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Over the years I have observed at close quarters the activities, methods and mindset of certain reptilian hosts that are active in the UFO Research Community. In purely human terms the leading reptilian hosts are to the UFO research community what Kim Philby, Donald MacLean and Guy Burgess were to the British Intelligence Community and Foreign Office in the 1930's, 40's and 50's. These reptilian host have made a profoundly negative impact on our present understanding or misunderstanding as it were, of the abduction syndrome and the reptilian overlordship.

My colleagues and I have noted that all things being equal, your average "conspiracy" researcher knows far more about his or her field of study than abduction researchers know about their chosen field. The "abduction researchers" are making the classic rookie mistake of accepting information which has been identically repeated by countless other sources (i.e. other abductee testimony) and assuming that just because so many people are saying the same things (i.e. Grays, medical experiments, global ecological catastrophe) that by necessity, the information must be valid. This is a cosmic version of the "Double Cross System" of World War Two when Britain's MI5 "turned" captured German agents and compelled them to send back disinformation to their controllers in the German Abwehr. The trick works on either "pro" alien abduction researchers or "anti" alien abduction researchers. The goal was to identify the Grays as being the main perpetrators behind the abduction syndrome when it is actually the reptilians.

Just as Philby, MacLean and Burgess were recruited by the Soviet NKVD while they were in college, the reptilian host in the UFO community were essentially created for the work they are doing. It is NOT an accident that reptilian host and the countless manipulated abduction researchers are largely responsible for conceptualizing and defining the nature of the abduction sydrome. It is the most effective disinformation and deception campaign I've ever known of.

I have witnessed first hand the deceptions and lies these reptilian hosts propagate in order to further the reptilian agenda. I have seen the chaos, confusion and abject misery these reptilian hosts have sown into the lives of innocent men, women and children. In every case, these reptilian host insist their sole motivation is to help others understand more about UFOs and the alien presence here on Earth. They help others understand more about UFOs and the Alien presence here all right. In Spades.

For me, it was a unique opportunity to watch the Reptilian Mind in action as it worked through these Human-Reptilian host in order to control and manipulate innocent people. I must admit it took me a while to give up on them as members of the human race but in the process it taught me a lot about why the human race is not at the top of the food chain.

I will discuss the operational methods of a couple of reptilian hosts that are active in the UFO research community. Keep in mind what I had already written about the reptilian need to sexually control and abuse others because it plays a significant part in the activities of many researchers in and out of this physical density.

One of the leading reptilian propagandist is a bisexual deviant who practices sado-masochism and keeps a large collection of sadomasochistic videotapes and magazines. He identifies himself as a DRACO and indeed his familiars ARE dracos as well as reptilians. I will refer to this reptilian host as "Vermin."

FBI profilers such as Roy Hazelwood and John Douglas would describe "Vermin" as an "Anger-Excitation Rapist." This Reptilian host is a practicing occultist and can actually bi-locate to a distant location to rape and abuse women. He is also a vegetarian. It must be pointed out that in certain occultic circles, becoming a vegetarian is a necessary step towards becoming an Adept or a Sorcerer. To give two extreme examples of vegetarians gone bad we need only study the lives of Adolph Hitler and Aleister Crowley, both of whom were reptilian hosts. This is not to say that vegetarianism necessarily leads to a life as a sexual predator and ritualistic murderer. I am merely pointing out that reptilian "Familiars" encourage their hybrid humans to become vegetarians because protein deficient humans are easier to possess. Like so many others who lead a diabolical double life, Vermin is very familiar with Biblical Scripture especially the New Testament. In reality he hates and reviles the name of Jesus Christ.

I first met Vermin several years ago at a UFO conference. Vermin was promoting the reptilian overlordship. I was appalled at the notion that someone would actually promote the Reptilian agenda. Surely, I thought, this individual MUST be aware of the horrible acts that reptilians perpetrate on a worldwide basis? I decided to befriend Vermin and find out for myself why this guy loved reptilians so much. And when I say he LOVED reptilians, I mean LOVED. As much as a deviant reptilian host can "feel" love anyway. For the record I affirm that reptilians DO NOT have a Heart Chakra which makes it possible for them to perpetrate these unspeakable acts of cruelty.

Vermin's reptilian information was top-heavy in theory and esoteric literature and very light on actual reptilian methodology and operations. This was the first thing that I noticed about him. He was familiar with all the literature regarding the Nagas, The Serpent in the Garden of Eden, the Annunaki, the Nefilim, Quetzelcoatl ad nauseum and cleverly utilized this information to buttress his argument that the reptilians "civilized" the human race but he seemed unwilling or unable to discuss reptilian operational methods. In fact, one sure hallmark of a reptilian propagandist is their incessant focus on "ancient history" rather than what is going on today.

