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Hot In The Shade ~2002

This is my new Grullo filly!

I have always wanted a grullo colored horse but never seemed to be able to breed one out of my own horses.

Shade was purchased November 2003 as a yearling. She was never registered as foal but her sire is Remmingtons Pride (APHA) by The Hot Shot Starr (APHA) who is by the Famous Hot Scotch Man (APHA).

Her mother's side is Quarter Horse.

This is her sire:

Remmingtons Pride

...her grand sire:

The Hot Shot Starr

...and her great grand sire:

Hot Scotch Man

I have not yet trained Shade to ride, but she is easy to handle on the ground.

My main goal in bringing Shade to our farm was to try and get a Grullo paint foal from her and Cherokee.

We bred her to Cherokee May 11st - 13th of 2006. She is checked in foal which puts her due right around April 12th, spring of 2007! Fingers crossed for a grullo & white baby!



It's a girl! April 17, 2007

Shade foaled this morning and presented the world with a bouncing baby grullo! It's not a paint but she sure is cute!

Not a spot of white anywhere ~ not even on her face.

4/22/07 At 5 days old, her color is already starting to darken. She will come up to you to be scratched but otherwise sticks close to momma!


I have found a grullo stallion at last! He is outside of Dallas and I took Shade and Lady to him. They are both in foal due Spring of 2008!

"Painted Grullo Dude" APHA# 00811262


The summer is flying by! It's now the first of August 2007 and Laura has named the filly "Shadow". At not quite 4 months old, Shadow has lost all of her baby fuzz but her grullo color sun-bleached as fast as her momma's did. I can't wait to see how dark she gets this winter!

She has a calm temperament and enjoys being groomed or following the kids around.

Laura really likes this filly and Sunday is partial to her as well.

Fall 2007

The weather is finally cooling down and the horses have started growing their winter coat. Both Shade and Shadow are getting the charcoal gray coat & classic grullo look.

Now that Shadow is almost 6 months old, it's time for weaning. She still is very friendly and enjoys Laura's company. Laura picked out a bright purple halter for her and has pretty much called "dibs" on this filly. I took this picture during the sunset so she looks gold rather than grullo but you can't resist that calm, sweet eye ~

October 10, 2007

It's late November and the weather is getting colder. Shadow has turned the classic dark charcoal grullo and is growing like a weed. She ties, loads, loves baths, and is good about her feet. Her mother, Shade, has also darkened and is getting big in the belly with her 2008 foal.

November 2007



Shadow has been sold ~ It was sad to see her go, but we really want to concentrate on the paints. Her new owners have just acquired one heck of a yearling!

These pictures were taken just before she loaded up in the trailer to go...

It's another girl!

Third time was apparently not a charm when trying to get a paint foal from Shade! She did produce a very nice black filly on May 03, 2008.

It is now October of 2008 and the fillies have been weaned. Shade's filly is very stout & thick ~ maybe roping is in her future?



Shade's black filly has been sold. Just shy of her 1st birthday, she has found a home down in Angleton, TX.


Shade turns 7 years old this year!

We are counting down to Shade's 2009 foal. We bred her to a cremello Missouri Fox Trotter for a guaranteed buckskin or palomino foal. She is due about May 8th and is getting huge! His website can be viewed at Prince Moon Beam