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Star Wars Roleplaying Game Material

Welcome to my Star Wars Roleplaying section. For those who have visited before, you’ll notice a change in the appearance of this section of the website. For those who are visiting for the first time, what you will find here is various items for use with a roleplaying adventure. Most will be of my creating, some will be already created in the comics or novels, but the stats are ones I personally choose for the character, creature, vehicle, ship, etc. I will, whenever possible, make certain to differentiate between that which I create and that which I selected the stats for that already existed.

I tend to create plenty of characters, ships, alien races, vehicles, creatures, and planets. Since I have had so few chances to use what I create, I have always wanted to give folks a chance to use my material in their RPG adventures. At one time this was my only chance to do that, but recently I’ve begun posting some of the material I create on other sites. Sometimes you may find my material posted somewhere else and then come in here to find it here. As with the Star Wars Theories section I’ll always credit others for any of their material I may post in here, but if it’s something I created there will be no name accompanying it.

So what have I changed in this section. Well, the biggest difference is on the left side of your screen. Or should I say is not on the left side of your screen. For some time this section of the website featured a frame on that side which allowed you to choose the material you wanted to see. As can be guessed from other parts of this website, I like to use framesets in various sections of the site. It just tends to make things easier to select new info without having to press the back button all the time. But I have noticed with this site that the deeper into the site you go with framesets, the more likely it is that a frameset will open up in a new window rather than a new page. And at one point that was indeed something that happened in this section. While framesets are not leaving this section, hopefully by relegating them to them to subsections this problem will not occur.

Another difference is, of course, the appearance of the subsections as links. In the old format, the subsections were actually category headlines letting you quickly tell what kind of material you were about to look at. The subsections are still categories, but now you’ll have to return to this page of the Star Wars RPG section if you want to change categories.

Finally, the Patshwerque Supplemental. I’d actually begun working on the Patshwerque Supplemental before I even added this section to the website, and it has always been one of the elements of this section, and always it’s been Coming Soon. Well, it’s been Coming Soon for about a year or two now, something that’s not fair to those who may be expecting it. Starting now it’s going to be In the Works until I actually start adding material to it.

Updated August 23, 2004.

Niblick's Rangers Sourcebook
Peiran Daiesthais Sourcebook
Astrogation Gazetteer
Patshwerque Supplemental (In the Works)