I could care less about what the Nagas did thousands of years ago. Doubtless they were raping, sodomizing and ritually murdering innocent humans back then too.. At any rate, our focus today should center around what the reptilians are doing to perpetuate their control and manipulation of the human race. Undue focus on the Nagas, the Annunaki and the Serpent in the Garden of Eden at the expense of Intelligence regarding actual reptilian operations is a sure sign of a reptilian propagandist. In a future treatise entitled "Does It Have Intelligence Value?" I will elaborate on why certain types of UFO research has no relevance whatsoever to an abductee. Another MILLION FEET of authentic UFO video footage is not going to help the child who is afraid to sleep at night because of the monsters that come out of his closet. Unless that videotape pinpoints an actual underground or undersea base where abductees have been taken, it means nothing to me.

Vermin was an expert at marginalizing abductee testimony regarding the cruel and sadistic behavior of the reptilians. He would launch into a long diatribe about "Polarities" and of how there were "Good Reptilians" and "Evil" humans. He would nod his head excitably and exclaim "EXACTLY!" when I'd draw an analogy with the frog and the scorpion story. The scorpion stung the frog while they were crossing the stream .Why did the scorpion sting the frog in the middle of the stream thereby committing suicide, when he promised not to in order to hitch a ride to the opposite bank? Because he's a scorpion...and scorpions sting things. Likewise reptilians rape human women because that is what reptilians do. "Exactly!" he'd exclaim with an expression reminiscent of the excited "Crocodile Hunter" of cable TV fame.

He would pontificate in this manner for hours on end until his listeners would cave in and agree with him. Like so many reptilian assets, Vermin has a huge ego that demands constant attention and gratification. It was not unusual for Vermin to sit in a booth at a cafe until the wee hours of the morning and excitedly explain to his captive audience how the human race owes all of its civilization and s

And like so many assets he had an inexhaustible supply of energy which allowed him to enthusiastically proselytize to all and sundry. He really knows how to work a crowd and like the anger-excitation rapist profiled by Hazelwood and Douglas, he can be charming, erudite and a great actor. Vermin never liked to share the stage. His "entourage" (me included) were supposed to sit and look on as he propagandized his fellow diners and paranormal enthusiast about spirituality, reptilian style.. On the other hand he was a very good listener in private and incorporated any and all information, no matter the source, to buttress his pro-reptilian arguments. I will describe in a moment how the reptilians "led" him to certain types of information but the reader must understand Vermin led essentially two lives: The public and "normal" propagandist life and the supernatural reptilian life. I am aware of both in minute detail.

Vermin was one of those arch-intriguers that always had to swear you to secrecy for even the most trivial information. "You gotta promise me you'll never tell anyone....Promise?" "Yeah" I'd say. "I won't tell". Then he'd show me a map of the united states and point out in all seriousness how the outline of a certain state resembled a pre-historic dinosaur and was evidence yet again, of "the Reptilian influence." Likewise on another occasion after he swore me to secrecy, he grabbed a pen and on a pad of paper drew an upright ziggurat pyramid and directly beneath it an inverted ziggurat pyramid so that the two were connected at their respective bases.

He was trying to point out to me the wisdom of the Hermetic Axiom "As Above, So below." He said, pointing at the apex of the downward pointing ziggurat and I'm paraphrasing "this capstone here contains a secret compartment where the leader of the underground reptilian civilization meets with the leader of the human race to discuss politics."

"Uh huh." I replied. "Well, I promise not to tell anyone." I'm sure that the steady stream of telepathic messages he receives from his reptilian handlers is just one reason why he could look me in the eyes and actually believe this crap. I only point it out here to show the depths of self delusion and self deception that these reptilian host sink to.

He would be periodically "summoned" by his reptilian familiars to meditate inside of a cave in a mountain range that is reputed by local abductees to contain an underground reptilian installation. (I will explain later how Vermin has taken other abductees on astral trips to this installation.) It is standard operating procedure for "familiars," Spirit Guides or channelled entities to summon their Human Assets to a particular spot in a field or a ledge on a cliff face for example, to conduct meditation exercises and breathing exercises. Often as not these locations are interdimensional vortex areas or ley lines which facilitates the entities attempts at possessing the humans under their control if that becomes necessary.

