UFO Resource Center


The following cases are from eyewitness contact with what many believe to be extraterrestrials. I would prefer the word paradimensionals, because we cannot assume that they are from outer space; nor can we say they are aliens...the reason being that the evidence suggests that this phenomenon has been around for as long as ancestors. They have been called fairies, demons, angels, poltergeists the banshee, leprechauns etc, etc. Therefore, due to their innate ability to pop in and out of our dimensional reality, as well as the ability to conquer the limits of time and space, the title paradimensional would suffice. However, for the sake of identification with the masses, we will refer to their common names.

The common names for those that are actively involved with one on one contact with the extraterrestrials are known by several key names, amongst the more celebrated names are experiencers and contactees. Contact with these beings is not always pleasant and enlightening for most, although many report enlightenment as a result of those experiences. UFORC is actively researching the physiological and psychological dynamics of these encounters. I would safely say that the majority of these contacts are often well kept secrets, which can be traced through familial chains for centuries. The Director of UFORC is currently amassing evidence of the “Familial Connection,” and he would welcome any information along those lines that you may have to offer.

UFORC is always updating and adding to its database. If you are an “experiencer” and have a story that you want to share or feel that it needs to be told, contact us. Many of the staff and field workers at UFORC are contactees themselves; you are telling a receptive audience.

I will let the cases speak for themselves, as this is the best way to familiarize oneself with the phenomenon. I have ommitted names and email addresses to protect the identitiy of the contactees.




1) I would like to add to the ongoing debate concerning *snip* post. I havebeen experiencing abductions since I was very young. I at first thoughtI was losing my mind as I would get in my car, pull out of my drivewayand 4 hours later, I would get home again, confused about "where thetime went." I was only going on short errands and this would happen.Anyway, Whitley Strieber's book:Communion, slammed me up against realityin a horrid way and I experienced years of crippling, intense fear, thenrage, then I attempted to make "conscious" contact. I am very lucky orunlucky depending on how you look at it, in that I have several"conscious " encounters mixed in with far more "dreamlike" ones. No, Ididn't have sex with well-muscled Reptoids and I didn't see any babiesbeing eaten or meat floating in vats of liquid waiting to have theiressence consumed by the "Evil Greys." What I did experience wasclinical doctor-like exams, having my skull drilled into while my headwas in a harness, other things I won't go into here and lots ofexceedingly strange, "question and answer" sessions. I also experienced"teaching" sessions. Look, eventually, I got tired of hatred, yes tired of it! It was holding me back and I wanted to learn more about these beings who did have emotion at times and genuinely were interested in my welfare. Now, I realize that the cries of "brainwashing" and "indoctrination" are going up but it is a FACT that these beings helped me during my childhood while going through a horrible period. Thefact that in several so-called UFO "help groups" that I couldn't tell ofmy positive experiences with these creatures without being called"brainwashed" or a "New Age Earth Child" dismayed me. They couldn't waitto hear of my negative experiences! I had BOTH! I'm not channelingPleiadians or bobbing for crystals or snorting controlled substances,(not that there is anything wrong with people who do!) I am attemptingto see my experience in ALL of it's facets. I had both good and bad.Once, I got rid of my hatred, I had some encounters that were veryinteresting and informative. I feel nothing but sympathy for abducteeswho are terrified and have a right to be angry. All, I am saying isthat those of us who have had positive encounters as well as negativenot be treated as if we are "spewing Alien Grey Doctrine." I don't knowwhat the hell is going on! I wish I did. I have lost good money onseveral books that claimed to know the answers only to find that my ownheart was a better judge in a lot of cases. I agree with the firstpart of RT's letter and am empathetic with the latter part. Thanks *snip* for giving us this opportunity to write about this. God Bless you and yours!

2) I would simply like to share that astral projection is one of the most powerful tools for the exploration of consciousness that I have found to date, and believe me, I have walked down many paths in the quest for my spirit.I do not teach people to get out of their bodies to have sex withReptilians. I have been astral projecting for nearly two decades, and forover a year now I have been able to consciously control and direct myexperiences to unravel and confront "many" life issues. We have access tothose interdimensional realms and they are within our reach to explore. Ibelieve it is the cutting edge of experiential consciousness exploration.I have met loved ones that have transitioned, gone to past lives, and whatI perceive to be future lives. I have seen other entities that Icannot/will not even begin to label, much less, discuss on the Internet.These experiences are sacred to me and I'm learning not to offer them up toan onslaught of viciousness and ridicule. I will, however, tell you thatin the astral state, I have had healings, and have floated in a sea ofknowingness that is beyond thought...overwhelmed with love, acceptance andforgiveness...as close to the "source" as I have ever felt. I must admitthat it is my primary target when I consciously get out.This skill is the same as a near death experience but it is controllable,repeatable and not trauma based. Many NDEers have stated, it is lifealtering. Imagine doing it at will, without it being trauma induced, andcontrolling your destination. It is a thought responsive realm in whichyour focused/directed thought/intention will immediately manifest theexperience of your choice. My goal is to be "awake" 24 hours a day. Letme further add that I have been able to target/direct my exploration to seemy four hybrid daughters. I had suffered much guilt at having rejectedthem and in that interaction (meeting them on the astral) I was able totell them how sorry I was and express my love. It was as healing andcathartic as lifetimes of therapy. I have also targeted the Reptilians andI feel that they are a soul group of mine, as are the Greys. I can't gointo the many experiences I've had that suggest this to me, but that is myfeeling.As for sex on the astral, it is not physically localized. Nor is it thereligiously orchestrated, guilt-ridden, pornographic act that we haverelegated the sexual union to...allowing it to be bastardized on this planeof existence. Sex on the astral is a complete merging of energy andspirit...a communion and knowingness that goes beyond so-called rationalthought, into a realm of pure being. The astounding experience of thehigher astral planes are perceived as somewhat orgasmic only because thatis the only way we have of describing that incredibly profoundly ecstaticstate of being. We keep trying to ascribe our moral values, attitudes anddefinitions to other worldly experiences where they simply do not apply.As John Mack says "You can't get there from here." It would be helpful ifwe could start looking beyond our dualistic views, judgments and limitedperceptions.My feeling is that the entities that we come in contact with are soulgroups that we have had incarnations with. It's like an expandedunderstanding of reincarnation that goes beyond our physical/humanlifetimes. Perhaps through the hybridization program we are creating aspecies that our spirits will one day inhabit? Please understand thatthese are my impressions and I fully understand that these concepts will bebeyond understanding for those who cannot embrace these ideas.One of the reasons I teach people consciously controlled out of the body isthat I'm very aware that you cannot convince anyone that "any" experiencesare real, much less, paranormal ones. But, when we are able to have ourown personal and experiential validation of the multidimensional beingsthat we are, we gain an unprecedented and expanded view of the nature ofreality. We can switch on that dormant DNA and accelerate our spiritualevolution, often beyond our capacity to articulate it. Homo Noeticus...thenext leap in our evolution. We are awesome and creative beings capable ofmuch more than we can ever "fully" know...it's simply a matter of how much"more" you "want" to know. Personally, it is an insatiable passion.Victimization and fear (and certainly "hard" science) will never solve thismystery....but paranormal pioneers might stand a chance of piercing theveil. I believe that to know yourself as an inter/multidimensional beingcan put you on equal ground with any entity that you are/come in contactwith. I know, from my own experience and several other people's, that OOBexploration can be a powerful tool for experiencers in terms of processing these interactions.


