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Welcome To Hide & Seek With Angels

Baby Cherubs blowing kisses to their parents! Twinkle Twinkle
Don't Be Sad
Baby Cherubs play a Heavenly Game

We hide behind the stars
Playing Hide & Seek with the Angels

Our kisses feel like warm fuzzies and chill bumps!
We love to blow our Mama's & Daddies kisses! So, Mama's & Daddies
When you look into the Heavenly Skies at night,
And see the stars twinkling

Know that we are playing with Angels
And took time from our game
To blow kisses to our Mama's & Daddies
From behind the stars

How will you know when you got our kisses?
Our kisses will feel like warm fuzzies in your heart.

Mama, did you feel the kiss I just sent you?

Daddy, did you feel the kiss I just sent you?

Mama's ~ Daddies...Did you feel our kisses?

William James Lambert
9-29-97 ~ 4-29-98

Children of Heaven
Children Of Heaven
{\o/}     {\o/}     {\o/}
Joseph, William, & Julissa

Playing hide & seek with Angels
Light A Candle For Your Child

Light A Candle
For Your Child

Mail our Mama

I prayed for my children's healing, and they were healed...Amen

Lake Applet by:
David Griffiths

Smilin's Terrific Background Place
Eric Halstead's Music for Pianos Website
Click on the Piano to go to the
'Music for Pianos' Website

Shreela's Pages
Children Of Heaven
Joseph ~ Child of Heaven
William ~ Child of Heaven
Grieving Parents Support Page
Light A Candle For Your Child
Hide N Seek With Angels
My Children Are In
The Other Room

Sympathy Cards For Grieving Parents
My Beautiful Angels
A Memorial Gift

Amanda the Panda Provides Support
To Grieving Children
Memorial To My
Grandmother Evelyn
Joey is VERY SPECIAL to me,
he has the same condition
that took my William to Heaven

^Joey's Pictures^
Brendon Triple Transplant
Tyler Walks with CP
Organ Donation
Parents of Special Needs Children
Prayer Requests For Children
^WebTV & Lower Browsers^
Poetry For Special Children
Jesus Saves
The Choice
Face to Face with Jesus
Jesus and the Children
I Am Woman
Do Not Abuse Me
LoveWares ~ Free Awards
Fairy Massage
Mermaid Massage
Butterfly Massage
My Brother Mark
ShockWave Games
Email Hoaxes

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Children Of Heaven Site