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~*ThE BeGiNnInG*~

"Baby, Bye, Bye, Bye," n'sync blarred out of Erica's radio.

"Erica turn that crap off!," Her boyfriend Adam yelled from under his Erica's car. It had broken down for about the millionth time in the last month, and it iritated Adam. "I don't understand why you don't just buy a new's not like you're not rolling in money girl," Adam pointed out. Erica hated to me reminded of her vast wealth, because so many people just saw dollar signs when they looked at her. "You know why! If I start driving around in daddy's porshe then people will have a reason to call me a stuck up snob now won't they?," Erica backlashed, not immpressed with her boyfriend at the moment.

"Right, if I had that kinda money...I'd by 10 cars," Adam said, looking Erica up and down, "Will you marry me," He continued laughing at the prospect. They had been dating since highschool, and Erica thought getting out of there would bring Adam a new sense of maturity...tough luck. "Haha, god Adam, when are you gonna grow up," Just as she said that the old dodge started up, Adam rolled out to reveal a well built blue eyed, gorgeous young man. Looking at him used to make her melt but now it was more of a routine, same ole same ole. "Are we going out tonight," Erica asked expecting the regular, "I'm tired," or "Tomorrow night,".

"Yeah, I thought we'd check out the new club, Millenium tonight," Adam said.

"Really, that's great," Erica said excitedly, wrapping her arms around her sweaty boyfriend.

"Yep, I'll pick you up at 8, I've gotta go now, bye baby," Adam gave her a pec on the cheak, and ran of towards his car.


"Millenium?, that is so sweet!," Erica's bestest Ronnie said after hearing the news, "I heard some stars and stuff were gonna be there tonight," She continued.

"Really, I hadn't heard...maybe I'll meet my dream guy," Erica joked.

"Yeah and ditch that pig you're dating," Ronnie never hid her feelings towards Adam, and Erica had stopped getting upset months ago. Ronnie and Erica had been friends since grade 9 when they had both been shy akward new kids. By grade they were prom queen and runner had been great. Erica heard Adam drive up to her house, and honk the horn. Erica groaned because she new her mother hated when he didn't come to the door like a 'gentleman'. "Is that the pig," Ronnie asked sounding unimmpressed.

"Yeah, gotta jet, I'll definately call you tomorrow," I said before hanging up the phone.


The music was blarring so loudly as they entered the bar Erica didn't here the bouncer ask for her I.D. She was 21, so she asumed everyone knew. She laughed at the thought and flashed the I'D. As Erica and Adam walked through the door she saw about 100 amazingly dressed people on the dance floor. Erica didn't look to shaby herself...silver mini, crop top, and heels. Every guy turned to stare at her, but Adam wrapped a protective arm around her. "I'm gonna go get a drink," Adam yelled ove the the loud music.

"Not surprising," Erica muttered.

"What?," Adam asked, he drank too much, another flaw.

"I said, I'll be on the dance floor," Erica said before walking off on her own. She started dancing, really getting into it when she felt someone grab her hips and and start to move with her. At first she wanted to resist, but as she turned around she found herself face to face with the most amazing blonde god she had ever saw. So instead of pushing him away she pulled him closer. They danced what seemed like forever until he said, "Wanna go somewhere where we can talk?,"

"I don't even no you," Erica told him.

"I'm Justin, you're Erica, dont' you remember me?," Justin said looking into his eyes. She looked closely at him when it came to her. "Prom king!," Erica screamed, remember she had danced with this guy once before. Justin Timberlake, she had gone to school with him all through grade school..then he'd gone away to become famous. He had returned breifly in highschool to graduate...becoming prom king in the process. Erica had had a mad crush on him. "So you do remember me, good, haha, you know I always had a crush on you ya know?," Justin said, as if reading my mind.

"So how bout dinner?," Justin asked again. I looked over at the bar to see Adam drooling over some blonde bimbo with fake breasts, and sighed. She looked back and forth at both guys. 'What am I gonna do,' Erica thought.

What should she do? U decide?

~*ShOuLd ErIcA Go WiTh JuStIn?*~
~*ShOuLd ErIcA CoNfRoNt ADaM ?*~