1) Many members of my rather large family have seen UFOs (with witnesses)There are members of my family who have "missing time" incidents on morethan one occasion, 2 in specific are my husband who has lost as much as awhole day during his late teens early 20's and my mom who has had severalincidents. I found out quite by accident that I feel my stepdaughter hasbeen taken somewhere at one time because of things she has said to me but she is afraid of it and I cannot get her to talk about it.I personally have seen several UFOs. One I was in my teens and sawsomething zig zag like a continual M pattern across the sky for about 10 or15 lines then just disappeared as it had appeared (there were no traces from a jet either). One other was on my way home from work a few yearslater and as my mother and I were coming up to an intersection, we saw somethingalong with all the other cars that were stopped and watching whatever wewere seeing (this was the one that was documented in some magazine). It is funny now that I think back on it after so many years and all I can rememberis that it was the most absolutely gorgeous greens I have ever seen in mylife. I also remember being stopped and all the other cars around but thedetails are like fuzzy or something. There was another strange incident of a flying object that my mother and I tried to find out more about and we thought it might be a single engine glider or one man machine of some form but it was too cold out. There was absolutely no noise from any engine and the thing followed us specifically but never got close enough to really tell what it was. There was at least one more of my sightings but the longeraway it gets in time the less I seem to be able to remember, like I am notsupposed to.My mom is really the one who ends up with scars, strange feeling holesunderneath her skin and hard metal like objects in her body that you canactually feel. One of her sisters has awakened many times and felthelpless and not able to move as her husband (my uncle) has basically beenput back in bed from who knows where or what. Sometimes I feel as though myhusband has been taken somewhere else when I wake up.There are many stories that have happened to us over the years most of themforgotten by now. I mostly just have strange dreams that I wastold reflect UFO abductions and when I awake I have an eerie feeling I wassomewhere else.My husband's grandmother has seen UFO's in her younger years (she is in her90's) and my family goes back at least to my grandmother's time possiblybefore.Whether it be inter-dimensional or from our same time, I don't know, but Ihave always known something is out there ever since I was very young. Ialways thought the things that happened to me were normal because it was anall the time thing but kids used to make fun of me because I would speakabout it openly. I actually had people tell me not to talk about it andnever come around me again. It feels funny talking about it now except tofamily.

2a) I have had four (4) experiences that no one in this field has been able to help me make sense of. Any input you may have is greatly welcomed!A SIGHTING: In the summer of 1973 I saw 2 ships of unknown origin pass overhead; approximate altitude 500-1500 feet just south of Cleveland OH; no sound; chase ship looked like the HL-10 Lifting Body. A POSSIBLE ABDUCTION: I say possible due to the fact that it happened in a hospital. It was one year later, 1974. I was not under the effects of any medications. I was undergoing an EEG and a brain scan for possible causes of blurred vision and headaches. The problem is that at that time an EEG used only 4 electrodes. I had 16 used on me and there are no records left of this being done.MISSING TIME: Once in 1990 I was gone for approximately 4 hours. Went out to feed my animals and didn't return till after midnight wearing only a T-shirt in December. The next occurrence happened in the fall of 1994 while staying in a rural area I awoke about 1500-2000 feet from where I was staying wearing only shorts in late November. To get where I was I would have had to walk through a briar field and over a gravel drive that had metal scrap and glass in it. I showed no signs of injury.ADDENDUM: The craft I can deal with. The missing time and the conscious "exam," if you will, have me slightly spooked. I guess what I'm looking for is an answer to the question, "Whats on the agenda for us and why me?" Some background on myself: male 36 years old mechanically inclined. I delve into a little astronomy and amateur radio. My family (parents and my children) are all gifted people. My father is a Reiki Master, my mother, as is my son, are able to "see" ahead in time to some aspects and my daughter is a published author and artist at age 15. The only thing exceptional about myself is an almost photographic memory of things that make no sense at all and the fact that I don't get lost. The only person that at one time was able to sit down with me and discuss these things has been deceased for a number of years now. Mind you I don't expect that out of yourself, only some input if you are capable.

