Ghosts in the Smoke Part 27

Disclaimer: I don't own these lovely characters, Aaron Sorkin and his friends do.

Sam and Josh are caught in a hotel fire.

Spoilers: Everything up through The Leadership Breakfast (set two days later)

Archive: Anywhere you want, just please e-mail me

Ghosts in the Smoke

By Mer

Part 27

Toby's Apartment

Toby sat on his couch just staring at the clock. The clock read 10:35, which meant he still had twenty-five minutes before he could go back to the hospital. He could hear his pager vibrating on the kitchen counter but he chose to ignore it, like he had been ignoring the phone since he got home. If it was bad news, he wasn't really ready to hear it yet.

Conventional wisdom told him that once he was kicked out of the hospital that he should've gone home and gone to bed, but Toby wasn't a conventional kind of guy. He went home and got drunk. He needed to get the memory of Sam's yelling at him out of his head. He had needed to escape from his life. To escape from the fact that he hadn't been there.

And even though he drank a lot he never even passed out. That was something that he was still a bitter about. Hoping to pass out was part of the reason that he came home and drank anyway. But instead all he got was a massive headache, which he cursed for because he had already had one of those before he even touched the bottle.

Glancing at the clock again he found that only two minutes had gone by, so he turned the television on. He wondered what CNN and some of those type channels were saying now. He was about to change his mind and turn the television off when he saw a picture of Senator Herman flash on the screen.

"Oh what the hell is he trying to apologize or something? Like that will really change anything." Toby yelled at the screen.

"Questions still surround the near fatal fire at the D.C. Hilton last night. Though the cause of the fire which initially had been thought to be accidental now appears to have been set intentionally. D.C. Police Officers took Senator Michael Herman in for questioning earlier this morning. Senator Herman was said to be hosting a charity bachelor auction at the hotel last night. The police got suspicious of Senator Herman when hotel workers told fire investigators that none of the ballrooms had been rented out and they had no knowledge that such an event was to take place.” A reporter said as Toby saw Senator Herman being placed in a police car.

“If you are even behind this...” Toby threatened the image on the television screen.

“The White House has planned a noon press conference to divulge more information. They are watching this very closely since it seems that Sam Seaborn and Josh Lyman were the intended victims. Both men had been sent there to represent the White House at the last minute. And as we reported earlier they both have been listed in guarded condition with White House Press Secretary C.J. Cregg being in control of releasing that information.” The reporter stated.

The phone rang and Toby ran to answer it this time. He was furious that it someone had targeted Josh and Sam. He was shaking with anger when he answered the phone.

“Hello.” He barked into the phone.

“Toby, we’ve been trying to call you all morning, are you okay?” Ginger asked.

“Is it true that Senator Herman is behind this?” Toby asked angrily.

“It appears that way. Listen Leo is really on the war path. He needs you to come in immediately and help C.J. prepare a statement.” Ginger said in a tentative voice.

“He’s still pissed at me for last night isn’t he?” Toby asked in a more normal voice.

“Yeah, but he needs your help with this since...he needs your help with this.” Ginger stumbled, realizing that mentioning Sam’s name might not help matters any.

“Okay, tell them I’ll be there by eleven or so.” Toby replied. “Oh and Ginger...”

“Yes?” Ginger asked.

“Make sure that there is a ton of fresh black coffee waiting for me.” Toby replied.

“Okay.” Ginger said as Toby hung up the phone.

Toby looked down at himself and he decided that he had better change his clothes. So he changed into a fresh suit and he did his best to remove the alcohol smell that he had given himself the night before. He was to his car in a flash and he realized that if he saw Senator Herman walking down the street that he wouldn’t hesitate to run him over.

Georgetown Hospital-Sam’s Room

“Sam why did Matt say that you were a loser.” Dr. Bleuer asked gently once Sam had stopped sobbing.

“Because he said that Josh was going to die. He said that Josh was going to die and leave me alone just like he did when he died. I know that I owe my current job as Deputy Communications Director to Josh. He was the one who convinced Leo that I was a good choice. I owe him so much.” Sam stated.

