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Creature Swap
Ultra Rare

Both players select 1 monster on their respective fields and switch control of them to each other. The battle positions of these cards cannot change during the turn this card is activated.


Greg's Review:

This card has had lots of hype about it. Really the bans have made this the new Change of heart. With or Without change of heart this is an ok card. I mean it's pretty opinionated, you either love it or you love enemy controller and maybe even both. This card is not the best but it is not to bad for what it does. The fact that Yu-Gi-oh has only 40 card decks and IMO anything more is useless. But it wouldn't be on the restrict list if it weren't any good. I don't think this saw very much play when it came out in LOD, and I think now post bans we may see more. There isn't much to say except in draft get it, its extremely good.

Not much more to really say.....

Limited 4.2/5

Tourney: 3/5

one year from now 3.1/5