2b) I know the "Grays" very well and they know me. They don't like me. I help people liberate themselvesfrom the tyranny of the "Grays." I will share with you some of what Ihave learned. The Gray's are oppressing, violating and harming people. They usepeople in any way that suits their own purposes, regardless of the harmthey cause. They can manipulate virtually any aspect of a person's life-- health, thoughts, emotions, relationships, finances, etc. They oftencause physical and/or emotional damage and pain. They have been knownto try to intimidate through infliction of pain (torture) and have evencaused death. They often work in families, taking children as well asparents. They typically follow people throughout their lifetimes, andeven beyond that. The greatest concern though is that they controlpeople's minds. They wipe out or change memory, they implant thoughtsand beliefs, they command obedience, and they have even convinced somepeople that they are benevolent. While there are others ("Grays" aswell as other types) who are benevolent, the "Grays" who act againstfree will and cause harm are definitely not. The "Grays" are emotionless beings who do not experience love orcompassion. They do not have ethics that uphold the Universal Law ofFree Will. They are scientists who view us as lab animals. Theyexperiment with us and are indeed breeding with us -- preparing to takeover this planet because they need it. So this really goes beyond the individual abduction cases; it is also acollective, global concern with practical political, ethical andstrategic facets. Ultimately, it challenges the survival of humanity onEarth as we like to experience it.But the Earth is well protected. And as always, the greatest good willprevail, whatever that may be. We will all be OK. I suppose at this point I should explain "where I'm coming from." I workwith abductees through hypnotherapy and/or counseling. I work with awoman who was a lifelong abductee and we have liberated her from the"Grays." She has become a "channel" for beings from other dimensionsincluding different types of ETs - "the Protectors," the "Grays," etc.We are guided by a group of spiritual guides who prefer for now to becalled "The 12."I have a doctorate from the University of Michigan where I studiedpsychology. I specialize in transformation -- individual and collective.Knowing how what I say can be taken, even in this arena I still have theneed to say that I am a "normal" person and not a "quack."