“Matt said that?” Dr. Bleuer asked trying to clarify things.

“No, Matt said that Josh was going to die and leave me behind. I’m saying that I owe everything to Josh. He is my best friend and I already took him for granted earlier this year after he had been shot. And I didn’t see his...” Sam’s voice trailed off.

“You didn’t see his what?” Dr. Bleuer asked.

“I’m sorry but I can’t talk about it with you.” Sam replied quietly.

“Why not?” Dr. Bleuer inquired.

“There are some things about what goes on at the White House that we are not allowed to talk about with others and that is one of them, I’m sorry.” Sam said.

“Okay, I guess I can understand that. Sam, I heard that you threatened to kill yourself last night. Did Matt put you up to that?” Dr. Bleuer asked.

“I really don’t remember what happened when the president visited me last night.” Sam admitted softly.

“It’s okay Sam. I have also learned that you had a fight with your co-worker Toby. Do you remember that?” Dr. Bleuer asked.

“He was trying to take Josh’s place. He was trying to act like he was my best friend. Toby is sort of my boss and he always tries to keep a small distance between us, which I totally understand. But he was trying to take the place of Josh so I kicked him out.” Sam said as his voice rose a little during that exchange.

“Did he say that he was trying to take Josh’s place?” Dr. Bleuer asked.

“No, but one can just tell these things.” Sam replied.

“Sam tell me how Matt’s death affected you.” Dr. Bleuer asked.

“What?” Sam asked as if he didn’t hear her.

“Tell me how Matt’s death affected you.” Dr. Bleuer repeated.

“I don’t know. I was happy that he died. He turned out to be just another jerk. I was sorry that he killed my ex-girlfriend as well, but I felt nothing but hate against him.” Sam replied.

“Your ex-girlfriend also died?” Dr. Bleuer asked.

“Why the hell do you want to know about that? Look that all happened a really long time ago. I don’t want to get into it.” Sam snapped.

“Okay.” Dr. Bleuer asked.

“That’s good Sam just hide your true feeling about what happened all those years ago. Just continue to hide the guilt you feel about letting her get into the car.” Matt taunted.

“I don’t want to talk to you anymore.” Sam replied.

“Sam, I’m just trying to find a way to help you.” Dr. Bleuer replied, mistakenly thinking that he was talking to her.

“Yeah Sam, I’m just trying to find a way to help you.” Matt mocked.

“I don’t need your help. I am fine.” Sam protested.

“Sam, something made you attack your comatose best friend. If someone hadn’t of been right outside who knows what you would’ve done to him. You definitely are not fine.” Dr. Bleuer explained.

“And the fact that you’re holding a conversation with someone who has been dead for eighteen years can’t help much either.” Matt stated.

“I promise that I won’t do it again.” Sam replied.

“Sam you don’t even remember the incident happened, how can you promise that you won’t ever do it again?” Dr. Bleuer asked.

“Yeah Sam?” Matt agreed.

“I don’t know.” Sam pouted.

“I am going to try and help you figure out what is wrong though.” Dr. Bleuer stated.

“Is Josh going to be okay?” Sam asked in a soft voice.

“You didn’t injure him too badly if that’s what you mean.” Dr. Bleuer replied.

“No I mean is he going to be okay?” Sam asked.

“I told you he’s going to die. What you don’t listen to me anymore?” Matt taunted.

“I wish I had that answer for you Sam but I don’t. Sam is there anything at all that you do remember about the night before?” Dr. Bleuer asked.

“I was telling Matt to shut up and Josh overheard me. I said that I didn’t need him anymore.” Sam replied slowly.

“Do you think that Josh thought you were talking to him?” Dr. Bleuer asked.

“Yeah, because I don’t think he talked to me again. Is he still in a come because he’s mad at me?” Sam asked.

“I don’t think so.” Dr. Bleuer replied.

“I don’t think so? What kind of shrink are you?” Sam asked.

“Apparently not a good one.” Matt taunted.

“I’m afraid I don’t have every answer.” Dr. Bleuer admitted.

“Damn, and I wanted to know who really shot JFK.” Matt replied.


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