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Welcome To Miss Pepper's Home




Miss Pepper, the Congo African Grey Parrot, was hatched 14 February 1997. Miss Pepper came to me from an excellent breeder of Congo African Greys, the Vance's of Corpus Christi, Texas. She was weaned to pellets, fresh vegetables, and fresh fruits. This has made it easy for me to introduce Pepper to new and healthy foods.

Pepper keeps the flock and myself entertained with her imitations of not only myself, but also my Quaker Parrot, Patience, and my two Nandays, Whisper and Gracie. Miss Pepper loves to give orders such as "eat your food", "be quiet", and "Mom go to work now". Miss Pepper's vocabulary increases almost daily and I have lost track of how many different things she can say or sound like. One of her favorite antics is to ring like the phone as soon as I walk out the door. Thinking that will bring me back to answer the phone so I will not leave. Miss Pepper loves to swing and to hang upside down by one foot while talking away.

Pepper's Avian Vet has her and all her parrot flock mates on a great healthy daily diet of Harrison's Pellets (75%), Organic Cooked Grains such as Kashie, Wheat Berries, Brown Rice, Spelt, Hulled Millet, Pearled Barley, and Whole Grain Oats. Pepper also gets Organic Fresh Vegetables such as Squash, Carrots and Tops, Parsley, Broccoli, Jallopeno Peppers, and cooked Sweet Potatoe. The only fruits I feed are Papaya and Mango. I just mix it all together and watch everybirdy eat and eat....and eat....

Miss Pepper's favorite all time toy is her mirror cube. She also loves to chew her wood toys and untie the knots so she can watch the pieces fall to the floor of her cage. She is a busy bird, talking, playing and eating her days away.

I feel honored to be able to share the love, trust, and companionship of Miss Pepper. She truly is one fascinating creature deserving of all the love, understanding, and attention I can bestow upon her. Bless You Miss Pepper for Being my Friend.

Follow the links here to visit the Homes of Miss Pepper's Flock Friends, Whisper and Gracie the Nandays , Patience the Mighty Quaker Parrot , and Angel Dove. Please stop by and read the story of Gracie A Very Special Nanday Conure or visit the homes of three very special special birdie friends, Miss Princess Dove, Daffy the Wonderous Green Conure, and TxParrots.

The Grey Parrot Ring
Wings Around The World Ring
Prayer Page For Our Feathered Friends
Communication With Parrots
Alicia McWatters Avian Diets
Grey Parrot FAQ
The African Grey Parrot
Grey Parrot Intelligence
You and Your African Grey
No Bad Birds!! Bonnie Munro Doane's Page
Welcome to African Greys World
Avian Health and Disease Prevention
Before Buying Birdie
You and Your Birdie
Keeping Your Birdie Safe
Feeding Your Birdie
Birdie Health, Diseases, and Illness
Keping Your Birdie's Home Clean
Pellets and Recipes
Toys, Supplies & Accessories
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