One sure way to determine if someone is demon-infested or hosted by particularly deviant reptilian entities is to assess the Spiritual Filth Factor (SFF). Uncouth behavior, vulgarity, a revolting fascination with human bodily functions and a preoccupation with deviant sexual activity is a hallmark of someone who is under reptilian-demonic control. That is why I call it the Spiritual Filth Factor. Vermin scored highly on all the major filthiness factors but he went about his deviant activities in a very secretive way.

By now I'd hung around with Vermin for a few months and had made certain arrangements for him in the research community that allowed him to get his pro-reptilian message out. I decided the time was right to bring him into a real live reptilian investigation and see just how knowledgeable he was about reptilian operational methods. Later I was to look back and think how ironic it was that I was bringing a reptilian host who is a sexual predator into a reptilian investigation to determine how knowledgeable he was about reptilian operational methods.

The act of bringing him into an investigation would further establish my "bona fides" in Vermin's mind as someone who sincerely wanted to help Vermin with his pro-reptilian activities. He benefited greatly from my connections in the research community and more than once I provided free of charge hundreds of full color copies of his propaganda leaflets.

I introduced Vermin to a gal in the high desert of southern California. Myself and a colleague briefed Vermin as much as possible about the case. We were friends with the gal who was having the reptilian experiences . Many experienced hypnotist will tell you when someone laughs hysterically or uncontrollably when reliving a frightening experience during hypnotic regression, that they are "Ab-Reacting." It is a means for the subject to release hidden and buried trauma derived from a traumatic event such as an abduction.

Many psychologist will tell you that likewise, when fully conscious people laugh about certain embarrassing or unsettling things, it is a defense mechanism to hide ones fear or misgivings. So it was the day we briefed Vermin. We childishly laughed and giggled, I am ashamed to say, over the fact that our friend who was undergoing the reptilian experiences had developed an extremely high libido as a result of her frequent reptilian sexual encounters. She was our friend and we were seriously concerned about what she was going through but our own inside knowledge and the misgivings we had about the sexual element in her story made the both of us very uncomfortable. Hence the guffawing and joking about her predicament to Vermin. It was a very human reaction to this particular set of circumstance and I don't say that to excuse what we did. This happened several years ago. I was much more ignorant and fearful about the implications of reptilian encounters back then.

When we shared this information with Vermin, we did so in the mistaken belief that Vermin was imbued with a HUMAN consciousness and it would help him to understand what our friend was going through since he was the self proclaimed "Reptilian Expert." That was the idea anyway. Unfortunately, it never occurred to me back then that Vermin was ALREADY possessed by a Drac. Indeed the mere fact that our friend had developed a heightened libido because of these experiences actually triggered the sexual sadist facet of his persona. Vermin eventually became an endless source of anxiety and problems for my friend who was having these experiences.

It is not uncommon for a woman that has endured these kinds of experiences to develop a heightened libido because the male reptilian activates the kundalini rising of the female abductee. In the process women can experience extraordinarily powerful full body orgasms as the result of being raped by a reptilian and at the same time feel tremendous guilt over having them. And through no fault of her own.

I introduced Vermin to the family and watched as he interacted with them. No sooner had he sat down at the kitchen table than the natural showman in him began to come out. My friend , the female abductee was quite disturbed by the experiences she'd had. She became very emotional when she recalled particularly painful and frightening experiences. There was a Military Element to her story as well as a reptilian element. Vermin prevailed upon everyone in the household to wash their own feet and to pray to God in their own way. He said we needed to wash our feet for some specific spiritual purpose which I can't recall at this time.

When it was Vermin's turn to pray, he knelt on his knees and bowed down until his forehead touched the floor. His arms were outstretched before him with his palms flat on the ground. "Hello God....its me again..." he intoned.

Later I was to learn that he conducted his magickal ceremonies the same way except he would arrange candles around him in his bedroom and would chant in a language similar to Enochian. He would also chant in a guttural language as well. Again he would sit down on his knees and bend down until his forehead touched the floor and stretch out his arms, palms flat on the floor. But in those instances he was endeavoring to "bi-locate" to some distant location where he could rape and abuse a women. A truly despicable creature. And make no mistake: Vermin is of that category of drac or reptilian host who KNOWS he has a latent ability to rape women at a distant location by either astral/occultic bi-location techniques.

