Maternal Instincts

This is a fine hour of television, by any standards, and I found the acting to be even more than superior than usual.

It would easily crack my top ten, if it weren’t for one thing. It is just so sad and painful to watch.

It starts out innocuous enough.

The fact that Xena has been keeping track (one year, two months, and twelve days) since seeing Solan is pretty amazing!

Xena is suddenly saying her own son’s name wrong. She is pronouncing it with the emphasis on the second syllable, using a soft a sound. Everyone else calls him “Solun”.

I’ll bet David Taylor has grown a foot since his last appearance in Orphan of War. Another year or so, and he would be as tall as Lucy.

“Some trackah, huh?” That’s Xena’s accent slipping as she brags on Solan to Gabrielle.

When Kaleiapas says, “That’s why the delegates brought their children”, Xena puts an arm around Solan and smiles proudly. It doesn’t take a genius to realize that was a very revealing move.

It’s interesting that Gabrielle cheats in her footrace with Solan, just as did earlier with Xena in The Furies. What is it about that family?

I hate Fayla’s eye crossing before she passes out. Too over the top for me!

Would the daughter of Dahak really pass out by the appearance of Callisto, anyway?

Xenan is a little cutie…with curls just like his mama.

But shouldn’t he only be about a year and a half old? Do Centaur children mature amazingly fast?

Ephiny is very much in tune with Gabrielle…She realizes something is wrong almost immediately.

Callisto stops to smell the flowers? I don’t think so! It makes much more sense when she starts burning things.

Ephiny says, “Word has it that Xena helped Bodecia defeat Caesar”, and Gabrielle agrees with that. Did she? The last I remember, Xena was leaving Bodecia on her own so she could save Gabrielle from the temple of Dahak.

Gabrielle really and truly loves Hope, despite all she’s been through. It’s touching…sort of.

Now I know Xena is smart, but how could she really identify the desecrations as Callisto’s handiwork?

Where did the name “Lucas” come from, and why does it sound so funny to me?

Gabrielle’s getting pretty good with her tracking. Fayla made virtually no sounds, and Gabrielle was able to capture her easily.

No wonder Gabs didn’t recognize Fayla…that little girl wasn’t very pretty, and didn’t look anything like her mother!

Xena “sensed” Callisto earlier? Does she have the “Ares sensation” with Malibu Xena too?

Fayla says her message is, “She knows your secret and she’s going to take it to the grave.” That had to freak Xena out, knowing it was Callisto saying it!

Callisto has NO future as a barber. Ouch!

Kaleiapas grabs Solan’s arm rather roughly, and watch Xena react, as if her first impulse is to protect her son from…his father.

How does Solan think he came to live with Kaleiapas? Does he believe Borias gave him to the Centaurs?

Xena does a great job talking Solan into doing as Kaleiapas says. Solan really respects her, and listens to her.

He listens to Xena more than his own father.

Xena and Solan have very similar smiles.

Ephiny seems more butch in this episode than she usually is.

What is Xena doing running around with a Jawa?

I can’t help but adore the smug little smirk Xena gives Callisto when called “Clever girl.”

“Auntie Callisto?” Eesh!

I find myself wondering what all of Xena’s thoughts were when she found Kaleiapas dying. Was she already wondering who would take care of Solan?

It breaks my heart when Solan asks, “Why does everyone I love die?”

Xena starts to say she loves him, but changes it to “many, many friends.” Would it have been so wrong for her to tell him she loved him? A moment later, he asks, “We are friends, aren’t we?” and she hastily agrees.

Xena is pronouncing his name correctly now, by the way.

You can’t blame the kid for wanting to live with Xena…who wouldn’t?

Can you imagine the thoughts that must have raced through Xena’s head when Solan tells her he wants her to take him with her?

Xena refers to Kaleiapas as one of the “finest people” she knew. Is a centaur a people?

I have to give Kaleiapas some credit. He told Solan that Xena would always be there for him.

Xena tries to talk Solan out of coming with her, but she isn’t trying very hard. It’s easy to see her pleasure when she finally gives in.

She tells him they’ll have a lot to talk about on the road. Is she going to tell him the truth about who his mother is?

I like Fayla’s comment, “That half-assed old man.”

And for some reason, I really like it when Callisto calls Fayla “weak as a kitten.”

Gabrielle looks far too young to be Fayla’s Mom.

At this point, I still feel a little sorry for Gabs. Her love for Hope is real, but it also overshadows her better judgment.

