King Con

I like this one a lot more than the average bear.

Why can't Joxer ever have at least a little good luck?

Obviously, Eldon is Diphibius from Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts.

I love the banter between Xena and Gabrielle in the first scene. Renee really did sprain her ankle, and it was written in.

Gabs did a pretty good job knowing what Xena was thinking.

Man, Joxer got the Tartarus beat out of him!

Is Xena telling Gabs or Argo to "come on"? Either way, it was pointless!

Xena is pretty aggressive with Rafe!

Like Rafe's confident, "Actually, they say I take after my father."

One of Xena's many skills apparently, is stick knifing!

Rafe wasn't scared, but Eldon sure was!

"Trust me, Rafe. No man can make her." Does that something about Xena's sexual preference?

Xena's uncharacteristically gentle with Joxer.

Xena says about Joxer, "He needs more arnica. I'll get another blanket." Meanwhile, Rafe produces a blanket from near the foot of the bed. Shouldn't Xena have known about it?

Xena blows on those dice like she's a pro!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I get the feeling that you don't like me much." That's Rafe to Xena.

Xena's response? "Not true, I don't like you at all."

Xena looks so serious when she says "Thanks" after Rafe's apology.

Then she turns on him, narrowed eyes and all.

"I'll tell you what I believe. I believe that you bet your buddy that you could score with me, but it's a bet you can only lose."

Xena says, "Let's roll", and cut to the casino. Note the couple walking away from it, holding hands. The guy has a on a green shirt, and they're each carrying a basket of some kind. You'll see them again after the break before you see Gabs with the knife to her throat. It's a closer shot, but it's the same shot.

The casino thug says, "We can't sus her out", in reference to Xena. There's an unusual word!

How exactly does Rafe manipulate the bones? He doesn't even touch them!

Xena acted like she was enjoying winning.

Jiminy Gabrielle speaks up and keeps Xena from throttling Titus.

Xena is really, REALLY pissed over what happened to Joxer.

Gabrielle likes the idea of Rafe and Xena. Hmm…

She describes Rafe as "Your typical bad boy…just your type."

Xena strips down in front of Rafe, and when he's taken aback, growls, "We're pushing time…you got a problem?"

He stutters, "Uh, clearly not."

And she remains cold, "Good then, Give me that hat."

She has no shame about just dropping her clothes in front of him.

Rafe is a brave man. He holds out the hat with a "What do you say?"

She gleefully replies, "Or else!" Hee hee.

He responds with, "You're welcome. Are you always this focused?"

"That's right…you always this nosy?"

For some reason, Rafe suddenly gives up. "Not anymore."

Xena seems taken aback that he doesn't want to play anymore.

Leo isn't all-stupid, "I don't happen to have a pair or those."

Xena's blonde act may seem not so bright, but she is regards to Leo…"Then lower your sights."

There is some more good banter with Xena and Gabrielle. "What made you change your mind about him?" Xena sounds exasperated, but grins.

She grins about the bet.

Love it when she goes up against Leo, "And I'm the ticket taker."

Xena looks VERY uncomfortable when she's alone with Rafe.

She tells him, "Well, that is exactly your problem. I don't play it safe."

Xena was going to kiss him…darn that bar maid!

At least she acted sorry she had interrupted.

Rafe gives massages like Ares…with just the fingertips.

What was the point of showing Eldon arguing in the temple? Who was he putting the act on for?

Xena is super-confident with that ruby around her neck when she enters the casino.

Rafe's wound sure bleeds a lot!

That was an awesome death kiss!

She says she is going, "to honor a friend" in regards to Rafe.

Titus (in regards to the ruby): I want it back.
Xena: Suffer.

Rafe does a great death scene, and Xena does a great heartbroken scene.

I'm so sure Xena would be dumb enough to hide a card in her hair!

Gabrielle tries to argue with Xena about leaving the casino behind, but loses.

Love Xena's warning, "Ah ah ah ah."

Xena WOULD have four aces.

Did she cheat to get them? I dunno.

Eldon and Rafe are pretty good in a fight.

That sure looks like Lucy swinging from the chandelier. Nice camera work!

Xena actually winks at the end of the fight. I'm not sure whom she's winking at, however.

She gives a big grin too…she must be pretty pleased with herself.

Xena and Rafe seem to be quite attracted to each other. They both give longing looks during their final moments together.

Xena gives a lot of monosyllabic answers.

How come monosyllabic has so many syllables?

I would have thought she would have noticed the coins sooner.

Love that half smirk she gives at the very end.

I like this light-hearted adventure a lot. It's fun to see Xena as a card shark, and I found Rafe to be quite likeable. Besides that, Gabrielle gets one of the best lines of the episode. To Joxer, she says, "What are you going to do? Bleed all over them?"

