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Welcome to my Court

The Lights Go Out

After six years of coaching high school and one year of Jr. High athletics it was time to take a break. I certainly miss coaching some really great kids, but it is nice not to have the headaches. I usually did things my own way and more often than not I was successful so I look back on the experience with a bitter sweet fondness. On this page I have included some of my favorite pictures from my coaching career.

We Had One Goal

My second year as Head Varsity Softball Coach Mabank Hgh School would prove very exciting. I would take the team to the playoffs for the first time in school history. We would beat a state ranked team and enter the rankings ourselves, and we were also ranked #5 in the Dallas/Fort Worth area by the Dallas Morning News. Please excuse the look on my assistant coach's face, I think it was having to follow my lead all year that put that face on him.

3rd Year Regionals

My most enjoyable season of my coaching career came my third year as the Cameron varsity tennis coach. We were a young team with only one senior. The whole team can be seen at the top of this page on the bottom row. Most of these players I had started out teaching how to play some real tennis in Jr. high two years before. The pictures above are of my regional qualifiers that year, some great kids and some great athletes. It is not often you bring these young of kids to the regional tournament but we were good. Unfortunately after I left only one of these players would ever make the trip to regionals again. Maybe that says something for coaching. Let me introduce them, far left: Kelly Dodd (freshman) and Mellissa Baumann (junior) wondering why they even have to play who they are playing, next row top, Kelly and Mellissa smiling before their first round regionals match, below, Tiffanie Kubacak (sophomore)playing her singles match at regionals. Next row top is Brian Bailey and Thomas Weber (sophomores) a couple of pure athletes who were great guys but would never smile for the camera, this picture was taken right after placing second at the district tournament, underneath them is Mellissa and Kelly after qualifying for regionals and then next to them is a picture taken with Tiffanie after her qualifying for regionals. Above me and Tiffanie is a picture of me Kelly and and another one of my singles players Kelsie and behind me trying to be funny is Thomas this shot was taken after a very successful district tournament. What a great year, I miss them.

Junior High Volleyball

How can you forget coaching Jr. High volleyball. When I first came to Mabank and they didn't know how good of a coach they had I was assigned to the Jr. High for one year. These kids were a blast to coach and they were good. One secret about Jr. High: they don't know anything but they want to. Patience was the secret but they made it easier by being so good. My 7th grade team is pictured on the left, they lost only one match all season and finished as district runner-up. On the right is my 8th grade team they lost two matches that year but finished as District Champs.


After six years of coaching here are the statistics. Six years of coaching sub-varsity volleyball, seven teams, 3 district championships and 4 district runner-ups. Three years of varsity tennis, 16 regional qualifiers, 2 team championships. Three years of Jr. high tennis: 8 district champs and 5 district runner ups, two team championships. Two years of varsity softball and finally a trip to the playoffs.

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