's Bobbie"... Lk - "Oh yeah. Yeah, there's Bobbie, she'd care.
.......And my Aunt Ruby. That is it!"
L&L go to Pop Synders after all
Laura says "You know what's funny? Whenever we get together we always seem to talk about me & never about you. I
.......feel like I know you so well & then I stop & I think about it & I realize, I hardly know you at all"... Lk - "There's not
.......much to know, I'm not really complicated"... Lra - "Well, what do you want out of life? I mean, you're going to college & you're trying to improve yourself, so you want more than to be the owner of a Disco forever. So what would like?"... Lk - "Oh, I don't know if I can verbalize it. Well, I want a better life. Like everybody, I guess"...
.......Lra - "Yeah, but what do you consider a better life? I mean what do you dream about?"... Lk - "Well, it used to be, I
.......had this kind of vague idea in my mind, you know, I didn't really know what it was. But I think what turned the tables
.......for me was that night... Do you remember the night that we all went to the Quartermaine house after the memorial service
.......for you & Amy's father?"... Lra - "Yeah?"... Lk - "Well, suddenly I knew what I wanted"... Lra - "Being rich" [She
.......laughs]... Lk - "Well, not rich really.. yes rich, but not rich so much. But money's in there for sure. You know, really,
.......I think it's having a home & having things around that I use everday. I guess it's a feeling of permanence, you know?"...
.......Lra - "Of course, I do"... Lk -"That's what I want"... Lra - "Then I hope you get it. But you know something, I don't
.......think it's the money that makes the Quartermaine house what it is. I think it's the love that Alan & Monica have for each
.......other. If you don't have somebody to love & somebody to share things with, then having money can't be much fun"...
.......Lk - "You know alot about love for a young woman"... Lra - "I think I've learned alot about it in the past few days,
.......starting with when I bought those law books for Scotty. I mean, I know I went about it all the wrong way, but it was
.......exciting all the same. To make someone you love that happy"... Lk - "I'm glad about that"... Lra - "You've never been my parents home, have you?"... Lk - "No, I haven't"... Lra - "Well, it's not quite as impressive as Alan & Monica's, but it's quite lovely & it's comfortable you know, but I think it's just as beautiful because of the love that my
.......Mother & Father have for each other"... Lk - "Sure it is"... Lra - "As far as I'm concerned that's what life is really all
.......about. Just caring that much about the person that you love"
Roy makes more cracks to Luke about him giving Laura the salary advance
Roy says "Where did Laura come from, anyway, in your life?"... Lk - "What do you mean, where did she come from?"...
.......R - "I mean, did you know her in the good ol days when you & Bobbie used to lead those colorful lives of yours?"...
.......Lk - "Look, I don't know what the hell you're talking about, but I think you've gone wacko on me"... R - "I'm talking
.......about the old days, with you & your sister, Luke"... Lk - "Listen, you wanna reminisce, get yourself an arm chair, sit
.......under a tree or something, I got work to do here"... R -"No, I wanna do it right now. I wanna ask you something
.......about your sister"... Lk - "What?"... R - "I wanna know if something I heard today was true, I wanna know if your
.......sister used to hook for a living down in your Aunt's house in Florida"
The phone rings... Jessie is looking for Bobbie... She puts Ruby on the phone & she tells Luke that Roy was at her place
.......when Barry Johnson showed up & started talking about Bobbie's past... Roy almost killed him
Luke tells Roy that he's not gonna answer his questions... He better go ask Bobbie
Scotty comes home with Bryan & marvels over how Laura saved up all her tips to pay cash for the law books
Scotty opens the mail & finds a bill for a $1,250 charge on their credit card... Scotty is stunned & can't get over it... Just as...
Laura comes home
Scotty says "You know, it's funny. I wanted these books so badly, that I was gonna break a promise that we made to each
.......other a while back"... Lra - "What do you mean?"... Sc - "About using the credit card. I really wanted these books. But
.......then I got to thinking, you know, promises are kind of sacred. You just don't go around breaking them"... Lra - "No,
.......of course not, you don't. And you're right, Scotty, because it's really no good to be in debt. But you see how good
.......everything worked out. I mean, you got your law books & you didn't have to break your promise to do it"... Sc - "No
.......I didn't"... Lra - "In the long run I think it's really better to pay for everything cash. You know something, I've decided
.......that if we don't have the money to pay for something that we want icash, then we're just gonna have to do without it"...