I mean, I can’t blame her for wanting to hide Fayla, but really, shouldn’t she have taken the smart route and sent Fayla somewhere else to hide?

Xena’s sixth sense is in overdrive again. Check out the double take Gabs gives her as she relays Callisto’s plan to Xena and Ephiny.

Xena doesn’t believe in Fayla, even before she knows who she really is.

When her and Gabs start arguing, it becomes painful to watch. They are extremely angry with each other.

Gabrielle claims Hope is the victim here, but Xena won’t listen.

And then Xena says Hope is still young and “poe…i…sin” will kill her. That’s how Lucy pronounces it.

Xena argues that Hope isn’t a child…but she was just saying she wasn’t mature. So what does that make her? I dunno if I agree with that, anyway.

Xena’s emotion is palpable when she learns Gabs sent Hope to Kaleiapas’s hut.

Then she’s out of there like a shot!

What follows is one of the most difficult scenes of the whole show for me to watch. I’d rank it in the top three.

For some reason, Xena looks extremely tanned in this one.

When Xena tells Gabrielle “get out”, her voice cracks so much it doesn’t sound like her at all. The “Go!” is much more in character though.

It gets to me every time Xena tells Solan, “Your mom is here…just like you always wanted.”

David Taylor does a fantastic time playing dead. I only saw him flinch once, and it was slight.

He particularly does a terrific job when Xena is screaming out her pain. How did he manage to keep so still?

I can’t even begin to understand how guilty and horrible Xena must be feeling during this scene. She thought she was finally going to get to know her son, and then he was taken away from her.

By now, is Ephiny filled in on the situation? She didn’t seem extraordinarily sympathetic toward Xena.

The biggest problem in this one is a lack of communication between Xena and Gabrielle. They are together for just a very few moments during the course of the episode. If they had talked sooner, a lot of their strife could have been avoided.

I woulda thought Hope could have heard “Solan” from anyone…or met him sooner. It didn’t seem unusual to me that she would know his name.

After shooting the arrow through Callisto, Xena just stares at her, and wow, is she ever pissed!

The close up is frighteningly excellent…nostrils flaring, a slight sneer…Wow!

Xena flinches when she shoots a bow and arrow.

Did Xena really think a bunch of arrows would get Callisto’s attention, or was it just to get Callisto’s attention?

Callisto’s words are harsh…”Like to kill me? Wish you could.”

Callisto catches Xena’s sword midstroke, then uses it like a Louisville slugger to whop Xena backward quite a distance.

Xena still looks pretty scary in the cave. She’s trying to act as if she isn’t feeling anything.

Callisto tries to tell Xena that she’s won the war, but Xena’s response is great. “Oh, it’s not that simple. I won’t let it be.”

And later in the fight:
Callisto: You’re nothing to me now.
Xena: You’re breakin’ my heart.

Xena does an impressive job kicking Callisto around, and even gets to give the classic steely gaze toward the course of it.

Xena was very accurate when she said she was going to live with her pain.

How many times over the course of this series does Xena trap Callisto under rocks? A bunch!

For the voyeur in us all, there’s a great shot of Xena’s breeches covered butt, before she dives out of the cave.

Outside the cave, Xena tries to act nonchalant and has to force a smile for Ephiny’s benefit.

I can’t imagine the difficulty Gabrielle must have faced in killing her own daughter…

But I’m glad Gabrielle couldn’t kill herself at the same time. Like Xena, she realized she had to live with her pain.

Xena has pure hatred in her eyes when she was watching Gabriele with the poison. Her eyes are more green than blue. Gabrielle, on the other hand, is looking for mercy and forgiveness, at least at first.

Note there’s a stream of water separating the pyres. It’s a total separation in the truest sense of the word.

Gabrielle has tears rolling down her cheeks, but Xena is holding hers back.

And when Gabrielle tries to apologize, Xena is pretty rough on her, telling Gabrielle not even to speak Solan’s name.

Her next line is very telling. “No, you lied to me. I trusted you and you lied to me.” Gabrielle’s betrayal seems to be the most difficult part for her. Xena has gone so long without letting anyone get close to her, and when she finally does, this is the end result.

I was fairly tolerant with Gabrielle up till now, knowing that she loved Hope and didn’t believe her daughter was evil. But when she had to put in that final, “I love you, Xena,” I lost all patience with her. She should have quit while she was behind.