PCE: Familial History

The Personal Contact Experiences (PCEs) of Leah A. Haley. Try to imagine as you read this article, that the people mentioned are also witnesses testifying in a jury trial. The sole issue is whether or not Ms. Haley is an alien abductee. The judge has ruled that all testimony is admissible and is relevant evidence. You are the jury of this cybertrial and must decide this one issue by evaluating each of the witnesses' testimony. Please keep an open mind until you read the entire article. Quiet online. Our cybertrial is about to begin:ANATOMY OF AN ABDUCTIONInvestigated by A.J.S. RaylPrimary witness: Leah A. HaleyVital Statistics: Accountant, mother of 2, from Columbus, Mississippi.Appeared in: Omni Magazine; Date: February, 1995--------SUMMARY:By 1990 Leah Haley had been recalling unsettling dreams ofvisits aboard spacecraft by aliens; the images were at onceso "strange" and so "real" she sought professional help.Her therapist, Springfield, Missouri, social worker JohnCarpenter, known for his work with UFO abductees, says Haley'scase is special. "The details were amazingly specific andcorroborated unpublished details from the best case data wehave so far." What's more, he points out, Haley's story had aspin: her "recollections" apparently involved the United StatesMilitary, which she claimed harassed her so she wouldn't gopublic with her tale. After undergoing hypnosis, Haley has come to believe herabduction dreams were real. She eventually went public in 1993with a self-published book, "Lost was the Key," after legallychanging her name to Leah A. Haley "to protect my family andchildren."INVENTORY OF CLAIMSMemories from the deep. In 1960 Haley, then 9 years old, andher brother, then seven, saw what they thought was a spacecraftlanding in the woods near their home in Gardendale, Alabama."I saw 3 objects, two of which quickly darted away," sheexplains. "The third was silver, completely spherical in shape,and it sat still for a long time in the sky."Decades later, in July 1990, Haley visited with her motherand brother in Alabama, and during a conversation aboutextraterrestrials sparked by a newspaper article, Haleyrecounted a "strange, very real dream. I was in a spaceship,in a round room, lying on a platform with small chalky whitecreatures with big black eyes doing some kind of medical thingsto me," she recalls.After the dreams increased, she contacted John Carpenter inhopes of finding some mental illness or disorder to explainwhat was going on. Instead, during 15 sessions of hypnoticregression, she recalled countless specific abductions startingat age 3. She even conjured an undersea alien facility,complete with alien craft and a captive soldier, held againsthis will.'Military Intervention.' During hypnosis and flashbacks, Haleyalso recalled her abduction by military personnel. For instance,she told of an alien craft that she believes crashed near abeach while she was aboard, after which military personnelescorted her away. Comments Carpenter, "That episode unraveledas vividly as any I've heard."Since September 1990, Haley claims, she has been "followed bymilitary types in navy blue or white cars," and occasionallyby black unmarked helicopters. She also claims she has beenmonitored via her telephone and in person, because, she nowspeculated, "I was on that alien craft when it crashed and themilitary wanted to glean information and make me shut up."In April 1991, Haley charges, military harassment made itsmost insidious appearance at the Columbus Air Force Base in theform of Major (then Captain) Tracy Poole, whose wife was inHaley's accounting class. Haley says Poole extended "anunusually persistent invitation" to view space shuttle Endeavorduring its stopover at the base. Armed guards surrounding theshuttle and signs posted around the spacecraft warning that"Deadly force is authorized," Haley notes, explain why sheconsidered the invitation "a possible setup to interrogate orkill me."'Technology Gone Awry.' Haley also reports loosened locks andwindow screens, disturbances in the phone line, and thespontaneous disarming of her security system, not to mentionstrange sounds throughout her house, leading her to believesomeone or something was inside.'Weird Body Marks.' Haley has found "more than 100 strangemarks" on different parts of her body, including injectionmarks, apparently made with 3 separate prongs. She alsoreports other physical anomalies, such as "Morse-Code-typebeeps" in her ears, intense back spasms, voices and imagery,and frequent soreness in her ovaries. On numerous occasions,she says, "I have felt dazed, unable to concentrate or focus."'Sane Psychometric Profile.' Haley visited Florence, Alabama,psychiatrist Thomas G. Shafer 3 times in 1992. Shafer, whohas no connection to the UFO field, concluded that there was"no evidence of organic psychoses such as schizophrenia,organic brain syndrome, or bipolar illness." In a letter toher and released to OMNI, he wrote: "It is my opinion thatyou suffered some sort of traumatic experience in the woodsthat day long ago as a child. Your descriptions of beingnaked, lying powerless, having your body explored suggestvery strongly to me that the actual experience was a sexualmolestation. It is in my professional opinion," he concluded,"that you suffer from delayed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD) due to childhood experiences, complicated by a paranoidstate caused by the hypnosis sessions, and I've recommendedyou undergo treatment by a licensed MD or Ph.D. certifiedin hypnotherapy to help you solve these issues."In the fall of 1992, Haley also completed a Fantasy ProneTest given to numerous abductees by the Center for UFOStudies (CUFOS). According to Carpenter: "It revealed that shewas less likely than the normal person to be fantasy prone. Shefell in the frank, down-to-earth, conservative range."THE INVESTIGATION'Memory Lane.' Like most abductees, Haley has recalled heralien encounters primarily through hypnotic regression."Haley deliberately did not read anything and did not want tobe an abductee or involved in any of this," says her hypnotist,John Carpenter, who has to date regressed 90 other abductees."Under hypnosis, she had the classic response to all this; itbrought tears."Haley's brother, who is a law enforcement officer with thestate of Alabama and, as such, requested anonymity, was presentat the first 2 hypnosis sessions. "Carpenter did not ask anyleading questions; rather he tried to lead her away fromanything having to do with aliens," he says. After the sessions,he says, "She was in disbelief, denial, shock, but there was nodoubt in my mind that she was deeply affected by what she wasremembering."All this, say critics, does not prove Haley's recollections tobe real. Robert A. Baker, psychology professor emeritus at theUniversity of Kentucky, who has studied psychological anomalies,says, "These encounters are really hypnagogic images,essentially walking hallucinations or dreams, and nothing more."Adds Baker, researchers like Carpenter may be putting aliens inpeoples heads."Baker has not looked at my work or my methods, "respondsCarpenter. "My trademark is deliberately suggesting logicalresponses to the point of misleading these abductees. Theseabductees come from all walks of life and economic status, andyet they all tell the same story about the same little guys. Itdoesn't make sense that these are all falsely created from theindividual imaginations."But Ronald K. Siegel, associate research professor of psychiatryand biobehavioral science at UCLA and author of Whispers: TheVoices of paranoia, does not agree. "Those details don't pointto anything more than a 'common mental experience,' not unlikeparasitosis, the belief you're being infested by parasites,"Siegel says. "Medical history documents that people who sufferfrom parasitosis reported the same parasites and drew the samedrawings, with the same details. Given an infinite variety ofstimulations, the brain responds in a finite number of ways.""Theoretically, Haley could be experiencing an altered stateof consciousness - caused by anything from a food allergy toa physical problem in the brain - and having these fantasticexperiences in which she has seemingly real feelings and imagesassociated with being abducted by aliens, and which can eveninclude physical manifestations," adds psychologist Keith Harary,research director of the Institute for Advanced Psychology inSan Francisco.'Military Coup?' Acting as tour guide, Haley drove OMNI around theColumbus Air Force Base looking for a one-story building whereshe believes she was taken and interrogated. No building, however,seemed familiar. Haley also gave OMNI the name of a disgruntledcivilian employee at Columbus she said might know about the UFOs.When OMNI tracked this man down, however, he said, "I just don'thave the kind of security clearance to know about these things."As for Major Poole, he has confirmed that he did give his wife,a student in Haley's accounting class, a space shuttle Endeavorpass to give to Haley and did invite her to view the shuttle onits stopover at the base. "But it wasn't a personal invitation,"he says. "We have standard roped off areas, where the public canstand and take pictures, and that's what I invited her to do. Onthe night in question, I did go to the classroom, but it was towave to my wife."OFFICIAL DENIAL-Have UFOs ever been tracked over Columbus AirForce Base? According to Sergeant Debbie O'Leary, Columbus AFBPublic Affairs: "No, there have been no UFOs tracked here,and we have not interrogated here any people who claim to havean alien encounter."Tammy McBride at the POW/MIA office at the Pentagon, meanwhile,conducted a search for one Larry Mitchell, a name that appearedon a soldier's uniform in the underground alien facility Haleydescribed under hypnosis. McBride found 3 Larrys and oneLawrence all with the last name of Mitchell. All 4 were killedin action in Vietnam. All bodies have been recovered.'Vehicular Interference.' Tony Scarborough, physics professorat Delta State University in Cleveland, Mississippi, and statedirector for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), confirmed that "agraphite-black helicopter came over a building where Haley wasspeaking and scared the students to death" in the summer of1991. "A year later, a similar helicopter came over my house,then flew at about 500 feet, traveling parallel to me on myway to meet her at Delta State University," he adds, "but theconnection between these helicopters and Leah Haley is, ofcourse, speculative." As for Air Force cars following her, Poole says, "We have carsrunning up and down highway 45 all the time."'Homebodies.' John Beard, who heads up Golden Triangle SecurityAlliance in Columbus, the company that installed Haley's homesecurity system, confirmed that Haley has experienced an inordinateamount of trouble. "This particular system had an inherentengineering and design flaw, which the manufacturer has admitted.Consequently, we no longer sell it, and we have had to go out andchange components on most of the systems we installed. There areat least 20 other customers who have had the same problems."Haley's former housekeeper, Eunice Eggleston, however, insiststhere were strange things happening inside the house. "One dayI was upstairs cleaning, and heard chords clearly on the piano.I was sure the house was all locked up, and I was the only onethere. In addition, the answering machine would start withoutthe phone ringing, and the air vent once dropped on the floor.But these events, says psychologist Harary who has studied thepsychology of coincidence, don't add up to much. "A string ofseemingly inexplicable events that occur around the same timeare not necessarily related," he says. "You would have tothoroughly investigate each and everyone. Sure, there couldhave been someone physically in the house; unfortunately, noone was seen, and it's almost impossible to get to the bottomof what was happening after the fact."'Body Scoops.' The plethora of unusual marks on Haley's bodywould seem to be significant physical evidence; however,everyone agrees that without a thorough examination of herenvironment and sleep patterns, they mean little in the end."Strange marks appearing overnight is not just that unusual,and without observing Haley close up during the times thesethings occur, you cannot draw any kind of valid conclusionabout what's going on," says Harary. "We would have to ruleout all conventional explanations, including, for example,the possibility that she could be doing these things to herselfin an altered, or even an ordinary, state of consciousness."'Get Out The Ink Blots.' While Shafer stands by his evaluationof Haley, psychologist Siegel insists Haley may test out assane because "There's an internal reality that everyone shares."Abduction imagery is a manifestation of the limbic system, notoutright insanity, Siegel says. "Haley is truly an abductee,BUT THE ALIENS ARE NOT OUT THERE - THEY'RE IN HER OWN BRAIN.The scary thing is, we all have the same details in our nervoussystem; ANYBODY CAN BECOME AN ABDUCTEE."CONCLUSIONDespite the fact that some UFO researchers have called the Haleycase one of the most intriguing and apparently best-documentedabductions ever (according to OMNI), without more data it'simpossible to know what Haley has experienced, and why. There isno hard evidence and no conclusive circumstantial evidence thatproves abduction by extraterrestrial biological entities. Giventhe caveat that this investigation remains incomplete, there isalso no conclusive evidence that Haley has been monitored orharassed by military operatives.Ladies & Gentlemen of the jury...have you reached a verdict?


