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Justamere Paint Farm

Our farm is located in Waller, Texas

Just about 30 minutes West of Houston on HWY 290

I would like to show off the stars of our farm!

The mares that started it all: Lacy (AQHA)and Joy (PtHA)

These are the horses currently on our farm:

N-Star-R Justa Joy...........April 23, 1979 - Nov 9, 2004

Pedigree Joys Page

Lacy Bubbles...................April 27, 1980 - Nov 9, 2006

Pedigree Lacys Page

Joys Sunday Surprise......May 03, 1992

Pedigree Sundays Page

Justa Red Ranger...........June 05, 1995


Jack Of Harts................March 28, 1998


Colonel Poco Otoe...........April 10, 1999


Justa Sonny Lady.............May 05, 2001

Pedigree Ladys Page

Hot In The Shade................March 2002

Pedigree Shades Page

Snickers...........................April 13, 2003

Pedigree Snickers Page

Painted Grullo Dude.........April 15, 2003

Pedigree Tobys Page

CSS Snazzy Jetalito........June 06, 2005

Pedigree Snazzys Page

Lucky To Be Plaudit.........April 16, 2007

Pedigree Luckys Page

Justa Painted Lady.................May 03, 2008

Pedigree Painted Ladys Page

This is Joy, my “once in a lifetime soul mate” type horse. My parents bought her for me when I was in middle school and she was only 3 years old. You could say I grew up on her back!

Let's go see Joys' Family! Click here!

When I married in 1990 it was time for all of us to settle down and be “domestic”. Joy started producing some very beautiful colts and I have 3 young children.

Click here for the Hart family page

Our new Grullo Paint Stallion!

Painted Grullo Dude

Toby will be standing for the 2009 season. Visit his page for more information Tobys Page

Check out this black and white!

"I Ain't A Paint" is his registered name but he goes by "Zee". Foaled in 2000, he was a wild weanling until he joined my herd!

Click here for the Zebra page

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