About the Bunnies

Since they apparently aren't going to do anything about this "About the Bunnies" page, then I am.

You can just call me Piano Bunny.

PuckPixie is a feisty fan of the Dallas Stars. She is known to fellow season ticket-holders as "Loud Girl." She wears Goth clothing and has magenta hair. You've probably seen her around. Next time you see her, ask her a question in Finnish- she's learning the language to talk to her favorite Finnish friends. PuckPixie takes computer science, so feel free to spam her with C++ questions. =)

BeckyBunny is another Stars fan whom you've probably seen at a game or practice, but she doesn't stand out as much as PuckPixie. This is because she doesn't dye her hair, though she once asked her dad if she could dye her hair blue. (Her dad said that she could after she did the dishes. She did the dishes anyhow, but her hair is still a natural brown.) She actually plays hockey (not well, but this is Dallas) and she likes Canada-- so who doesn't!? She's the tech support behind the page so pester her if something doesn't work.

BonnieBunny is now a redhead. Looks like BeckyBunny is the odd bunny out on this hair-dying craze. She has a thing for goalies (watch out Eddie!) and in addition to hockey, BonnieBunny enjoys watching the Texas Rangers play, even though they suck. Oh, well-- at least she's rooting for *one* good team.

ButtercupBunnie is the prettiest princess ever. She doesn't use proper punctuation or capitalization, but that gives her added character. She is nifty and cool and you should love her. NOW!

PianoBunny has absolutely nothing to do with this page whatsoever. Except she made this page, because the bunnies wouldn't.

A word from GermanBunny:
GermanBunny really has nothing to do with this page except for the fact that I'm typing this right now.

Thank you, GermanBunny.

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