1) I believe there are many people having unusual 'contact type' experiences who don't realize the experience as "ET phenomena." I'm an "experiencer" with a life long history of contact, although for years I wasn't aware of seeing any "ships" or "little grey men" to make me think that I was experiencing an ET scenario. I always assumed and still do to some degree, that the visitation was from 'dimensional beings,' akin to ghostly apparitions, or earthbound spirits.It was not until a friend introduced me to the modern UFO genre a few years ago, that I began to question whether the two phenomena may be one in the same. That many different groups are interacting with us, some from far away distant places, and others perhaps, from parallel dimensions within our own sphere.The closest explanation I have found which makes some modicum of sense to me, is the theory some researchers including Jacque Vallee, in his book 'Dimensions,' have offered regarding the so called 'fairy folk.'These dimensional beings have for centuries, appeared to humans in a guise that would "fit the expected characteristic" of the time. They would steal children in the night, take people on celestial flights, and perform unusual experiments. People reported loss of time, floating through walls, and other phenomena closely associated with the modern day "abduction" scenario. The fairy folk could even change their own shape and character at will, as well as that of objects.This scenario sounded familiar.I decided toto see a 'ship.' The next thing you know I started to see ships! And I was not alone. In three instances there were other people with me who saw the same thing.Seeing a ship however, does not guarantee the occupants are of ET origin anymore than seeing a little guy in a green suit guarantees you're being visited by a troll! But I continued with the experiments nonetheless, and soon came face to face with aerial activity I couldn't explain. I decided to focus my intention, and telepathically "call" to the light source. It responded by speeding directly over my head. I later 'thought' of making nocturnal contact only to have beings arrive at my bedside that same night.Whoever these visitors are, they're most certainly in full telepathic contact with [some of] us, at all times.As for unnerving scenarios, I too have had a few. But I have found that whenever I change my way of thinking regarding a "fear based" scenario, I also change the quality and character of the scenario itself. I am now able to alter a "challenging situation" into something more manageable by shifting my 'expectation.'Although at times I will initiate contact, as mine for the most part seem to be of a spiritual nature, I have also outrightly rejected a visitation by holding a firm intention of "no" and sending the visitors "back" to their source. In fact, I've found this method to work well in most areas of life. Knowing that I can initiate, alter, or abort an encounter has been very empowering.By studying ancient, spiritual philosophies, I have found one Universal Truth that epitomizes my experiences, that is -- 'energy follows thought.'Perhaps the greatest lesson deemed during a lifetime of experiences was to learn how to pay close attention to my thoughts. This may seem like an insurmountable challenge as one is asked to overcome the all-powerful "ego," but I can tell you from experience, that it is truly the 'key' to acquiring a modicum of mastery over the phenomena.Whoever, or whatever the phenomena is, I feel fortunate to have developed a means of integrating these challenging experiences into "positive life lessons." I have most certainly learned a few things about the human spirit including 'what you send out, comes back to you,' and that 'love and compassion, for all things' will truly set you free.


