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In the Pit
Febuary, 16/2000
January, 12/2000
Naw in the PIT is not perfomed in front of a crowd. It is a taping exitement, and to keep you the fans exited. The PIT enclude Interviews and Matches, the results will be posted after every PIT we do. which is either every week or every second week. The PIT is taped and kept, and in the futer may be available for you the Fans. So for now enjoy these results.
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Wednesday, 16/2000
-An announcment was made that Fern Rage was stripped of the NAW Heavyweight belt because he did not want to defend his belt and therefore the NAW comish striped him of the belt.
Match #1
Little Chad defeated All Business by PINFALL
Match #2
Justin Sain defeated Kain Man by PINFALL
Match #3
the Wild-ACE defeated Johnny Memphis by PINFALL
Match #4
All business defeated Fern Rage by DQ
NAW Heavyweight Championship
Royal Rumble
winner: All Business
Check out Sound Clips from this In the Pit by Clicking Here
Check back within the next 5 days for complete play by play results of the matches above, and plenty of sound clips from the show