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What Is The Show About

Declan Dunn's (Adrian Pasdar) fascination with mystical phenomena began several years ago when he was buried under an avalanche and given up for dead. After he miraculously survived, he committed his life to investigating miracles and the absolute proof of their existence.

Declan is proof that miracles happen. But how do they occur? How could a five-year-old child survive drowning in a freezing lake? How could a blind mother locate and rescue her unconscious baby from a flaming inferno? How is it the two seemingly identical twins are not even related?

Now a professor of Anthropology at Northern University of Oregon , Declan has the training, support staff and the opportunity to study the uncanny, inexplicable phenomena people call "miracles." Each week, Declan and and a skeptical psychiatrist, Peggy (Rae Dawn Chong), embark on an adventure of the impossible: The quest to explain what science cannot.

Mysterious Ways

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