1) It has been about 14 to 15 years now, so a few of the details are vague, but most are still very vivid. Also, if you want to think I am just a nut case, I will understand. Look at a map of the state of Oklahoma and notice the I-44 highway that is also know as the Turner Turnpike from Tulsa to Oklahoma City. We had been to my parents house in Oilton, OK just north of Stroud (the halfway point on the turnpike) it was a Sunday evening in June. We had left my daughter there to spend time with her grandparents. My wife (now ex-wife for 13 years) and son who was about 16 months old were in the camper of our truck. My friend Donnie was in the cab with me. After we got on the turnpike at Stroud, we had decided to stop at McDonalds at the Wellston exit -- it should take about 45 minutes to make the drive. It was about 9:15 PM and the speed limit at the time was 55 mph. Donnie and I remember pulling on to the interstate and starting to drive -- we were listening to the radio. The next thing we remember we driving past the Chandler exit and we had a funny feeling to us -- sort of being in a dull haze. The radio was playing static. We did not have a clock in the truck and neither of us were wearing a watch. A few minutes later we pulled into McDonalds to get something to eat -- they were closed. A clock inside showed 2:30 am (the radio station we were listening to went off the air at midnight). I went to the back of the truck and spoke to my wife who was still asleep, everything was fine. We told her they were closed and she said something like -- 'this early?' Donnie started to ask me several times about it and I told him not to discuss it. The next day he went to a friend who was a hypnotist who regressed him for a story. I chose to use mediatation to relive the event. Later we compared notes and the key points were the same. The truck was suddenly in a circle or a bubble and it lifted off the ground and went up to triangle shaped craft about a mile or so long. Our bubble went into the craft through a side opening that lead to a 'bay' where there were several other 'ships'. I think I also remember seeing an airplane in there. We were separated, my wife was left asleep (we believe induced) my son was playing with those who had us as he was about the same height. I guess now I should tell you this were traditional (?) greys -- about 3 foot tall, large head, large eyes, no nose as such, long arms and fingers. Donnie was taken one way -- he later said he was given a tour of the bridge of the ship. I was taken to a room where there was a grey laying on a table. I was left alone with him. I cannot say we used ESP, but I knew what he was thinking. I moved close and he took my hand and held it. Like he needed (not wanted -- needed) human touch. We sit there for a long time. I did not remember anything else happening. We never had any fear nor implants or anything. It was a nice feeling. After we were in the truck and driving away from McDonalds, we say a fireball that went from the far south to the far north. I always thought that was his body -- following his death. Now that I have had years of thinking about several major events in my life (I have had 2 near death events since that time)I have come to believe that my mother and I were watched by these same people from the 1950s until then and perhaps even now. That is my story, Peter I hope it can help you. If you repeat this story -- please do not use my email address.

2) Not all ET visits happen during the night time..... I wanted to tell you of an event that happened to my children and me soon after the Oct. 1994 abduction. I am sure that when this event happened, I was still unaware of what was going on, I had not come to the realization of what was happening to us. Whoever is conducting these abductions has a way of making the event and the time following seem under a "veil" of some kind. You remember what happened, but for some reason do not talk of it or attempt to "investigate" it. You do have a vague memory of something unusual, and only later (perhaps months later) will try to investigate that memory. By then, so much time has passed that it is futile, and the memory itself may seem so absurd that you wouldn't want to tell anyone anyway. Not long after our Oct. 1994 abduction event (I cant' be sure of exactly how long, but it seems only weeks) we had taken a trip to Austin and on the way back had stopped at a truckstop at the exit from hwy 35 and hwy 195. I had taken my children to the women's restroom. We walked out of the stall to wash our hands and there was woman standing there with her two children. I looked at her and quickly looked away (the way you would if someone was horribly disfigured, so as not to seem to stare even though it startled you). I helped my children wash their hands, catching a glimpse of this woman and her children in the mirror. Oddly, my children said absolutely nothing during all of this! I was totally horrified at how this woman and her children looked! I find it strange that my children had not said a word during all of this, even though they stared at this woman and her children as well. This woman and her children had large heads with sparse white stringy hair. They had HUGE almond shaped eyes, oversized irises that were pale blue. They had small noses and thin lips, with small pointed chins. They were very pale and almost sickly looking. Her children (a boy and a girl) seemed to be only a year or two older than my own children) I felt sorry for them, at their bizarre appearance. I now think of them as hybrids, although at that time I did not understand such things. my very first reaction was to think "MY GOD! How did they get in here without someone seeing them?" I thought that people would be screaming with how strange they looked, I could not believe that their appearance had not caused some kind of commotion! I don't remember this woman or her children saying anything, they just stood there, looking at us. I felt very uncomfortable, and hurried my children out of the restroom. I fully expected to find a gathering of horrified people standing and staring at the women's restroom, where they had seen this creature and her children walk into. On our way out of the restroom and back to our car, everything seemed "normal." I could not believe that everyone appeared to act "normal," that this woman and her children had not caused a panic! I looked at people, searched their faces and actions for some hint of panic or anything out of the ordinary. I found none, they seemed to appear and act as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Oddly, when I got back to my car I said nothing to my (then) husband, and neither did my children. My children and I said nothing of what we had just experienced. As our car pulled away from the truckstop, I kept wondering at what I had just seen. It was as if the emotion about it was tucked safely away just under the surface, leaving me only a vague feeling that something really strange and bizarre had just happened. Lindy, have you ever heard of anything like this before? It happened, that I am CERTAIN of!

3) I'd like to share something pretty strange that actually happened to my family.First, all the females in my direct family (mother, sisters) were born with perfectly straight lines on their stomachs. Beginning from midway down from the chest to the very top of the groin. I've had doctors yell me down saying I'd had a C-section before and (then) I had not. Never! After my C-section the original perfect straight line is still visible. Also when we were kids and living in rural Texas, about the early '60's, we kids would begin to gather, one by one, in the back yard. No one had agreed to do this beforehand. And no one said anything during this nor after. We silently left and went back to doing whatever we were doing. Once we had all gathered (there were about 5 of us then) these little silver discs would grab our attention. We'd all be mesmerized by the sight. And the discs, usually two or three, would do aerobatics, swoops, dives, figure eights, etc. No sound. And I remember thinking "They are putting on a show for us."After it was over, still not speaking to each other, we'd all go back to whatever. This happened several times and got to the point it was almost boring. I even felt this is all I need to know They are Real. Case closed. But after several years passed and they had long since stopped I began to believe these 'sightings/shows' were just dreams. Daydreams, maybe. But dreams nevertheless.It was only after talking to an avid UFO believer just 3 years ago over the phone that I finally related this story to another person. (Remember we kids still never spoke about it even after growing up). He was astonished at my belief that it was all a dream and asked me had I ever mentioned it to any of my siblings? Of course not, I said. It was only a dream. He asked how did I know? Ask one of them. And see.Well, I had a talk with an older sister the following weekend. I had barely gotten the question out and she said quietly, "Yes, I remember them, too. It wasn't a dream, Arraelle."Interestingly enough all the females on my mothers' side also have the gift of prophetic dreams. Each uniquely her own. My mother too. If anyone has heard of anyone else with straight lines on their stomachs from birth please contact so we can do a 'sharing.'I have many more such UFO incidents. Seeming to be directed at my family in general or me in particular but I can't say I've ever been abducted. No signs, implants or missing time, etc.


