Gabriel Proctor Lachlan McDonald 2003 |
Galar Man _ Joshua Williams - 2010
Gags McKenzie _ Nathan Wentworth - 2007 |
Gareth Henning _ Duncan Woodcock - 2009 |
Gareth Peter _ Phillip McInnes-2005 |
Gareth Rivers _ Serge De Nardo-2000
Garland Cole _ Jack Finsterer -
2011 |
Garnet White _ Richard Moss -1995
Garret Burns _ Sebastian Gregory -2006 |
Garnet White _ Richard Moss -1995
Garry Allen _ Gerard Montgomery-1997 |
Gary Allen _ Tony Rickards - Farmer-2007 |
Gary [Boof] Head Stephen Hall -1992
Gary Briggs _ Jamie McGrath -1993-04 |
Gary Denham _ Anthony West -
2011 |
Clip 987k
Gary Evans
0:26 With
Trying to raise the money for
Stu’s operation. By selling her
Gary Evans _ Ian Scott-2005
Clip 967k
First date
0: 47
Who joined a yoga class and found herself a charming partner. They
went for drinks and things seemed to be going well. However, she had
no idea that Gary was the man Sindi visited when she was trying to
raise the money for
Stu’s operation. |
Gary Mason _ Jason Green 2007
Gary Mason _ Robert Lowe-Stephs-boss-1999 |
Gary ONeil_Kevin Hopkinson-1999 |
Gary West _ Jon Geros,
Charlene Mitchell - 1987 |
Gavin Horne _Gary Lantzsch-2001 |
Gavin McNulty _ Ian Wilmoth -2002 |
Geoff-Burke-Andrew-McKaige-1998 |
Geoff Carmichael_Teague Rook-2000
Geoff Cram _ Joe Ferguson -2002 |
Geoff Hadley _ Mike Newman - 2010 |
Geoff Hastings _ Chris Gaffney-1999 |
Geoff Hillier _ Brendan O'Connor-2001 |
Geoff Langdon _ Daryl Pellizer - 1985 |
Geoff McKenzie _ Fred Barker -2009 |
Geoff Payne_Ewan Sprague--1998 |
Geoff Randell _ Stuart Schulze-1999 |
Geoffrey Belmont _ Ronald Falk -199 |
George Antoniou _ Victor Bizzotto - 2009 |
George Baker_Doug Dew-1999 |
George Carter _ Andrew Dicks - 1992 |
George Caruana_Greg Ross-Radio man-1998 |
George Croft _ Tony Lee_2001
George Papadopolis _ Serge De Nardo - 2010 |
George Pappas _ Lliam Amor - 2011 |
George Sanders _ Ben Schumann-2006
George Young _ Alan Cassell -
Des -1985 |
Gerard Hancock _ Ellis Ebell-2006.
Gerard Singer _ Bryan Marshall &
Helen - 1987 |
Gerard Tate _ Ian Rooney -2007 |
Gerry Butler _ Robert Korosy -1986 |
Ghost _ Ryan Harvey - 2010 |