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Fairfax Alliance for Citizen Equality
 P.O. Box 346
Annandale, VA  22003-0346
tel.: 703-993-3970

Do you work for or run a business in Fairfax County?  Are you involved with any Fairfax-based organizations - religious, political, professional, or social?  If so, we need your help!

FACE is working to gather endorsements for its Resolution in Support of Amending the Fairfax County Code to Prohibit Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation.  It is critical that we be able to demonstrate to County officials that there is public support for this initiative.  What you will need to do is ask the appropriate business or organization officials to endorse the resolution and follow up to make sure the resolution is signed and returned to FACE. 

Below are some talking points that may assist you in speaking with or sending a memo or letter to your business or organization.  The text of the resolution is available from this site.  We prefer that the business or organization sign the resolution we have prepared and return it to FACE.  However, if it prefers to write its own letter of support, that is great too!  It should send such a letter to both the Fairfax County Human Rights Commission (Michael Cash, Executive Director) and the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors (Chairman Hanley and the individual supervisor representing the district in which the business or organization is located) and, importantly, make sure it provides a copy to FACE. 

Please return all signed resolutions to FACE at P.O. Box 346, Annandale, VA 22003-0346.  If you or the officials of your business or organization have any questions, contact us at 703-993-3970 or at 

Thank you in advance for your much needed assistance on this critical component of FACE’s campaign for equality in Fairfax County. 


  • The Fairfax Alliance for Citizen Equality (FACE) is a non-partisan, non-sectarian coalition, which has formed to encourage the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors to amend the Fairfax County Code to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation. 
  • It is already illegal in Fairfax County to discriminate based on race, color, sex, religion, national origin, marital status, age, familial status, or disability.  Protections exist in the areas of employment, housing, public accommodations, education, credit, and county contracting.
  • Talented individuals in our county who are gay or perceived as gay can be discriminated against - with no protection or recourse.  In this climate, some of our citizens who believe such discrimination is wrong are reluctant to act fairly, afraid of controversy or of being targeted for discrimination themselves. 
  • Jurisdictions that already have taken action to protect their citizens against such unfair discrimination include Arlington County and the City of Alexandria in Virginia, Montgomery and Prince George's Counties in Maryland, and the District of Columbia.
  • Fairfax County must keep pace to compete successfully for the forward-thinking businesses and employees it is trying to attract.  Discrimination that denies any individual the opportunity to contribute fully to the common good is a deterrent to our county's continued prosperity.  Permitting discrimination and the fear of discrimination to continue unabated is wrong.  It is time for our Board of Supervisors to amend the Fairfax County Code.
  • Every voice will count as we work together to ensure that all persons are afforded equal opportunity to participate in our community life free from discrimination.
© 1999 Fairfax Alliance for Citizen Equality
Last updated: April 10, 1999
FACE strives to end discrimination against persons who are, or who are perceived to be, gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered, their families, and persons who advocate for them. We affirm the inherent dignity and individual rights of all persons. Accordingly, we promote humanitarian reform in public policies and social institutions affecting all persons who live in, work in, attend school in, or visit Fairfax County. Discrimination that denies any individual the opportunity to contribute fully to the common good is itself a deterrent to the continued prosperity of Fairfax County.

FACE is a non-partisan, non-sectarian coalition that welcomes as members all individuals and organizations sharing this commitment.