PCE Childhood/Familial Case FILES

2) I really don't know much about my grandmother (on my mom's side of thefamily) it is more my mother's experiences I can tell you about.First of all you need to know that there are a couple of different eventsgoing on here. One is with alien abductions, etc., and the other is withinterdimensional or outside forces of whatever kind. Sometimes they seemto have run together and there were so many things that happened over my lifetimealone that some of it is forgotten, other things can't be forgotten.Ever since I can remember there have been strange occurrences. I rememberat a young age my mother would tell us about the eyes she would see in thecloset and the little people that lived there or outside of her bedroomwindow. (this was around 1964)There were several times over the years she would tell me about seeingobjects flying in the sky. Once her and my dad went to a convention and asthey were on one of the chartered tour buses she watched out the window asan object followed them somewhat off in the distance, taking the same turnsas the bus. In essence it didn't matter which direction they were goingbecause the thing was always on my mom's side of the bus as she watched outthe window. (There were others who saw it also but as far as I know no oneturned it in as a sighting) When my mom got home she tried finding outsomething about it but I don't remember if she said others saw it or what.One time I remember the most is when my dad was still alive he owned his owncompany. I worked for him for several years as did my mom after I gotmarried and left.My dad took off for work in his car and my mom followed him not 5 minuteslater. The office was located about 7 to 10 miles from home. My dadarrived at the office and about a half hour later my mom arrived.My dad asked where she had been and she replied that she had followedhim and was rather confused. She told him the route she had taken and itwas the exact same one as my dad's. She had not stopped anywhere along theway and realized that what should have taken 10 minutes actually took her atleast a half an hour. To this day she has no idea where she was or why ittook her so long to get to the office. She has had other missing timeexperiences also.A few years ago she started talking about this hard metal thing in her arm.She even asked her doctor about it and he was stumped over it also. One dayshe went to scratch her arm or something and felt a long thin metal piece inher lower arm about 5 or 6 inches above her wrist. She got to lookingcloser and she could see where someone had put stitches in her arm (that iswhat she asked the doctor about) but she has never had surgery other thanabout 40 years ago after she had my younger brother and almost died becauseher insides were so upside down. She is never sick and never has to go tothe doctor so cannot figure out how this thing came to be in her arm.Then she started talking about the holes in her head. We got a good laughout of that one until we actually felt it. I think there are a couple ofthese small roundish holes underneath her skin the only one I remember isthe one that is right behind her ear. It is funny that you can actually putyour finger over it and feel it. It is like someone drilled a perfect hole underneath her skin and left no scaring, scabbing or any traces of being there.

Spirit Light/egregori:

1.)UFORC thanks CAUS and Julie Weldon (jd4@airmail.net) for sharing her PCEs with us: Am I to think these are untrue statements and merely absurd ramblings? I certainly hope not! This is one of the few reports that hit me personally. The night immediately following my sister's early afternoon death (within 12-15 hours or so - actually making it very early of the next morning 3am-ish)....I saw this 'orb,' 'globe,' blueish, whitish, transparent-like, perhaps gaseous, completely spherical, thing. It was clearly trying to tell me something. This sighting was not witnessed by anyone else in the house, although I have a neighbor who says she's seen this thing in her house befor e (different town, different times).........it has always baffled me in that I'm unsure as to whether it was my sister's energy-form, or spirit or 'someone' who came for her, or 'someone' else who was monitoring the family, or me, or an angel, or even other form of life entirely. I would certainly love to know how many people out there haveexperienced this blue-white'ball of seemingly innocent behavior?I'd like extremely clear descriptions of this thing and its exact movements asmuch as possible. The one I saw moved rather quickly - at approx. 3-4 ft. fr omfloor, back and forth from living room to dining room and kitchen, which are laidit in an almost 'crescent pattern' of design, making it move like almost exactlyhalf of a circle - I don't recall it going up or down, hardly at all - but thissemicircular movement, not rhythmic, either. It kept coming around almost rightup to me - was always within 10-20 feet, sometimes within just 1-2 feet ofme!!!!! Clearly attempting something - some sort of communication attempt-maybe I was too exhausted from watching her dying moments to get it but Istill want it/her to come back and tell me...most baffling.Also, as I've told you lately, I have been waking middle of night (2-3-4ish) Idon't keep a clock by the bed any more but my thoughts tell me mostly before3 AM, and I'm 'hearing'' all sorts of 'whirring, extremely high-pitched whistling,vibrations often accompany this mild annoyance. It continues for most of thenight, often. Several nights I have awakened with heavy, rapid pulse as if I've been exertingenergy, or having some fear-based response to something. I usually am able t oreturn to a sound sleep.....This is beginning to be a regular event - and, thatis making me a little uncomfortable. UFORC CASE No. CAUS#JUL299C001