What did Gary have to say?

This title,like a lot of XENA titles,is a pun,of course...sort of like Altared States.

The gist:Joxer wins big at a gambling house owned by a ruthless guy named Titus,who,with his son,Leo,usually track down and rob those who win any money at his gaming house. Joxer wins a bundle,and leaves,not wanting to play any more. Titus sends Leo and some thugs to follow him and get the money back.

As Joxer leaves,he hears two guys arguing in an alley. These con artists,Rafe and Eldon,seem to know Joxer has money and exactly when he will pass the alley,and will actually try to stop an argument,without even knowing anything about him.

After a bunch of double-talk,the cons fleece Joxer and leave him with fool's gold for the 100 dinars Joxer traded. Each party thinks the other lost.

Xena leads Gabby,who sprained her other ankle,on Argo thru the woods and come upon Joxer getting beaten to death by Leo and the thugs. Xena chases them off and the girls take Joxer to a temple to try to save his life. Xena vows vengeance.

Xena goes to a bar and sees Joxer's sword with the con men and forces them to join her in fleecing Titus,whom they say must be the one who ordered the attack on Joxer. She says that they stole the sword and left Joxer defenseless,which I don't think he would have been able to win against three men,anyway.Xena wants not just to punish Titus,but to destroy him piece by piece and own all he has.

Rafe bets Eldon that he can get Xena to kiss him...a wager on the side between two con men. Xena suspects they will try anything. The thugs said to Titus that Joxer says he traded the money for fool's gold,but nobody could be that stupid.They don't know Joxer. Besides,when did Joxer realize it wasn't real if he was so stupid?

Gabby talks to an unconscious Joxer and says "stay with us',"we care about you" and "You're like family to us." Note: She doesn't say they love him.

A good scene is the slow-motion closeup of Xena blowing on the dice and rolling them. Rafe is refreshing her memory and skills of dice gambling. She then goes to the casino and as Rafe shows her different numbers to roll,she wins every time...quite a feat,since the workers changed the dice and she still wins. Titus is told,and says he knows she is cheating. Meanwhile,Eldon creates a disturbance,and Gabby sneaks into Titus' office. He hears a noise and spots Gabby there. Xena comes in and stomps the bad guys and wants to kill Titus. Gabby stops her and Xena says she will destroy him bit by bit. He says she must have a price,but she says she wants everything.

The ruby is a prize Titus gives to Leo to take for safekeeping. An elaborate scheme involving disguises is next. Gabby poses as the wife of Rafe(a nobleman) and Eldon is a robber. Xena is a hooker-type,and Leo is tricked into handing the ruby to Xena to be shown how to hide it. She switches polks and Leo leaves with the "ruby".

Now Xena has a bargaining chip with Titus.

A funny scene is when a naked Xena dresses in disguise in front of Rafe...he stares,and she makes fun of him for it,tho she seems interested in him. She says,"give me that hat."
Rafe:"What do you say...?"
Xena;"Or else?"

Gabby tries to keep Joxer calm since he wants revenge. She says Xena will take care of it,but when the group comes back to see Joxer,he is gone. Again,he is taken to the woods by Leo and the thugs and will die if he doesn't give back the money. Xena arrives and nails them all,and captures Leo for a hostage.

Eldon says that Rafe is falling in love with Xena...Rafe says no and doubles the bet. To set up Titus,a scheme is afoot again. He hides cards in Xena's hair and they almost kiss as a waitress comes in to interrupt them.

There is a lot of Gambling Talk in this episode,as "odds are" and "bottom line."

Eldon pretends to join Titus and tells him that Xena will be cheating with Rafe's help. Titus then wants to play Xena for Leo and the ruby. Eldon "kills" Rafe,and Xena loses Leo as he runs to daddy. Rafe,while dying,kisses Xena. Gabby wants to leave(as in the plan) but Xena wants to play cards "for Rafe".

The cards are dealt,and Xena has four Aces,winning. Titus cannot believe it,and Rafe is "alive" again. Everyone fights,and of course,Xena pounds Titus and wins it all.Gabby,even with her sprained ankle,does well swinging the staff.

Xena and all meet at the temple where Joxer is,and as the girls leave,Xena asks Rafe,"are you coming?"

He says in a while...he has left some money as an offering at the temple...has Xena changed him for the better? Eldon says Rafe won the bet,but Rafe says HE kissed HER...the bet was that she would kiss HIM. Eldon will not take the money because he thinks it is a trick.

Xena comes back and literally bumps into Rafe...she looks as if she wants to kiss him,but he says "see you later" and leaves. Xena sees the offering of money he left and we see her sitting with an enigmatic smile.

Season 3