That was the catalyst for a number of things, the first being the outflow of Xena’s tears. They don’t last long though, and Xena walks stoically off in the opposite direction of the bard.

Can things get any worse than this? Oh yes, they will in The Bitter Suite. But for now, this is as bleak an ending as any episode has had.

Here is Gary's take on Maternal Instinct. With my review, you'll be able to see how differently I perceived this episode, along with the others in the Rift saga, but that's one of the great things about XWP!

This is the first of a two-parter,with Bitter Suite as the resolution of the conflict between Xena,Gabrielle,and Hope. Xena and Gabby go to the Centaur village where Xena has left her son Solon with the leader,Kaleipus,her former enemy. There is a meeting of villages for peace and Ephiny is there with her Centaur son,Xenan.

We see a little girl with a ball at the beginning of the show. The ball falls down a chasm and the earth splits,and out pops Callisto,free from her lava prison.Her enemy,Velasca,is still imprisoned.

We find out that the little girl,around 11,is really Hope...she has enlisted Callisto,thru Dahak,to pave the way for Dahak to enter the world and take over.

Callisto will get what "was promised",which we are not told. Hope says that killing the children will hurt the people the most. Cal knows of Solon,and wants to hurt Xena as Xena has hurt Cal,by killing someone dear to her.

The best scene for me is when Gabby realizes that the girl is had been only a couple of months since she was in Brittania and gave birth to Hope. Gabby tells Ephiny that her child died.

The look of relief,shock,sorrow,and fear all at once on Gabby's face shows us how fine an actress Renee is. When she put her hand over her mouth to stop from crying,it was very realistic,and she just about lost control at that point.

Gabby tells Hope that she always loved her,and wants her to be careful.Hope says the "monster-lady",Callisto, wants to kill the children.

The scene where Xena and Gabby argue about Hope is a tense one. Xena says that Hope can be killed with poison before her powers get too strong. Gabby says that Xena is a mother too,and how can she tell her to kill her own child? Gabby had sent Hope to the safest place,Kaleipus' hut. Earlier,Hope killed Kal with her telekinetic powers by making a sword fly at him.

Xena goes ballistic hearing that Gabby could be so naive to send Hope to that hut,and she runs to find Solon dead. The look of grief on Xena's face was so memorable... a heart-wrenching scene,indeed.Gabby gets there a minute later,and says she is sorry and Xena tells her to get out.

The chilling repeated screams of Xena are heard by Cal,who smiles in ecstasy. Cal has enabled Hope to hurt Xena with Solon's death.

Later,the villagers,men and Centaurs,tell Xena that Cal is coming. Xena shoots Cal in the back with an arrow.The look of hatred on Xena's face is truly believable.Cal is then shot at and hit about a dozen times more by the archers. She then uses her god-powers to send the arrows back,killing the archers.Everybody else then runs away.

Cal goes to the cave where Xena meets her for a fight. Cal has had her revenge and tells Xena that it is over...she will no longer bother Xena,and that Xena has really won...just let it go. At this point,Xena could have let her go...even Callisto could have disappeared,since she is a god...maybe she wants punishment...really feeling human again.Instead,Xena fights her,and Cal keeps telling her to is useless.

Xena's hate and grief will not allow herself just to accept victory. They continue fighting,and Cal's thrown fireballs collapse the cave.Cal is trapped while Xena just makes it out in time.

Meanwhile,we see Gabby kneeling at Hope's dead body...she had poisoned her. Gabby raises the skin flask to her lips,then does not drink. She pours out the small remainder of the poison,looking miserable. She feels remorse for killing her daughter,and the sorrow of lying to Xena and allowing Hope to kill Solon by not killing Hope when she was born. Xena witnesses this scene without speaking.

The final scene is a struggle of Xena to maintain her warrior-composure,while tears are in her eyes. The two funeral fires are burning as Gabby says she should have done what Xena had said...kill Hope at birth.She mentions Solon,and Xena forbids her to speak his name. She accuses Gabby of lying...we remember how Xena lied to Gabby while in Chin...Xena DID kill Ming Tien.

Both women lost their children,so they part. Gabby is filled with remorse,and Xena is consumed with hate,setting the scene for Bitter Suite.Gabby says "I love you" to Xena,but Xena ignores her,and both walk away in different directions.

This episode showcased the tremendous talents of Renee and Lucy,and it is continued in Bitter Suite.This episode has to be in the top 10 for me.

Season 3