UFORC Case No. CAUS#JUL299C002
UFO/Occupant Encounter

2) UFORC thanks CAUS and Amanda (rgf@gte.net) for sharing her PCE with us:OK. I know I will probably sound like countless other people who have gonecrazy! But here goes, this is what happened and It is the truth tome.....whatever it was. I was downstairs chatting with a few pals over the Internet and decided togo to bed. I logged off and walked upstairs. It was around 3am, as Iwalked up the stairs I noticed from the large window above the front door,that there appeared to be a green light in the street, that was ratherbright. I looked at it for a few moments but because I have blinds on thiswindow I walked down the stairs and looked out the long window at the sideof the door, on the same wall. I could see a green glowing ball in themiddle of the street about thirty feet above the houses. I stared at ittrying to figure out what it was and I had never seen anything like itbefore. The middle of it seemed to glow white almost at times with aslight shade of green over it. the outside edges was very green in color.I could not work out what it was, so I opened the front door to get adirect view, not through the glass. As I stared at it, the white centerchanged from white to green and the shape seemed to be changing. Theroundness appeared less round and more stretched out. I don't know quitehow to describe it but it was almost as if it could not make up it's mindas to what shape it wanted to be. It kept changing from round to anoutstretched oblong. Anyway I felt a sort of, how can I describe it...ashiver as if someone was watching me from behind my head and it was atthat moment that I saw a figure. At first I thought it was one ofneighbors come out to see what it was just as I had. When I looked closer I realized that this neighbor was very tall. Too tall i n fact since he must have been around 7ft in height. I could judge this as he appeared to bestanding by a tree in one of the neighbors gardens. It was almostinstantaneous that as I realized he was rather too tall to be theneighbor, that I felt the feeling as if I was being watched from behind meonly stronger. A sudden bolt of fear ran through me and I shut the door. Iturned to run up the stairs and I couldn't. I felt as if I had to turnback and look at him again. I was terrified and I did not wish to look. Itwas then that I could not move. I don't know if I was transfixed withfear, or what, but I couldn't move. I tried to walk up the stairs but itseemed as if everything my brain was telling me to do was not registering.I knew the person was closer, or at least my fear made me feel that wayand I prayed that I would not see. I closed my eyes. (I still can't figureout why I was able to close my eyes but not move from the position I wasin.) It was then that I felt a weird sensation from behind me which wasnow the front of the door where I had been standing watching through thewindow. I felt an electric type shock, a tingly sensation on my leftshoulder about one inch from the top of it. I felt the same sensation onmy the back of my right knee. I know my mind was thinking that he wastouching me there. it lasted for a brief moment, but seemed like foreverto me at the time it was perhaps 30 sec's. Suddenly I was able to moveagain and I darted up the stairs faster than I have ever run in my lifeand shouted for my husband, who was asleep in bed. I ran into the bedroomshouting "there was a green ball of light in the street" and he neededto come look at it. He got up out of bed and walked into my son's bedroom,opened the blinds and looked directly out into the street. I could seequite clearly that it was still there but there was no sign of the man. At this point My husband declared...and this sounds weird but he said ."Itmust have been only for you" and then of all things he walked back to thebedroom backwards and climbed into bed. I know this must sound like I hada dream or something but I know I was awake. I just stared at him walkingbackwards. I assumed later that he was asleep and was sleepwalking, but Iknow I was awake. I climbed into bed asking him to stay awake with me buthe did not hear me at all. I asked him to go look and see if it was goneand he just carried on sleeping. I curled the quilt up to me and lay inthe bed too frightened to go and investigate further. I know I fellasleep. Then I had a really weird dream. Now this probably was my imagination, but the figure I had seen in the stree t was now in my dream. He stood clearly at the side of my bed. He was very tal l easily over seven feet in height. He had the appearance of a locust, or grasshopper typeinsect. He was not at all like the conventional grey thin man I had seenon TV or read of. He was light brown in color and had big slanted eyes butwith two long pointy things at the side of his head, which I assumed to beears. he wore a, I know this sounds like something of Lost in Space, buthe had a silver like leisure suit on. He spoke to me, not with his mouthbut in my head. He told me that everything would be OK and that he wantedto show me something. I then saw a picture in front of me like a TV screenor something, and on it was a place, just completely destroyed, desertedand desolate. It was quite horrible. I got the feeling that "we" beingHuman were responsible for it. I kept wondering where it was and what hadhappened and I all I knew was that It was America. This place looked asif it had had several natural disasters hit it all at once. No sign oflife, nothing just debris, flattened. His voice told me once again that itwould be OK but that I had to see it to understand. The thing is I do notunderstand? What was he showing me? Was it what it seemed a placedestroyed by something we did? And why did he show it to me and then tellme it would be OK and not explain anything else. He said he had beencollecting samples and I had disturbed them. I do not remember anythingelse about the experience, except to say I woke feeling fine andquestioned my husband about what he had seen and said and done that night.He remembered nothing, except for me declaring that I had seen a greenglowing light in the street. He didn't remember getting up or anything.When I told him what he had done he just shrugged. Now I don't know what was going on......and I probably sound like acomplete nutcase but if you have explain any I would appreciate it. This probably is just me, but it happens that I have a growth on myneck directly inline with my left shoulder, that the doctor has yet toidentify. It seems It is some sort of tissue that Is swelling but for whatreason they do not know. I have seen an oncologist who said he could seethe growth from the cat scan, but that he had no idea what it was,although it appeared to have a fatty consistency. Oh this isstupid....what's the point in telling you this it probably has nothing todo with it...but I have a growth on the bottom of my right foot also, thatwas causing pain.....I am putting 2 and 2 together and making 65! theseare my thoughts....please don't think me a wacko. Well, I think its time for another week of Personal Contact Experiences (PCEs)...so starting Monday get ready to see further evidence of this other intelligence that is interacting with us. UFORC CASE No. CAUS#JUL299C002

UFORC extends its special thanks to CAUS for these case reports.




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