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~*Chapter 2*~

"No, Um...I better not---I'm here with my boyfriend," Erica said looking uncertain with her decision. She looked over her shoulder to where she knew Adam was sitting and shot him a look that could kill when she saw him slip the a blonde bimbo his number. "Oh that's too bad," Justin said with obvious disapointment in his voice. Erica looked at his handsome face and heard a voice in her head tell her to go with him. She began to wonder what she was giving up as she and Justin said their good byes and he turned and walked out of her life. Erica wondered if she'd ever see him again as she walked over to her oh so innocent boyfriend. "Ahem, excuse me," Erica said while pushing her body past the blonde.

Oh, my god! Aren't you like---Erica Matter? The riches girl in town," She babbled at me, watching me like I was some famous super model from one of her fashion magazines. This pissed Erica off even more, " Yes, how were you enjoying your conversation with MY boyfriend?," She asked a matter a factly.

"Oh look Erica, we were just talking," Adam said not looking ne bit guilty.

Yes, I'm sure her chest talks back to," Erica replied sarcastically. "Look lets get out of here, I don't feel much like partying," She added before dragging Adam out the club door. It was amazing how the one night Adam actually took her out, that he still ruined it. As she climbed into the driver seat of the car Erica noticed the blonde from the club also getting into hers. Erica thought nothing of it and turned to speak to Adam, "Where do you want to sleep tonight hun?," Erica asked, usually they stayed at Adams because he felt unconfortablewhen we stayed at the "rich" house. She rolled her eyes at the thought and waited for Adams reply. "Um, actually I think I'm just gonna go home tonight, alone," Adam said adverting his eyes.

"Oh, Ok," Erica said with disapointment in her eyes because they hadn't spent a night apart in weeks.

"Yeah, so could you drop me off," Adam said, seeing his apartment up the road.

"Yeah, here you go," Erica said as she puled up yto the curb. She glacedup to what shw knew was his bedroom window and thought she saw a womens shadow move across. "No, I must be seeing things," Erica reasoned when she glace up again and saw nothing. She shook her head as she pulled away from the curb.

Chapter 3
Chapter 1