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Hello and welcome to the page, that's about the show, that's all about nothing. Right about now, you may be asking yourself, "Why would anybody want to watch a show about nothing?" Well, it's not really about nothing. Actually it kind of is. But anyway, it's still an amazing show.

What can you say about Seinfeld except that it's absolutely brilliant? There's not a dull moment in its entire history. The most important thing that makes a good show is that you can relate to it and that you can watch the reruns over and over again without getting bored of them. Seinfeld meets both of those qualifications.

For those of you that don't know, Seinfeld is a show about four friends. Jerry, Elaine, George, and Kramer (you can read about them in the characters sections). A large part of the show takes place in a coffee shop. The show has very simple humor but all together it's just hilarious. You have to see it to believe it.

Now I'm going to take a little time to explain what all of the links are about. So sit tight for one more minute and then you'll be on your way. The Characters section of the page gives a profile of what all of the characters are like. The Seinfeld Site section is a link to a really cool site all about Seinfeld. The Easter Eggs section is all of these hidden things in the show. The E-mail me section is obviously a link to e-mail me. The quiz section is a quiz for all your Seinfeld experts out there. The message board section is the part where you get to speak your opinion about the show. Lastly, there is the poll where there's a new question every two weeks (updated on Sundays). So check out my page and I hope that you enjoy it.