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Salmonfly.Net Salmon and Steelhead Fly Tying Guide  In Memory of Scotty Howell In Memory of Yuri Shumakov

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Salmonfly.Net Salmon and Steelhead Fly Tying Guide

Fly Tying

Basic Tying Instructions

Anatomy of a Fly

Salmon and Steelhead Hooks

Fly Tying Tools

Materials Glossary

Fly Patterns

Fly Search

Match Flies to Species

Contributing Tyers

More Information 

Fly Tying For All.Com

Steelhead Facts

Pacific Salmon Facts

Tips and Techniques


Site Map




Photo Gallery

A Note to Salmonfly.Net Readers

Salmonly.Net has outgrown it's old and tired pages. We are in the process of transitioning over to a new, exciting site on a different server. Please bear with us during this period. There are literally  over a thousand pages, flies, and articles to recreate, but we have a good start. Check out the new Salmonfly.Net here: www.Salmonfly.Net.

Contributing Fly Tyer Series

Chartreuse Golden Pheasant Dee
Clark Lucas's
Chartreuse Golden Pheasant Dee

For over 15 years Salmonfly.Net has been publishing the flies of contributing fly tyers from all over the world. The wonderfully hackled Spey and Dees of Clark Lucas (as seen above) were the first to be displayed, but were quickly followed by the flies of contributors from Idaho to Swedan; flies of all types - Classic featherwings and hairwings, Pacific Salmon flies , Sea-Run Cuttthroat flies, Steelhead flies, Atlantic Salmon flies and many in-between. Browse through the Contributing Fly Tyer pages to the hundreds o flies sent over the years. See the  Contributing Fly Tyers pages.

Fly Tying Instructions

Tying Instructions

Salmonfly.Net was originally a simple fly-tying instructions site, thus the name "Fly-tying Guide". So, though more flies than you can count are invented every year, the basic the instructions never change. Start at Basic Instructions, and go from there.



Fly Patterns

Kilchis Killer

In addition to the numerous flies on the Contributing Fly Tyers page, you will find hundreds of other popular, traditional, and modern Steelhead, Pacific Salmon, Atlantic Salmon, Saltwater, and Sea-Run Cutthroat flies on Salmonfly.Net. Begin by clicking on one of the links in the menu over the top of the page

Contributing Fly Tyer Series

1998 Photo (Dennis holding a steelhead)

Many of the Salmonfly.Net contributors have written articles for Salmonfly.Net,  most about fly fishing or tying, or step-by-step fly-tying instructions for a particular fly. Most notable are the humorous stories of Dennis Dickson (above) of Dickson Flyfishing Steelhead Guides. All of his stories on this site center around instructions for tying one of his highly effective Steelhead flies. Dennis has years of experience as a guide and knows what works. Find all of these on the Articles page.


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This page is maintained by Salmonfly.Net (Friday, January 30, 1998 to Saturday, March 8, 2025 )