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~*Chapter 11*~

"Hey, mom, how are you?" Heather asked, for the second time that day. She kept in close contact with her mother, and just wanted to make sure everything was running smoothly.

"Mom?" Heather asked again, when her only response was sobbing.

"Heather... I'm fine. I'm just not sure about Nick," her mom replied.

"What are you talking about? When I left yesterday he was in perfect health. I doubt at 9 at night on a Saturday, he'd be sick. He's probably clubbing or something," Heather replied.

"No, that's not it at all. He was going to... I don't know... from the looks of it, Daytona, and he..." she started crying without finishing.

"What happened? How did he find out I was in Daytona? You didn't tell him, did you?" Heather spat out.

"I didn't tell him. I don't know how he found out. But... oh Heather. Nick was in a car accident this afternoon.... I don't know the condition he's in or anything. Jane just called to tell me the horrible news," her mom said, starting to cry again.

"Mom, it's okay, where is he?" Heather asked.

"I think she said, Sanford Hospital..." her mom replied slowly.

"I'll call you later, I'm going to see him," Heather said quickly, hanging up. She grabbed her cell phone on her way out to door to her car. As she started to back out, she dialed Sarah's number. "Hello?" a familiar voice answered.

"Sarah, why the hell did you tell Nick? Now he's in the hospital and it's ALL YOUR FAULT!" Heather yelled.

"What?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah, you know what I'm talking about," Heather replied.

"I only told Nick you were in Daytona, he deserved to know," Sarah said.

"Sarah, I trusted you. I can't believe you did this to me," Heather screamd sourly, and hung up. She couldn't stand to talk to her, after she betrayed her. Heather finally reached the hospital after a 45 minute drive.

"Do you have the room number for Nick Carter?" she said, to the attendent behind a desk in the lobby.

"Yes.... Emergency Room number 11," She said, handing her a pass.

"Thank you," she said, running to the emergency room.

"Jane," Heather said, as a blond haired lady turned around.

"Oh Heather. I'm so glad you're here. Go in, he'll be happy to see you," Jane said, wiping away stray tears.

"I'm so sorry," Heather apologized.

"For what?" she asked.

"He was coming after me," she explained, turning to go inside his room.

"Nick?" Heather whispered, entering the bare white room. Nick turned his head, to face her, and slowly waved.

"How are you feeling?" she asked, noticing his arm was in a sling, and there was enough cuts and bruises for them both to share. Nick shrugged.

"Do you plan on talking to me?" she asked, smiling.

"Yeah," Nick mumbled.

"Nick.... what's the matter?" Heather asked.

"As if you didn't know?" Nick asked.

"Nick, if this has anything to do with me going to Daytona, I just wanna say, I told you and you seemed okay with it..." Heather said.

"Heather, you don't expect me to believe that, do you? You told me to not be surprised if you didn't talk to me, you had to think. Of course I said okay, what did you expect me to say? No, it's not? When you said that, I didn't expect you to go so far away to just think!" Nick exclaimed, his voice getting so much louder, that it scared Heather.

"Nick, please, it isn't what you think," Heather pleaded.

"I thought you loved me.... at least that's what it seemed a couple days ago, before you did this little disappearing act," Nick said scornfully.

"Nick! I still do love you!" Heather said.

"Could've fooled me...." Nick said, glaring.

"Nick, I felt bad, I mean, I dumped Brian," Heather said.

"Right, and it was gonna be easy if you did it later? I couldn't do it for you!" Nick yelled.

"Nick! I refuse to take this!" Heather said, tears starting to form in her eyes. She couldn't believe Nick was treating her this way. She turned to leave the room, when Nick started to yell at her. "You're running Heather! Just like you ran to Daytona!" Heather spun around angrily.

"Nick, it hurt. You think it was easy for me to just dump Brian?! Well, news flash buddy, it wasn't!" Heather said, tears spilling down her cheeks.

"Right, and it made me feel great when you just seemed to leave without telling me. I thought I was your best friend. Best friends forever," Nick said.

"We are Nick, right?" she asked.

"I don't know," Nick replied. She looked him in the eyes, tears running down her face. She wasn't sure what he was saying, but she didn't want to stay around long enough to find out. She took one last look at him, before spinning around on her heel, and closing the door behind her. She stood outside Nick's hospital door, hoping she hadn't just walked out on the best friendship she'd ever had. She looked at Jane, who patted the seat next to her. Heather sighed, before coming to her. "What's the matter?" Jane asked.

"It's a long story," Heather sighed.

"And we've got plenty of time," she coaxed, as Heather started.

Chapter 12
Chapter 10