.......Sc - "Do you really feel that way?"... Lra - "Yeah, I do. I guess I'm finally growing up, huh?"... Sc - "I'll be damned!"...
.......Lra - What's the matter?"... Sc - "You've got a real talent, you know that? That's for sure"... Lra - "For what?"...
.......Sc - "For lying! I can't believe how easily it comes to you!"... Lra - "What do you mean?"... Sc - "You not only broke the
.......promise about using the credit card, but you're making it worse by lying to me & telling me how you paid cash for those
.......books! I mean, what kind of a fool do you think I am?"
Scotty gives Laura the bill & says read it
Laura says "Oh no!"... Sc - "Yeah, it's pretty interesting, isn't it? I mean, according to that, you charged $1,250 on a set of books with a credit card that we promised each other that we weren't gonna use. You told me how cheap they were.
.......How you scrounged all over town till you came up with this incredible bargain & paid cash for them"... Lra - "I know
.......what I told you"... Sc - "You know, I don't think I've ever been more dissappointed with anybody!"... Lra - "I'm sorry
.......Scotty"... Sc - "Now your parents are right, you still are a child. You're selfish, you're immature. You can't keep a
.......promise, you can't tell the truth. All along, Laura, I've been telling you how great you are, how wonderful you are, you
.......know, how much you've grown up. But no, you knew what was going on behind my back, & you just didn't tell me,
.......did you? Did you?!!"... Lra - "Yes"... Sc - "Yes? That's all you're gonna say for yourself, is yes?"... Lra -"What can I
.......say?"... Sc - "You can say something like why the hell did you lie to me?!"... Lra - "Scotty, I'm sorry. I don't know,
.......maybe I was being selfish, I guess. I wanted to be with you. I just wanted you home at night, so I used that credit card
.......& I was gonna pay for it from my tip money & my weekly paycheck"... Sc - "$1,250! It would take all year to pay for
.......that!"... Lra - "How do you know? I could maybe pay it off before that"... Sc - "Oh yeah, & while you're trying to find
.......out you're just gonna saddle me with the debt, right? Maybe you should have come to me first & see if it was worth that
.......much to, these books. But no, that's not what you did, because all that you care about is what you want!"... Lra -"That's
.......not fair! You wanted those books & you know you did!"... Sc - "I wanted them, but I didn't want to spend the rest of life now paying for these books!"... Lra - "Ok! Ok, fine, you've made your point!"... Sc - "So tell me, why did you it?"... Lra - "Because I had this crazy dream of the two of us being together nights while you studied for you Bar
.......Exams & while you researched cases for Lee! I don't really know if that's so childish & immature, really. Most women wanna spend time with their husbands. I don't think I should have to apologize for wanting to be with you!"...
.......Sc - "That still doesn't excuse what you did! You lied!"... Lra - "Yes. I lied. I admit it, but it doesn't make any difference, anyway, because you don't appreciate anything I try to do for you anyway! And you're absolutely right about
.......everything. I am too young & too foolish to be married to someone as wise & mature as you are! But I'll tell you one thing
.......Scotty, I charged these books & I am going to pay them off, so you don't have to worry about going into debt! And I'll
.......tell you something else, Scotty, you don't have to worry about having a wife or a marriage either!"... [Laura starts to
.......storm out]... Sc -"Now, Laura, wait a minute!"... Lra- "No!".. Sc - "Wait a minute!" [Laura leaves]
Amy is at the door, as Laura storms out... Scotty tells her what happened... Scotty feels bad... Realizes Laura got him the books
.......because she knew he wanted them
Scotty asks Amy to find Laura & tell her that he's going to pick her up after work & that he's sorry
Roy is at Bobbie's [Drinking] waiting for Bobbie to come home
Bobbie comes home & finds Roy waiting for her
Bobbie comes home & finds Roy waiting for her
Roy is drunk
Roy tells Bobbie that he talked to Barry Johnson at Ruby's apartment
Roy tells Bobbie that Barry said she was a hooker in Florida... He wants Bobb to say he was wrong
Bobbie tells Roy that it is true... She was a hooker in Florida
Bobbie gives Roy his ring back... Roy leaves
Laura tells Lesley she lied to Scotty about using the credit card

SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 1979 (Part Four)
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