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Republic Washington |
THE THINGS THAT WE DO IN REPUBLIC Welcome to the homepage for the Republic Eagles! Visitors and guests of the Republic Eagles At the District.#10 meeting on May 19th.2002,at the Republic Eagles during the opening of the joint meeting,Wilda Wyckoff was honored by the presentation of the: Ms. Eagles Award. Mary Ann Ohlund,Wilda's daughter from Spokane and Chuck Glass, Wilda's son from Hermiston Oregon presented two beautiful boquet of red and white roses. Wildas Grandson,Bob Wyckoff,his wife Sharon and their 16 week old daughter Melina, also joined in the presentation and congratulations. After the joint meeting, Aerie and Auxillary meetings, the large crowd enjoyed a great meal of BBQ'd ribs and a variety of side dishes. We just celebrated our 101Th. Anniversary in June of 2001! Phone 509-775-3094 for more information Republic Eagles Aerie #68 Mailing address is P.O.B. 426 Republic,Wa.99166 Rudy Ohlund Our meeting nights are the 2nd. and 4th. Wedensday night at 7:30 pm The Auxilary meets on the 2nd. & 4th.Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm Joint Meetings are held the First Wedensday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Our Aerie phone # is 509-775-3094 and our Lounge manager is Tina Roberts.Our hours of operation is 12:00 P.M. to 12:00 P.M.during the week and 12:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. on Sunday. The annual Eagles Easter Egg hunt was a big success in 2003 and took place this year again,on Easter Sunday March 31st.Everone is looking forward to next year. .All the eggs are worth money and the kids really picked up some spending money.The children are seperated into various age groups so everyone has an equal chance for success.The Eagles also provide and BBQ hot dogs and provide juices for the event. In the town of Republic we have three motels.In addition to the motels listed there are several R.V.Parks in the Republic area with & without hookups. The phone numbers of the three motels are: The Klondike 509-775-3555 They have: 2 beds in 7 rooms =14 beds 13 rooms with double beds The Prospector Inn 509-775-3361 They have 28 rooms: 14 rooms with two queen size beds 14 rooms with one queen size beds 6 rollaways are available The Northern Inn 509-775-3371 They have 21 rooms: 1 room with 1 king size bed and an in room Jaquzi 3 rooms with 1 king size bed 16 rooms with 2 queen sized beds 1 room with 1 queen size bed The 2nd.weekend in June is Prospector Days in Republic. A time when everyone celebrates the founding of our town and the Miners and Loggers that made their lives here.This year the celebration was a big sucess as usual and the weather was great and the street dance's on Friday and Saturday night and was well attended and fun filled. |
EAGLE LINKS Airport (Pilots)Information Ferry County Chamber Of Commerce Pilots Call Rudy, 509-775-2101 for a ride to town from the airport. Call Ron,509-775-2221 for a ride to the Golf Course. Call The Republic Taxi at 509-775-3307 |
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ABOUT REPUBLIC AERIE # 68 June 2000 thru May 2001 Past Worthy President, Gary Dougherty Worthy President,Jack Hamilton Vice President, Don Mathews Worthy Chaplin,Ray "Buck" Strauch Secretary,Harry R.Dreyer, (Harry is also Washington State District # 10 Secretary) Treasure,John Bergan Conductor,Andy Strauch Inside Gaurd,Gene Neil 2 Yr.Neil Garrison,2Yr.Wayne Taylor,1Yr. Nick Nickols,1Yr.Homer Taylor,3Yr. Ken Hill Membership Security Chairman Harry R.Dreyer Membership Chairman Harry R.Dreyer Aerie E-Mail may be sent to:Rudy Ohlund June 2000 thru May 2001 Jr.Madam Past President, Darcy Dirks Madam President, Debi Hamilton Madam Vice President, Dot Berg Conductor, Tammy Fox Secretary, Shawna Janot Treasure, Not filled Inside Gaurd, Gentle Waters Outside Gaurd, Not filled Cheryl Kless, Barb Sherman Auditor, Delinquent Chairman, Membership Chairman, Publicity Chairman, Bulletin Editor, Interviewing Committee, Scholarship Committee, Visiting Committee, By-Laws Committee, Conciliation Committee, Auxillary #68 mailing address is : P.O.B.267 Republic,Wa 99166 Auxiliary E-Mail may be sent to: Rudy Ohlund At the Lounge we have two pool tables.Pool leauge is about ready to start for the season.Get a team together and have a great time.Sign up at the Aerie lounge. Three Dart Machines with Dart Leauge on Monday nights and Nick Nichols runs an in house Dart steak shoot,(sometimes a turkey or Shrimp or Ham shoot!) on Friday nights starting at 7:00 pm. All entries are returned to the players. Wilda Wyckoff has recieved a plaque for perfect attendance at the District 10 meetings and has been named Mother Eagle at Aux.#68.Congratulations to Wilda. |