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Several Rules here in WWCW....
First are the rules for Roleplaying...

Here is a few things the people who grade matches look for when reading roleplays and deciding who wins. Follow these simple guidelines and you should have no problem suceeding in WWCW or TCW.

1. Be original. I can't stress this enough. There is nothing a staff member hates more then "Wrestler walks to the ring. Wrestler grabs mic." It's a big world we live in. Explore places. Don't confine yourself to the same location.

2. No three line roleplays. Nothing kills a career more than the:

A. "I am going to go in to nuclear hell and kick your @ss. Because I am better than you. So get ready for the wrath of the Wrestler."

- I will penalize for this, because this is just as bad as not roleplaying. So don't be suprised if you lose a match even if you did rp a 3 liner and your opponent didn't. I will penalize you just as bad for not trying. I put out effort each time I write a result. I expect the same in return. This is the only way we can make this fed get big and the only way we can attract big name superstars to our fed. No big name superstar wants to join a fed with a bunch of crappy roleplayers.

3. Roleplay. Roleplay. Roleplay. This is how you win matches. This is what builds your character. This without a doubt is the biggest thing in efeding. So roleplay for every match you are in.

4. Proper grammar. This is another very important part. I hate reading roleplays. Where the wrestler has the grammar of a 7 year old. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that we are all fairly intelligent people and have some type of education here. So please check you spelling, periods and capital letters. You just don't understand how much the writers and people who grade the roleplays hate this.

5. UBBC is not a must, but it helps. Even if it is just changing the color. Now I am not going to give you a tutorial on how to UBBC. I'll leave that up to you. But I will tell you to go to a search engine and type the word html in the search bar(this is how I learned, and if I can do it so can you. Maybe if I'm in a good mood one day I will put up a UBBC tutorial but for now I'll leave it up to you). Then click on something and learn some basics. Even if it is just changing the font color. But once you get a color scheme going. Try to keep the same color. Don't change up. That way when we get to your roleplay we know what to expect. We are not left just skimming through the roleplay. Trying to figure out what you are saying or doing. Once again it is not necessary, but it helps.

6. Specialty matches are good. I don't hate them, but I don't paticuarly like them. I think they are good in ending a fued or for ppvs. Not to be having them at every show. So don't come out asking for a flaming tables inside a steel cage match everytime you roleplay, because you are not going to get it and you are just going to piss the staff off.

7. Describing a type of match is not a roleplay. If you want to describe a match you want send it in to the Prez. Then then the Prez can decide if he wants to use it on a card. But coming out and saying I am going to hit you upside your head with a barbwired baseball bat. Then I am going to stick your head in a trashcan full of flames is boring.

8. Part of being a good efedder is putting down your opponent. Find your opponents weaknesses. See what they do wrong in there roleplays. Then exploit them. Part of efedding is being able to come up with something that leaves your opponent speachless. This is basically a battle of wits. To see who can put the other person down and keep them down.

9. At times you will lose a match where you think you should of won. Well I'm here to tell you we judge the matches not you, plus we go according to story lines or angles. So sometimes you might lose for the sake of an angle. There are not going to be any Goldbergs in this fed. Everyone will lose at one time or another. What happens after the loss is up to you. We can't please everyone. But we'll do our best to keep you happy.

10. Remember we are trying to portray a federation that is close to being the real thing here. So no coming out and calling each other pussies, dicks, fags, or anything of that nature. I don't mind cussing, but even that has its limits. Just try to censor the cuss words out (the board does it in a way anyways). This goes back to the proper grammar part.

11. Thats all I can think of for now. So have fun. That by far is the most important part of an efed. Without that what do you have.

12. Good luck to everyone.

Now onto the general rules:

1. You must roleplay... absolute must. If you don't roleplay 2 shows in a row, you are suspended. When you return, you will have 2 weeks where you must roleplay or you are fired. I will judge equally, but I will also slit throats equally. No one gets more then another. I am an Equal Opportunity Throat Slasher.

2. Don't beg any of the executives/staff members to do something. That's just childish, and will get you suspended automatically. If you think I'm kidding, TRY ME!

3. No whining to executives.... that's why we have an OOC board. Also, the OOC board is not a place to do promos, interviews, or roleplays.

4. Threatening people over the internet via e-mail or IM is strictly prohibited. If we find out that you do such actions, you will be fired on the spot. No one cares about your fat ass mouth here. So shut up, and focus on roleplaying....

That's all I have for now. The other things are just common sense.. use your brain people!

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TCW is not associated with the WWE or any other wrestling promotion.

Copyright 2003, TCW. Created by Jeremy Crum.