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The Wierd Stories that Will Forever Stain My Existance

Pages Of Crap

My Stuff

Funny Stories

Great Games

Things I Stole

Great Pictures

Awsome Bands

The Horrible Joke of the Day

Great Things

Ebaumsworld (Great Entertainment)


Hey, It's Got Good Games

Free Quizzes

Group X

These stories are all real...and embarrassing

~~~Lets call this No-way-in-hell-you-could-explain-this.~~~

Okay check this out...This was bout 2 years ago...Let's just say "I know a guy"(me), who went to a resort with his family and one night Larry(I mean the guys friend) was hogging the Ps2. So the dumbass(thats me) gets on top of a glass table and gives his friend a very clean version of a table dance. Well, even though the friend(Larry) didn't budge, the glass table broke. And I had to pay $150 to repay the resort. BUT-- thats not all...See I knew my dad would freak out if he found out I was doing something that I blamed it on Larry. Damn the Guy wit the POOF.

~~~Taco Bell Whores~~~

Okay one night, me and my friend Larry decide to go to Taco Bell and we are headed towards the entrance and I see these two chicks in a truck. First of all if they are in a truck...they are hot. Well they call us over and say, "Me and my friend have went everywhere and everyone has been SO RUDE...see we don't have any gas, could we borrow like a dollar and we'll pay you back."

Well of course I'm a nice guy, and totally weak around ladies...I go here is ten dollars. :) IDIOT! well whenever they leave we here the whores laughing. Isn't that a GREAT STORY?!?!?

A Link a day, keeps the boogerman away | L is for Link | Rhymes with Stink | Why must I be so cool?