After the prayer for the family's protection, we sat at the kitchen table and listened to my friend Ellen explain what had been going on with her and the family recently. Ellen was crying because the reptilians were not only abducting her but were starting on her children. Vermin, as is his wont, began to monopolize the discussion and turned it towards the "Evil Military" and "Good Reptilians" routine.

Then we proceeded to conduct a "stakeout" of the children's room where there was a portal entry in the closet which allowed the reptilians to enter into the household. The children's room was one of the places in the house that saw the most reptilian activity. I had already spent the night in that room in the past with other researchers and the reptilians actually came out.

This time Vermin set up his videocamera with an extra long videotape and aimed it at the closet. We flipped coins to see who would sleep on the bed. The losers would sleep on the floor in sleeping bags. We all went to sleep. A few nights later in a hotel room at a UFO research conference Vermin played the tape back and we heard to our collective surprise and my consternation the sounds of four very distinct growls coming from the direction of the closet.

The videocam was aimed at the gap we left between the sliding closet door and the wall to its left. I instructed Vermin to aim it in such a way as to be able to detect the smaller immature reptilians that come out besides the bigger mature ones. (I was once "punched" in the face by a little rep that came out of that closet. I blacked out and woke up the next morning with identical points of discomfort on both my right and left cheekbones. The soreness lasted for weeks.)

There was a hamper inside the closet that was stuffed with bathroom rugs. Garments, towels and other assorted items were piled on top of and to the sides of the hamper . Spare plastic hangers were crammed in every conceivable space. The reptilians used this overstuffed closet as a portal entry despite the lack of "physical space." If I remember correctly the growls heard on the videotape came within thirty minutes of us falling asleep. You could clearly hear the fitful sleeping noises and snores we were making. The growls on the other hand were very clear and distinct. Months later I asked Vermin if I could borrow the tape but he claimed that the growls had mysteriously disappeared from the videotape. A likely story.

I began to suspect a diabolical double life to Vermin. Part of me wanted to discount the possibility out of hand but there were compelling reasons to believe that Vermin was capable of Pure Evil. The first indications came about when he developed an extreme resentment and vindictiveness towards me when he found out that I was going to begin writing and lecturing about the reptilians. "You conned me." he said. Despite the fact that I hung around his sorry scaly ass all that time, I never relented in my belief that his reptilians were pure evil. I merely stepped back and let Vermin take center stage. I was there to learn about him not the other way around But when I told him I had decided to "go public" he really blew a gasket. He KNEW I was going to expose the reptilians as the evil manipulative beings they are.

Vermin seemed to believe that he was the only authorized lecturer on the topic of reptilians. I wondered where he had gotten that exalted idea from?. Who authorized him? The reptilians? The real problems began when he began visiting my friend in the high desert along with his sidekick "Angelo.". By this time I had decided to stop associating with him because I couldn't learn any more about him from personal observation.

It was when I began getting reports from my lady friend in the high desert about his visits that I began to understand the depths of Vermin's depravity. "Ellen's" Military Handlers had warned her that Vermin was going to be visiting within a couple of days and he was going to be bringing along Angelo. The ostensible reason for his visit was to conduct a videotaped interview with Ellen regarding her reptilian experiences. In fact, the real purpose for their visit according to the military, was to encourage her to take part in videotaped sadomasochism sessions with the two of them. The military men showed Ellen dossiers on Vermin and Angelo and provided lurid details of their sadomasochistic and group sex activities.

The dossiers mentioned that Vermin kept a large collection of magazines and videos devoted to sadomasochism as well as a private collection of S&M equipment. It also stated that Vermin was a bisexual deviant who was involved in highly questionable activities including drug abuse. The military told Ellen they would punish her if she allowed Vermin and Angelo to visit. Sure enough Vermin called and said he was coming over for a visit and wouldn't take no for an answer.

When they showed up, Ellen let them in. They sat on her living room couch. Vermin began talking about his video project. He explained that he had conducted videotaped interviews with a number of people for this reptilian related project he was working on and that he wanted Ellen to be a central part of it. Ellen had of course been briefed about Vermin's actual purpose by her military handlers. Despite Vermin's entreaties, Ellen refused to take part in this "research project." Vermin wasn't satisfied. "I will visit you tonight in my astral body" Vermin said. Vermin and Angelo left, unhappy over Ellen's refusal.

It must be understood at this point that Vermin has a deep seated hatred for women. If a woman was attractive enough he would mentally sexualize her but he could never accept her as an equal. Women who were less attractive were merely ignored or used in some fashion if the opportunity presented itself. Women threatened his base reptilian nature. Vermin hated self assured opinionated women with a passion. This manifested itself on the internet when he would use several "notional identities" with women who knew the reptilians to be evil. His deviant Drac mind wouldn't admit of a women standing up to him let alone speaking out against his beloved reptilians.

In Vermin's mind women existed solely to be controlled and abused at one's leisure. THIS IS FUNDAMENTALLY A DRAC-REPTILIAN MINDSET. A normal adult male looks at the neck of an attractive woman and he may fantasize about kissing and snuggling that part of her anatomy. Vermin would likely, and his past behavior has borne this out, fantasize about ripping her neck out with his teeth,. Indeed a female abductee reported him manifesting on top of her while she lay in bed and trying to rip her neck out with his teeth. .

It was clear to me where he had acquired this mindset. He got it from enduring a lifetime of sodomy at the hands and talons of the reptilians. And sodomy is just one facet of this particular behavior conditioning process. Mind Control remains one of the preferred forms of reptilian manipulation and behavior control.

Suppose the reptilians telepathically offered Vermin a Faustian Bargain. In exchange for allowing the reptilians to sodomize him, Vermin would be rewarded with a closer psychic link with the reptilians and the opportunity to enhance his occultic abilities under their malevolent guidance.

With that kind of carrot dangling in Vermin's face, is it reasonable to assume that Vermin would refuse such an offer? Vermin's Mind had been flooded for years with thoughts and images of sadomasochism and of assaulting and harming women. This is entirely typical of the kind of mind control indoctrination that certain males are subjected to. Moreover the reptilians strive to activate the kundalini energy through sodomy. This is one means through which the reptilians establish and maintain a psychic link with one of their human assets. Personally I don't think the reptilians bothered to ask Vermin if he wanted to participate. They just sodomized him at will until he reached the point where Pain and Pleasure became co-mingled in his Mind and he had developed a violent hatred towards women. The reptilians OWN Vermin the way a slaveowner owns a slave.

Here is a likely scenario which led to Vermin's becoming fully hosted. Remember that there are essentially two types of Host. There are those individuals that KNOW they are hosted by a drac and or a reptilian entity (or entities as the case may). These are the Category A Host. Then there are the Category B Host. Category B Host are people who DO NOT know they are reptilian host.

Vermin is most assuredly in the former category. I'm still hoping against hope that there are some in the Category A group who would be willing to work for the betterment of Mankind. Stranger things have happened.

Vermin is telepathically encouraged to meditate at certain places such as the inside of that mountain mentioned above. He is led by his "Higher Self" to certain occult related books in order to further his apprenticeship as a supernatural sexual predator and reptilian propagandist. He is encouraged by his Reptilian familiars to dabble with certain drugs including hallucinogens such as LSD or Psilocybin in order to "see" reptilians more easily.

By the same token, suggestions are placed in his Mind to use drugs such as Crank or Crystal Meth in order to facilitate the Hosting Process and Mind Control. He learns how to bi-locate. He begins to astrally explore the underground cavern systems. And all the while he is undergoing the astral dreamscape sexual manipulation to the point where he has developed an extreme hatred towards women. All of these things and more led him to visit Ellen in the high desert.

Ellen went to bed that evening wondering if Vermin would actually visit her astrally like he said he would. He did. But he wasn't alone. Ellen has very marked psi abilities. She is among that minority of humans who can "see" the reptilian image overshadowing "hosted" or possessed human beings. Ellen saw Vermin appear in his astral body. He sat down on the edge of Ellen's bed with an evil grin on his face. At that moment a large reptilian appeared, doubtless one of Vermin's "Familiars," and proceeded to brutally rape and sodomize Ellen whilst Vermin watched with evident satisfaction. Besides being raped and sodomized Ellen was beaten and clawed by the reptilian. All the while this "reptilian researcher:" sat there in his astral body and thoroughly enjoyed my friends physical and emotional abuse.

The following day, the military punished my friend just as they said they would. So not only was my friend brutally raped and sodomized, she was also punished by her military handlers. In the process of punishing her they warned her that Vermin was going to be calling again soon and that she was to have nothing further to do with him.

Vermin and Angelo showed up at Ellen's house again. Ellen didn't want them to enter her house so she rode with them in Vermin's car to a nearby park. Ellen wanted to tell Vermin that the military had already punished her once for allowing Vermin and Angelo to visit. She said she wanted nothing further to do with them. At this point Vermin asked with smug satisfaction how Ellen had enjoyed his "astral visit" of the previous night. Vermin's true scales were showing.